
Swami's Gita reviewed!

Bhrigu - May 12, 2005 10:49 am

Dear devotees,


just to inform those who haven't seen it yet: Swami's Gita has been reviewed in the newest issue of Journal of Vaishnava Studies (13/2, pp 217-219) by Dr. Arvind Sharma, a noted Indologist and historian of religion. Though I think he kind of misses what Guru Maharaja's main point with this Gita is, Dr. Sharma's review is quite positive, and he points out some interpretations of Swami's as being very thoughtful and innovative (to 4.13, 4.36 and 18.61). He writes, for example, that "though practicioners will find particular delight in the Swami's explanations, academics would do well to seriously consider his insights and interestingly nuanced elaborations."


Go Swami! :D



