
Special Memorial held for Bhakti-tirtha Swami

Karnamrita Das - August 29, 2005 1:08 pm

Message: 1

Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 17:56:29 -0700 (PDT)

From: Jarvis Smith Dodoo <sahadevadas@yahoo.com>

Subject: HERE IT IS


Dear Assembled Vaisnavas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad, Srila Bhakti-Tirtha Maharaj, and allVaisnava devotees.


I have been asked by the kind vaisnavas in Cleveland Yatra to send to the rest of the family, the indescribable memorial service in honor of our beloved

Gurudev, Srila Bhakti-Tirtha Maharaj held in Cleveland, Ohio. Sincerely speaking, I am devoid of the appropriate words to describe the event yet, I’ll try my possible best to give the essence in a paraphrased form rather than the details.


Saturday, the twentieth day of August, two thousand and five, will ever remain a history in the lives of all who cherish the life of His Holiness Srila Bhakti-Tirtha Maharaj. Our Gurudev took birth in a pious Christian family in Cleveland, Ohio,and it was befitting and appropriate that a special memorial service be held in his honor in Cleveland. The organizers expertly brought together some of the many great personalities in society whose lives were touched by the super excellence character and energy of His Holiness. It was witnessed that Gurudev touched the hearts of people from all walks of life.


The program was held in the great hall of the Cleveland State University at three o’clock in the afternoon. The program began with prayers from an African American, who is a chief in a village near Elmina, the famous slave city in Ghana. He had flown from Ghana and arrived in Cleveland on Saturday

morning purposely for this occasion which to him, cannot be secondary to any thing. Dr. Kwan David Whitaker, who is also a practicing attorney (the chief), dressed in the regalia of a king with all it's insignia poured libation asking for the guidance from the invisible divinities. He explained the significance of libation in all cultures which is non different from pinda in the context of Krsna Consciousness Philosophy.


Next, came the director of African-American studies of Cleveland State University, Dr. Michael William. He commented on how great a loss it is to the entire world and particularly, the Cleveland State, for losing such a rare soul whose life was dedicated to freeing all people from their mental slumber and

incarceration even to the risk of his own life. He lamented greatly though he never met Gurudev personally. He explained how important it is to evaluate a person's greatness through his works in the form of his livestyle, books, tapes, and trainees. He glorified Gurudev's writings.


Minister Richard Muhammed, a representative of Honorable Louis Farrakhan, the popular leader of the Nation of Islam, and “Million Man March” was also present to present a tribute on behalf of the honorable. In his conveyance, he reiterated that Gurudev is an all-time selfless and exemplary leader

for all groups; spiritual, social, political, moral, and everything that be. In other words, he described Gurudev as a selfless ubiquitous leader who was ever

prepared to, and actually inconvenienced himself for the freedom of others.


Next came Mr. Keymah B. N. Aharon, a representative of Ben Ammi, the leader of the African-Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, who had a series of media programs with Gurudev in various countries was also there to present a tribute. In his reading, he recounted that Gurudev might be gone physically but, a

personality of such caliber only come but never go. Thus, Srila Krsnapad is ever and always with us. Momentarily, every speaker will turn his or her face

from the audience and look at the all-charming slide of gurudev on the wall adjacent the speakers. As he turned and saw Gurudev’s picture, he asked, “how can one say Swamiji is gone?


Incredibly but simplitude, the president of the Cleveland Nama-Hatta Program, Mother Krsnanandini, reached the microphone and began her usual loving articulation. She offered her humble prayers to Gurudev and the parampara. Everyone was thrilled when she enumerated the superexcellence nature of His Holiness right from childhood to his final day on earth. She grew up with gurudev in the same city as "distant family relations" and then as a god-brother, and eventually, a mentor.


Imam yusef Ali, a representative of Al-Warith Deen Islamic Center, Cleveland branch, spoke for barely five minutes. He discribed how Gurudev did

not carry religion on his "head", but on his "shoulder".He elucidated how many leaders have become so much reserved to their own particular faiths and

treated others' as insignificant. But, in the life of His Holiness as examplified, never had such bias attitude. He glorified and shared the loss of such a

personality, when the world needs such people in this dire time.


