
letter to all members of tattva-viveka

Igor - August 2, 2005 7:47 pm

Dear devotees,

please accept my obeisances.

Sri Sri Guru Gauranga jayatah!


It is mercy of our Gurudeva that I am again trying to make some small steps in path of devotion. Before I thought that I know something about bhakti, that I am fixed on the path of devotion, now I know that I am not evan standing on the road. But, mercy of guru and vaisnavas is unlimited so I want to thank you all for being such great inspiration and I am hoping to have your association in not so distant future. Thank you for everything that you done for me - this fool will never be able to gave it back evan a particle of mercy.

I am finishing informatics studies and until February - March I should graduate. Then hopefully we should find some job in U.S. and by association of Guru and vaisnavas start spiritual life.


I just want to say ( from this distance perspective ) how fortunate are those devotees who have constant association of their spiritual master. That is most valuable thing. Essential. All auspicious things are there – in association of pure devotees. All of you who have association of our Gurudeva are most fortunate persons in universe and you sure performed unlimited austerities in previous births to get such rare opportunity to have association of our Gurudeva, to hear from him and serve him. He is the light that will take away all doubts in vaishnava world and he will establish model for vaisnava community for future generations.


So, all of you are very fortunate for helping him in his divine mission and I am hoping to someday have your association I surely made some serious offences in my previous lives, so I do not have your association and association of our Gurudeva. Maybe kalpas will past before I will sincerely engage in mission of our Gurudeva. But still, there is some hope and determination. It is not so easy to get most valuable thing. – association of devotees, but it is worth to live and die for such association.


vancha - kalpatarubyas ca

krpa sindhubya eva ca


I am humbly asking for your blessings. Without your blessings I will not be able to have determination and courage to continue to overcome internal and external obstacles that separates me from Audarya.


I will try to participate on tatva-viveka forum, and on that way associate and learn from you.

All glories to assemble devotees!

Sri Sri Guru Gauranga jayatah!

In hope to have your association, Igor

Rama-priya - August 3, 2005 9:01 am

Dear Igor,

I have also a little similar feelings about assotiation of devotees, it gives real life, especially association of Guru Maharaja give me so much inspiration and power to step by step come more and more closer Krsna.

When I don't have association of devotees I'm trying to read lectures and books Because in this way I feel some connection with person who wrote this, I feel like this person is saying personally all these things to me. Another way in which we can have indirect association is service by which we also can feel closer the devotee of Krsna. It isn't of course the same when you have direct association, but many persons have to accept such situation: service in separation. Example of this is Rupa Gosvami, who was absent in so many pastimes of Sri Caitanya, but by His surrender and service he could get to know all deep feelings and the heart of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu perfectly. So we can try to follow His mood and example.

Moreover You can try to find some senciere devotees in Your area and at least sometimes meet with them and in this way you will be able to have association of devotees ocasionally. That was in my case. I was suffering so much from lack of devotees therefore I started to organize programmes every Sunday and in this way I have possibility to serve devotees and have association at least few devotees once a week. Of course my desire is to have more and more association but now I have to accept my situation and appreciate what I have, hoping that in the future I will have possibility to have more and more association.

I hope it will help you,



SashidharaDasa - August 3, 2005 7:17 pm

Welcome back Igor..I remember your active participation in TV yahoo groups..nice to hear from you again



Vrindaranya Dasi - August 4, 2005 4:32 pm

Dandavats Igor,


I'm happy that you're back on Tattva-viveka. Congratulations on your Infomatics degree, and my prayers are in that you get a job closer to Audarya. :D




Igor - August 5, 2005 4:16 pm

to Rama-priya

"When I don't have association of devotees I'm trying to read lectures and books"

Thank you for advice.


"but many persons have to accept such situation: service in separation. Example of this is Rupa Gosvami"

Yes you are right. I can accept this on absolute level, but my real position is that my real spiritual life will be posiable only in constant association of devoties.

Thank you, Rama-priya!


to Sashidhara Prabhu

Dandavats, Sashidhara Prabhu

Yes. I remember you also. I am hoping to become steady in spiritual life.

Nice to be in contact with you again.



to Vrindaranya


Dandavats Vrindaraya,

I am very happy to be in contact with you again. You are the example of dedication and I am sure that in future I will get some oportynity to learn from you.

Sri Sri Guru Gauranga jayatah!


Thank you all very much for your kind words!

I am hoping to have your association in the future.


vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca

krpa-sindhubya eva ca

patitanam pavanebhyo

vaisnavebhyo namo namah

