
What is the difference?

OOney - May 31, 2005 4:22 pm

Please accept my humble obeisances.


I wanted to know what the difference between Iskcon and Swami Tripuari. I see all the wonderful pictures of Swami Tripuari and Srila Prabhupad, but swami is not affiliated with ISKCON. What is the difference?

Vrindavandas - June 1, 2005 2:13 am

Swami is a very distinguished and well known disciple of Srila Prabhupada. In the early days of ISKCON, Swami was the leading and foremost book distributor in Srila Prabhupada's mission. Srila Prabhupada called him "The Incarnation of Book Distribution", which he is still called today by many of his well wishers, disciples and friends. As you know, Srila Prabhupada founded his own mission in 1966, in New York City. It was his desire, taken from his Guru that all his godbrothers work together. Regardless of the circumstances, this did not really come to fruition, and Srila Prabhupada with the help of many sincere disciples, including Tripurari Maharaja, flooded the world with Krsna consciousness as was predictied by Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Bhaktivinode Thakur. On the website, www.swami.org, Swami has a few different question and answers where he addresses the past issues between himself and ISKCON and why Swami is no longer part of the organization.


I will try to briefly sum up the history and if anyone wants to clarify my mistakes or faults in this please do.


Shortly before Srila Prabhupada departed, one of his leading disciples asked him what they should do after he disappeared in regards to help. Srila Prabhupada told them to go and consult Srila Sridhar Maharaja who not only was a leading disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, but also a very dear friend and godbrother of Srila Prabhupada. When Srila Prabhupada gave this instruction to take siksa from Sridhar Maharaja, Tripurari Maharaja was present massaging Prabhupada's feet.


From 1977-1981 Srila Sridhar Maharaja, was a consultant for ISKCON and the GBC on many matters, both philisophically and managerially. It was around this time that factions were taking place within ISKCON and many people were going to Sridhar Maharaja for political reasons and it created chaos. In essence, people were being very abusive to Sridhar Maharaja and trying to be manipulative so that they would get their way within ISKCON. At some point in 1981, the GBC abandoned siksa from Sridhar Maharaja and forbade anyone in ISKCON to associate with him otherwise be kicked out of ISKCON. Although the issues within ISKCON were stemming from immaturity on the part of its members and basically trying to overstep Sridhar Maharaja's guidance, many tried to blame the internal chaos on him and began a very negative campaign against him.


A few years later, Tripurari Maharaja came in contact with some of the books that were newly published from Sridhar Maharaja. He was so impressed by the nectar he received in the books, that he decided to go to Nabadwip and see for himself why there was such negative attention towards a great sadhu and beloved friend of Srila Prabhupada. When he got there, he realized why Srila Prabhupada was so affectionate towards Sridhar Maharaja and why he wanted his disciples to have his association. As Tripurari Maharaja as said on many occasions "I have never heard anyone say such wonderful things about my guru as Sridhar Maharaja did."

Upon returning to America, Tripurari Maharaja was given the proverbial "pink slip" from ISKCON because someone heard him reference Sridhar Maharaja in the temple. Basically he was told to either end his association with Sridhar Maharaja or leave ISKCON. Swami knew that if he turned his back to Sridhar Maharaja he would be committing vaisnava aparadha to not only Sridhar Maharaja, but to Prabhupada as well. So, he took the high road and went his own way.


Today, Tripurari Maharaja is following in the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada, by creating his own mission, writing books and helping devotees all over the world. Philisophically speaking, there is no difference between Prabhupada's philosophy and Tripurari Maharaja's philosophy. I am not sure how familiar you are with ISKCON, but there is a rainbow of philosophies and ideas present within it all over the world. Some have to do with what Prabhupada taught, most do not.


Many of Prabhupada's followers and disciples find great shelter and siksa in Tripurari Maharaja. Within Tripurari Maharaja's presentation you will find a clear presentation of Prabhupada and Gaudiya Siddhanta. He is truly the emodiment of Prabhupada's saying "as it is". I encourage you to read his books, listen to the cd's and be a critical thinker. Find out for yourself what makes Swami so unique in the current parampara and why he is admired by so many.



OOney - June 1, 2005 2:47 pm
Swami is a very distinguished and well known disciple of Srila Prabhupada.  In the early days of ISKCON, Swami was the leading and foremost book distributor in Srila Prabhupada's mission.  Srila Prabhupada called him "The Incarnation of Book Distribution", which he is still called today by many of his well wishers, disciples and friends.  As you know, Srila Prabhupada founded his own mission in 1966, in New York City.  It was his desire, taken from his Guru that all his godbrothers work together.  Regardless of the circumstances, this did not really come to fruition, and Srila Prabhupada with the help of many sincere disciples, including Tripurari Maharaja, flooded the world with Krsna consciousness as was predictied by Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Bhaktivinode Thakur.  On the website, www.swami.org, Swami has a few different question and answers where he addresses the past issues between himself and ISKCON and why Swami is no longer part of the organization. 