Swami Turiyasangitananda, (Alice Coltrane) the wife of wife of the late John Coltrane, Spiritual Leader of The Vedantic Center, in Agoura, California,

was represented by Lawrence Holt (Lila Smaranam Das).He had a particular way of presentation that made all the audience listen with more rapt attention and great

awe for His Holiness. He described how he had the opportunity to be with Gurudev in India in 1979, a little before Gurudev's formal Sannyasi initiation. Gurdev would do a japa of thirty-two before mangal arati while he busied himself with various devotional activities throughout the day, heralded by serving of prasadam while he ate very little or nothing at all. He tried to imitate gurudev, he said, so he also woke up at about one-thirty in the morning to chant his rounds. He successfully did it. But, on the second day, he found himself gasping for air on the roof top,

out hunger and fatigue. He suddenly saw a hand helping him get up to the ashram. And there was His Holiness (Ghanashyam Prabhu). He asked him to take some little prasadam. He then desisted imitating his dear friends inconceivable activities. Being candid, he inquired from Maharaj how he does what he does in such simpleness though very difficult. Maharaj smiled and responded, "It's normal and okay for me, my dear".


As if I was deaf, I just saw Brahma Das Prabhu walk majestically to the stage without hearing his name mentioned. That was my first time seeing my

sweet god-brother with a brass-like musical instrument in his hand. Initially, I thought I was day dreaming, but it wasn't. It was real. Next he paid his humble

full-fledged dandavat in his colorful suit. As he lied, I saw him make gestures of shedding tears. When he finally got up on his feet from the dandavat, he

wiped his eyes, and turned a hundred-and-eighty degree turn, greeting evryone. Then, the saxophone sounded, "It is Well With My soul". While he saxophoned, there was also a background music played from a very decipherable, serene,and clear public address system of the same song. At the end there was an unending

applause for Brahma Das Prabhu.


Next came the business class whose lives had been touched bu Gurudev. Kathy Hughes, owner of Radio & TV One, Silver Spring, Maryland could not make it

personally to the scene. Hence, Her Grace Nandini Devi, a disciple of gurudev was there as a representative. Nandini Devi shared the amazing intelligence she (Kathy Hughes)had had from gurudev in her business carrier as a "media-lady". She shared how Gurudev helped popularize her media through his lectures and appearances. She also shared how she often times got assistance from gurudev as to how to manage her time and finance although, she had previously had much information on these topics prior to entering into the field. She concluded by saying

"What a great loss the world has had".


Armentha (Mike) Cruise, President of Aspen Personnel in Washington DC & Maryland, was the next speaker. She recounted the virgin days of the Insitute

in DC. The sweet manner the devotees particularly, Vrajalila Devi received and encouraged her made her feel, "Yes, this is a home, not a building". She then

had the opportunity to meet with Gurudev several times. "There was not a single time I approached him for a help, he denied me," she recalled. She then

described that "expensive and elucid" smile of gurudev which quenches one's thirst in contact.


Recalling the early days of Gurudev as a pupil of East Tech High School, Mr. Stanley Fair (East Tech Alumni) whose initiation name is Sadhu Prabhu, a

disciple of Gurudev and the synergetic husband of Mother Parvati, was there to share. He mentioned, it was difficult for him to come on the stage as he did

not know where to begin from and where to end. "To talk about a personality of a caliber as His Holiness requires a minimum of two days with two-hour talk from

each speaker", remarked Stanley. He talked about Gurudev's selflessness and readiness to share with whomever, whatever he felt would have to be shared. He

revealed a secret about one of Gurudev's uncommon names in his youth, "Darling Boy".


