
Participating in Public Forums

SashidharaDasa - May 28, 2005 12:51 am

Dear Devotees,


Dandavat Pranams.


I have always been wondering if it is a good idea to participate in Public Spiritual forums ?


I remember vaguely we have discussed about this may be in tattvaviveka yahoo groups but I wanted to hear from all of you on this.


I sometimes see many people especially from India writing with full of misconceptions. Its like devil quoting the scriptures. I feel I cannot stand them at the same time I doubt myself how good I can present myself and convince them.

There are also some genuine seekers out there who got introduced to KC but lacking guidance or motivation.


I was wondering may be there should be another public forum which should be hosted by Audarya under the guidance of Swami, so that all the vaishnavas here can enlighten more people ?


Any thoughts ?




Bhakta Ivar - June 1, 2005 11:05 am
I have always been wondering if it is a good idea to participate in Public Spiritual forums ?



It depends which forums, and how convinced the participants are. Some people cannot be convinced of anything which contradicts their particular guru or school of thought. The only result will be RSI.