I will try to briefly sum up the history and if anyone wants to clarify my mistakes or faults in this please do.


Shortly before Srila Prabhupada departed, one of his leading disciples asked him what they should do after he disappeared in regards to help.  Srila Prabhupada told them to go and consult Srila Sridhar Maharaja who not only was a leading disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, but also a very dear friend and godbrother of Srila Prabhupada.  When Srila Prabhupada gave this instruction to take siksa from Sridhar Maharaja, Tripurari Maharaja was present massaging Prabhupada's feet. 


From 1977-1981 Srila Sridhar Maharaja, was a consultant for ISKCON and the GBC on many matters, both philisophically and managerially.  It was around this time that factions were taking place within ISKCON and many people were going to Sridhar Maharaja for political reasons and it created chaos.  In essence, people were being very abusive to Sridhar Maharaja and trying to be manipulative so that they would get their way within ISKCON.  At some point in 1981, the GBC abandoned siksa from Sridhar Maharaja and forbade anyone in ISKCON to associate with him otherwise be kicked out of ISKCON.  Although the issues within ISKCON were stemming from immaturity on the part of its members and basically trying to overstep Sridhar Maharaja's guidance, many tried to blame the internal chaos on him and began a very negative campaign against him. 


A few years later, Tripurari Maharaja came in contact with some of the books that were newly published from Sridhar Maharaja.  He was so impressed by the nectar he received in the books, that he decided to go to Nabadwip and see for himself why there was such negative attention towards a great sadhu and beloved friend of Srila Prabhupada.  When he got there, he realized why Srila Prabhupada was so affectionate towards Sridhar Maharaja and why he wanted his disciples to have his association.  As Tripurari Maharaja as said on many occasions "I have never heard anyone say such wonderful things about my guru as Sridhar Maharaja did." 

Upon returning to America, Tripurari Maharaja was given the proverbial "pink slip" from ISKCON because someone heard him reference Sridhar Maharaja in the temple.  Basically he was told to either end his association with Sridhar Maharaja or leave ISKCON.  Swami knew that if he turned his back to Sridhar Maharaja he would be committing vaisnava aparadha to not only Sridhar Maharaja, but to Prabhupada as well.  So, he took the high road and went his own way. 


Today, Tripurari Maharaja is following in the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada, by creating his own mission, writing books and helping devotees all over the world.  Philisophically speaking, there is no difference between Prabhupada's philosophy and Tripurari Maharaja's philosophy.  I am not sure how familiar you are with ISKCON, but there is a rainbow of philosophies and ideas present within it all over the world.  Some have to do with what Prabhupada taught, most do not. 


Many of Prabhupada's followers and disciples find great shelter and siksa in Tripurari Maharaja.  Within Tripurari Maharaja's presentation you will find a clear presentation of Prabhupada and Gaudiya Siddhanta.  He is truly the emodiment of Prabhupada's saying "as it is".  I encourage you to read his books, listen to the cd's and be a critical thinker.  Find out for yourself what makes Swami so unique in the current parampara and why he is admired by so many.





Thank you Vrindavadan das.


My spiritual life began three years ago through Srila Prabhupad's books. I have had instruction from Swami Tripurari's disciples and those from ISKCON. It was not until varily recently that I found out that there are different lineages. (ISKCON Narayan Maharaj, Swami Tripurari). It is quite confusing.. And I find it it to be a bit of a hinderance to have to choose sides. I understand how important it is to have a spiritual master (diska) But I do not know why one can not have many siska gurus.


I have read Swani Tripuari's book RASA. It is wonderful. I am now trying to finish the Srimad Bhagavatam. And of course I am reading the Bhagavad-Gita. I love the way Srila Prabhupad explains Bhakti. It is very clear, so I want to always read his books.


I am searching for those that best represent his love for Krishna. So continues my search.


Thank you again




Bhakta Ivar - June 1, 2005 3:57 pm
And I find it it to be a bit of a hinderance to have to choose sides.



You don't have to choose sides. You must make your own choices, follow your heart, wherever you are.

Panchatattva - June 1, 2005 6:09 pm

First I would like to welcome you, OOney, to Tattvaviveka. I hope you find it helpful in your searching, and that being with all of us here gives you a greater understanding of Vaisnavism. We all love Srila Prabhupada here, and I am so happy that you have found clarity in his books as well as Swami's Rasa book.


It was not until varily recently that I found out that there are different lineages.