To me, as well as others I spoke to, the most incredible was Dr. Birkett Gibson, President of Hawken School. Here comes a lady of solid eighty-five

years of age walking quite firmly without any support, like walking stick. She was the headmistress to Gurudev in his primary days. I mean, it was just a

mouth-opening scenario seeing this elderly lady speak with humor and might, yet with seriousness. She turned to see Gurudev's slide on the wall and said, "Whoa,

Swamiji is the same as when he was a ten year old pupil in my school". She told the audience how Bible studies was an integral part of their school curriculum and how John(Gurudev)was always ready and apt to taking his studies with all seriousness. "One day" she recalled, "As I was late to go to school and it was the time to have Bible classes, the pupils had been to the school just to trealize that all the doors to the rooms were locked up. In their anguish, they were determined to go into the classroom to have their Bible studies. Little Unfathomable John somehow discovered that one window was not "fully" locked. He then asked his colleague to lean against the wall while he climb on his shoulder. In this way John

reached the window, got it opened, and opened the door from inside and with full joy and enthusiasm, called in his friends to the classroom. Later on, when I got

to the school, I found Little John leading the discussion". You could see and feel the joy with which she spoke. Since that day, Little John began featuring

on both radio and television preching the gospel with all eloquence and love. I am trying to skip from this episode because, it is my sweetest part of the program, and could take all the little space I have on this message. Excusez-moi S'il vous plait.


The memorial service would have been incomplete if Princeton University had not been represented. In that wise, Melvin McCray from Princeton University Alumni, delivered an extraordinary comprehensive though brief (four minute)video-tape about the life of gurudev. An interview he had with gurudev in Gita Nagari in January of this year. I learned it is getting recorded for other devotees who might be interested in watching



The Mayor of the City of Cleveland & the County Commissioner's Office was to be represented by Khalid Samad (Who was not in attendance due to his mother being rushed to the hospital). He will create a 4 min. Video.


The obituary was read by the Honorable Judge Leodis Harris, his childhood friend and Mentor. He said his mother was psychic and could read people's

energy levels. "The first time John visited my house to pick me for our usual search for the truth" recalled Leodis, "My mother called me and told me, 'I

am proud of you. I am proud of the type people you are associating with'. I thanked her and we (John and I) left for our search". Later on , Leodis was told by

his mother a gist of who his friend, John is. He said agagin and again that he cannot remember a single time in their lifelong frienship when they had bitter

exchange of words. "It was all and always goodies" he concluded.


Three songs by "The Hue People" was next.


1) "The Circle of Life"

2) "Breath"

3) "Lean On Me"


"Lean On Me" was sung twice. The entire audience,moved by the melody and sweetness of the song began to roll their heads and mimicked leaning on the next

person standing to the right or left. The joy made us forget about Time. It was too "short" a time for us.


Friends of Gurudev from across the States were there to share their pastimes with him. I summarize their sharing with the phrase, "You need to

hear them, directly." The more one listens to these friends of Gurudev, the more one's love for Gurudev heightens.


Joe, by whose amazing effort we are blessed with BTSwamiList, and a biological nephew to Gurudev gave me a "blow" of mixed feeling. He spoke with the might, intelligence, and antics as Gurudev's. He emphasized that his uncle is not gone. Gurudev can only be cosidered gone when one ceases to reach him

from his books. As he spoke, everyone in the audience who had seen Gurudev physically accepted that yeah, this guy has been possessed by his uncle, no doubt

about it.


Ambika Devi, our Gandharva god-sister from New York was there and manifested a new dance I had not seen her display before. I have watched her dance quite several times but, this was indeed a special and unique exposition. I tried to look round to see the audience's reaction to her dance, and I realized,

Ambika had captured everyone's attention.


"The twelfth canto" was reached upstairs. The twelfth canto is Lord Krsna's crown, and the crown of Krsna Consciousness programs is Prasadam. The

organized queue for taking and honoring prasadam was imn itself a glorious scene.


The following two days had other activities, which I wish not to include in this message. Lengthy writing could be quite boring reading.


May I end here with the blessings from Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Damodara from the serene dham of Gita Nagari on this auspicious day of Sri Krsna



The Wretched,

Sahadeva Das.


NB: Parvati Fair, Mistress of Ceremony, Guru's 1st US

disciple to be initated along with Yasoda Mayi

in New Vrindavan West Va., January 1987


Isopanisad Dasi, Mistress of Ceremony, Guru's child

hood friend who later became his disciple.

