
siksa and pranama mantras

Haridas.bts - May 3, 2005 9:33 am

just a quick question!


can those with siksa gurus chant their pranamas along with the diksa guru pranamas?

Bhrigu - May 3, 2005 11:59 am

That's what Swami does: he chants the pranama-mantras of both Prabhupada and Sridhara Maharaja. So I guess the answer would be yes. :(

Haridas.bts - May 3, 2005 3:25 pm

thanx brighu prabhu!


okay, i have officially accepted Swami as my siksa guru and hopefully mantra diksa guru in the future. so i chant BTS pranam first and then Swami's?

Jason - May 3, 2005 4:07 pm

If one wants to chant swami's pranam mantra, is it proper to chant the one that was recently written specifically for him, or is it ok to chant, "nama om visnu padaya.." and put in Tripurari Swami's name. If it's more proper to chant Maharaja's recently written pranam mantra, could that be posted again?



Madangopal - May 3, 2005 4:25 pm



I worship Swami Sri Bhaktivedanta Tripurari, that swanlike devotee who always playfully relishes the nectar of the lotus blossoms of conclusive knowledge. He is the treasure of the servants of Audarya dhama and the bestower of confidential devotion. Being specially empowered by Aghabhid, he is expert at the art of canvassing.


An alternative and smaller pranam is:


koti namaskara kori dante trna dhori

acarya bhaktivedanta swami tripurari


"With a straw in my teeth I offer thousands of pranams to acarya Swami Bhaktivedanta Tripurari."

Babhru Das - May 3, 2005 7:01 pm

Another, shorter alternative has also been authorized by Swami:


prasIda suhRd ArtAnAM prasIdaudArya-dhArine

rAga-zoka-bhujaGgena daSTaM mAm uddhara guro


Please be kind to me, dear friend to the distressed. Be kind, my guide, o reservoir of munificence, and deliver me, for I have been bitten by the snake of attachment and lamentation.


(I used the Harvard-Kyoto version because I've been unable to successfully use the image file I tried creating with Snagit. I'm offering it here in hopes that the composer may realize some sort of spiritual royalties from its use.)


Here's a version for those not inclined to sort out the H-K equivalents:


prasida suhrid artanam prasidaudarya-dharine

raga-shoka-bhujangena dastam mam uddhara guro