
Photos from Audarya!

Jason - May 24, 2005 9:38 pm



I am trying to load some photos from the Nrsimha Caturdasi program last Sunday. It was my first visit to Audarya and I had a blast. I arrived early (9am) and Citta Hari was finishing up making halava for the feast. We talked while he cleaned up the kitchen and then he gave me the grand tour (quite a tour guide too; so smart). He showed me the goshala, all the different gardens, the greenhouse, the solar panels, the yurts and the bathhouse. He explained the architectural style, materials used and the future plans. He talked about the geography of the area, the nearby towns and all the vision(s) that Maharaja has for Audarya in the future.


I was suprised to see how nice the accomodations were in the yurts. I thought the devotees were "roughing it", but then I saw how nice Guru-nistha's room was. He was hard at work....doing somethings with the computer?? Maharaja later commented that the devotees are very diligent about using Audaryas "technology" to further Krsna consciousness. Where some people could get distracted with such amenities, he's proud that the devotees use it as part of their service.


After some time, Vrindaranya and Vamsidhari came scaling up the side of the mountain and we talked for a bit. Vrindaranya let me help her cut up cauliflower and peaches for her preparations. I was amazed to see how despite the fact that it was a festival day, the devotees were calm. They have everything down to a science. Citta Hari had done his part in the kitchen, while the others did other services. Then they switch, like a changing of the guards! Vamsidhari came in to do the lunch offering and cook a blueberry tart/shortbread type of dessert that was to die for! Then, while Vamsi and I were listening to Maharaja speak on the porch, Vrindaranya came up to start her preparations....joined shortly thereafter by Guru-nistha.


It's like clockwork, and they know that since space is limited, it's best to be on a schedule. Citta Hari mentioned how during the day, for a couple hours, the devotees get together and work on a bigger project (like gardening) so they can get more done. Audarya functions like a well-oiled machine under Maharaja's guidance. Vrindaranya said that Maharaja milks the cow daily!


Guests started to arrive later in the afternoon, so there was some time to just sit on the deck and chant in the sun (I got quite a sunburn too!!!). It was so beautiful. The tinkering of the cow bells as they played and napped, the smells wafting from the kitchen, talking for a long time with Maharaja on the porch. I felt I was really in the spiritual world.


Maharaja gave an amazing class after Agnidev lead some melodious chanting. Brahma's parents visited and to see the way Maharaja interacted with them was nice. Clover (Brahmas mother) gave Maharaja a hug and thanked him for being so kind. Brahmas father gave a donation to Maharaja; the same amount that he gives when he goes to church back at home. It was sweet to watch.


I even managed to leave that evening with some extra prasadam for my girlfriend and a cassette transcribing machine so that I can do some transcribing for Maharaja! That's killer service! I'm so excited....


I could write for hours, but I will get on with the photos.


thanks so much for a great day. I'll be back!

Jason - May 24, 2005 9:48 pm

here are some photos....


Jason - May 24, 2005 9:51 pm

Cows and scenery...


Jason - May 24, 2005 10:00 pm

Mohan is so cute...







Jason - May 24, 2005 10:06 pm

More photos...






Jason - May 24, 2005 10:13 pm

Vamsidhari snapped this one of me and Citta Hari....and here are some photos of Maharaja!





SashidharaDasa - May 24, 2005 11:29 pm

Jason Prabhuji,


Thanks so much for sharing with us.




Radhanama Dasa - May 25, 2005 1:23 am
It was so beautiful.  The tinkering of the cow bells as they played and napped, the smells wafting from the kitchen, talking for a long time with Maharaja on the porch.  I felt I was really in the spiritual world.



Thanks for the pics Jason and reminding me why i need to get back ASAP!!!! :D



Panchatattva - May 25, 2005 4:40 pm

Thanks, Jason, for the descriptive report, and the beautiful photos. It makes me want to go soooooooo badly! :D:D

Syamasundara - May 26, 2005 5:53 am

What is it in corespondence with the fence that makes the grass grow so lush?


Can't you spread it all over the grounds before the rains come? One of my dreams is to see Audarya all grassy like a pasturing ground. It will prevent erosion, too.

Citta Hari Dasa - May 26, 2005 8:51 pm

I think it's because the fence catches organic matter, which then retains moisture and helps the grass grow. Probably not practical to spread fence everywhere. But each year Audarya gets a little greener; it was a bit of a moonscape four years ago.

Karnamrita Das - May 26, 2005 8:57 pm

Cittahari: I have found here that clover grows much easier than grass only taking a few days to germinate if kept wet, and seed is not that expensive, and the cows like it! We have 3 different kinds here the regular white flower, purple and a new one for me, red--very beautiful. You might try growing it at Audarya.