Actually we are all from the same lineage. ISKCON, Tipurari Swami, and Narayana Maharaj are all in the Gaudiya lineage following the teachings of Lord Caitanya. There are differences in style and presentation, but you shouldn't feel discouraged by the differences. Wherever you find siksa that helps you feel closer to Krsna and guru, that siksa should be taken for sure. ISKCON does have a lot of dogma that makes devotees feel like they are going outside of their lineage if they take siksa outside of ISKCON. I know it can feel confusing and it is difficult when there is dissention between groups that are in the same lineage. I've grown up in ISKCON, so it has been at times a difficult process to accept Swami into my life, because of the differences. But what it comes down to is that we want to go back to Krsna, not to a certain group or institution. The institution is simply there to help encourage the process of bhakti. If it inhibits that process, then it becomes non-important. Swami has helped my process of bhakti more than anyone else I've met. And not all of ISKCON has a sectarian mind set. There are many devotees, especially the younger generation of devotees, that see the futility of dogma and sectarianism and envision an ISKCON that respectfully includes other Vaisnava groups. I hope to see it in my life!


Once you find that devotee who calls to your heart and who you can place your faith in and accept as a spiritual master, things become much less confusing. The issues of groups and institutions become less important, and the focus is more on serving that guru and advancing on the path of bhakti. May Krsna within your heart direct you!


I hope this helps and doesn't add to any confusion.

Hari Bol,

Pancha Tattva dasi

OOney - June 1, 2005 7:21 pm

Thank you all for your expert advice.


I guess the problem was that a guru in ISKCON told me not to associate with people outside of ISKCON. I have friends that are from other groups. They are good Krsna Conscious people. So I have to make a decision.

SashidharaDasa - June 1, 2005 7:59 pm
First I would like to welcome you, OOney, to Tattvaviveka.  I hope you find it helpful in your searching, and that being with all of us here gives you a greater understanding of Vaisnavism.  We all love Srila Prabhupada here, and I am so happy that you have found clarity in his books as well as Swami's Rasa book.

Actually we are all from the same lineage.  ISKCON, Tipurari Swami, and Narayana Maharaj are all in the Gaudiya lineage following the teachings of Lord Caitanya.  There are differences in style and presentation, but you shouldn't feel discouraged by the differences.  Wherever you find siksa that helps you feel closer to Krsna and guru, that siksa should be taken for sure.  ISKCON does have a lot of dogma that makes devotees feel like they are going outside of their lineage if they take siksa outside of ISKCON.  I know it can feel confusing and it is difficult when there is dissention between groups that are in the same lineage.  I've grown up in ISKCON, so it has been at times a difficult process to accept Swami into my life, because of the differences.  But what it comes down to is that we want to go back to Krsna, not to a certain group or institution.  The institution is simply there to help encourage the process of bhakti.  If it inhibits that process, then it becomes non-important.  Swami has helped my process of bhakti more than anyone else I've met.  And not all of ISKCON has a sectarian mind set.  There are many devotees, especially the younger generation of devotees, that see the futility of dogma and sectarianism and envision an ISKCON that respectfully includes other Vaisnava groups.  I hope to see it in my life!


Once you find that devotee who calls to your heart and who you can place your faith in and accept as a spiritual master, things become much less confusing.  The issues of groups and institutions become less important, and the focus is more on serving that guru and advancing on the path of bhakti.  May Krsna within your heart direct you!


I hope this helps and doesn't add to any confusion.

Hari Bol,

Pancha Tattva dasi




Very well written Panchatattava..it was so nice to read it

Robertnewman - June 2, 2005 1:33 am
I guess the problem was that a guru in ISKCON told me not to associate with people outside of ISKCON. I have friends that are from other groups. They are good Krsna Conscious people. So I have to make a decision.

ISKCON has always been insistent that its members not associate with Vaishnavas from other groups. To me, and many others, this indicates that they confuse the institution with the tradition; or, worse still, with bhakti itself. Certainly there is bhakti in ISKCON, but it's in many other places as well. As you said, you have to make a decision, which should be based on where you see your highest prospect for spiritual advancement. For myself, I know that my highest prospect could not be in an institution that insisted on barring its members from seeking guidance wherever it might be found.

Bhrigu - June 2, 2005 5:06 pm



one difference between ISKCON and Tripurari Swami is that he is heavily influenced both by Srila Prabhupada and Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja. This creates a very special and unique way of presenting Krishna Consciousness, one to which we Tattvavivekis are very attracted. You won't find the same anywhere else. Tripurari Maharaja has the insight, saintly personality and deep scholarship many turn to Indian gurus for, but he also has a very dynamic and progressive view on how to preach KC in the West and how to relate to the conditioning on Westerners, something that Indian gurus usually don't have. The best of two worlds! :)


Your servant,

