
Harinama in Palo Alto...

Jason - May 28, 2005 6:00 am



Vaisesika das and the devotees from the San Jose temple are trying to encourage as many devotees as possible to participate in the harinam's that they are trying to have regularly in Palo Alto, close to Stanford University.


If anyone is interested in checking it out, here's a link. I will drop an announcement when the next one is going to happen.







Jason - June 26, 2005 12:01 am

Man, I'm really bad about keeping people posted! I will try to do better. Though I didn't make it last night, there was a really good Harinam in Palo Alto at University and Emerson Streets in downtown. I received a nice update from Vaisesika das and the event was even covered by KPIX Channel 5 news! They said, "Tonight the streets are peaceful with the sounds of the Hare Krsna's chanting in the street." Vaisesika said that there were some very nice clips on the news as well!


What's interesting is that tonight in downtown Palo Alto, there is supposed to be an anarchist protest that the police are expecting trouble from!


If anyone is interested in catching the next harinam in Palo Alto, please e-mail me...The devotees are trying to have Friday night Harinam and then Saturday book distribution parties. Anyone want to go out next Saturday and do book distribution here in the city?





