
Transcribing Service

Gauravani Dasa - June 15, 2005 4:34 pm

In consultation with Guru Maharaja, we decided that it would be best to start by transcribing lectures given on appearance and disappearance days.


Coordination requires a list of the app/disp lectures the volunteers already have. Then I can keep track of who is transcribing what, thereby avoiding any duplication. If you don't have any app/disp lectures, let us know and we can send you some.


So far I have a list from Chris, so as soon as I can get a list of what is already out there, I can begin to coordinate. Vrndaranya has sent the an email with a few details to those expressing interest.


Thanks to all of you who have volunteered. We are all excited about it!

Audarya-lila Dasa - June 15, 2005 11:43 pm

So as not to waste anyone's time - can you clarify for us all if you mean appearance and disappearance days of saints in our line or if appearance days also includes avatars?



Gauravani Dasa - June 16, 2005 12:47 am
So as not to waste anyone's time - can you clarify for us all if you mean appearance and disappearance days of saints in our line or if appearance days also includes avatars?



Yes, both saints and avatars.