
Finnish Gothic

Kamalaksa Das - June 20, 2005 5:48 am

Dear devotees,


A small reminder of the summer's upcoming main event:


It is with great joy and exuberance we await the nectarean retreat and your company in the archipelago up North.


For those who are yet to book their tickets we bring you this reminder: The dates are from the 6th of July until the 13th of July. Of course you are welcome to stay for a longer time also, if you so desire.


As for transportation, you should ask your personal pilot to drop you of at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport in Finland. We will take care of the rest. Just let us know when you are about to land.


Your fallen servants Krsangi dasi and Kamalaksa das


Ps. Apologies to Grant Wood and his painting American Gothic.
