
Sanskrit scholars??

Panchatattva - July 24, 2005 11:46 pm

Hari bol, any Sanskrit scholars out there? I'm doing a dance for Janmastami and I want the word for word on a stanza of an ashtapadi by Jayadeva Goswami. If I could get the word for word and the general meaning of the verse that would be great.


Here it is:


kapi vilaasa vilola vilochana

kelana janita manojam

dyayati mukta vadu radhikam

madhusoodana vadana sarojam



Pancha Tattva dasi

Babhru Das - July 25, 2005 1:38 am

Well, here's a transation. I'm not sure I'm up to a word-for-word approach, but maybe I'll fiddle with it a little.


Look, sakhi! This gopi is meditating on Krishna. He arouses lust in the hearts of sensuous young ladies with the romantic sidelong glances of his restless eyes, and she is greedy to drink the honey of his lotus face.

Panchatattva - July 25, 2005 8:34 am

Wow, that has so much more meaning than I ever knew. So, is the Radhikam in the verse not in relation to Sri Radha, and is Madhusudana here honey-like and not the killer of Madhu? You've inspired me to post the whole song and see what more I can understand out of it. Thanks so much for taking the time. I mainly need the word for word just for the one I already posted.


chandana carchita nila kalebara

pitavasa vanamali-radhe

keli chalan mani kundala mandita

kanda yuga smita saali


hari riha mukta vadu nikare

vilasini vilasathi kelibare


kapi vilasa vilola vilochana

kelana janita manojam

dyayati mukta vadu radikam

madhusudana vadana sarojam


sri jayadeva banitam idam (or itam) adbuta

kesava keli rahasyam

brindavana vipine charitam

vita nodu subani yashashyam


Thank you!

Pancha tattva dasi

Bhrigu - July 27, 2005 5:38 pm
So, is the Radhikam in the verse not in relation to Sri Radha, and is Madhusudana here honey-like and not the killer of Madhu?


Actually, it doesn't say radhikam; the transcription you had was very sloppy and at times faulty. This is the verse (GG 4.3):


kaapi vilaasa-vilola-vilocana-khelana-janita-manojam

dhyaayati mugdha-vadhuur adhikam madhusuudana-vadana-sarojam


Here is a much more exact translation (By B. Stoler Miller?):


Another simple girl, lured by his wanton quivering look,

Meditates intently on the lotus face of Madhu's killer.

Bhrigu - July 28, 2005 12:28 pm

Oops, forgot the word-for-word:


kaapi -- another; vilaasa -- wanton; vilola -- quivering; vilocana-khelana -- "eye-movement", look; janita -- by; manojam -- lured; dhyaayati -- meditates; mugdha-vadhuur -- simple girl; adhikam -- intently; madhusuudana -- of Madhu's killer; vadana-sarojam -- lotus face.

Babhru Das - July 29, 2005 6:14 am

The translation I posted is from Sripad Narayana Maharaja's edition of Gita Govinda. I have to admit that I was puzzled by the apparent translation of madhusuudana.

Panchatattva - August 6, 2005 4:40 pm

Thanks for the translation help. I appreciate it greatly!