
Good News From New Orleans

Ksiro - September 4, 2005 6:01 pm

Good News from New Orleans!




Sep 3, USA (SUN) —


In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, everyone has experienced

the awesome reality of just how fragile our material existence is.

Twelve hours of wind, some rain, a few tornadoes and a major

city is crippled, a community shattered, and opulent lifestyles

destroyed for many, perhaps millions of people. Srila

Prabhupada writes:


"In the grim clutches of mäyä, the first-class prisoners of this

material world wrongly think themselves happy because they are

rich, powerful, resourceful and so on. These foolish creatures do

not know that they are nothing but play dolls in the hands of

material nature and that at any moment material nature's pitiless

intrigues can crush to dust all their plans for godless activities.

Such foolish prisoners cannot see that however they improve

their position by artificial means, the calamities of repeated birth,

death, disease and old age are always beyond the jurisdiction of

their control. Foolish as they are, they neglect these major

problems of life and busy themselves with false things that

cannot help them solve their real problems. They know that they

do not want to suffer death or the pangs of disease and old age,

but under the influence of the illusory energy, they are grossly

negligent and therefore do nothing to solve the problems. This is

called mäyä. [Cc. Adi 3.98 Purport]


Our material comfort and convenience remains at the whimsical

mercy of Krsna's maha-maya potency, whose "pitiless intrigues"

conspire to make every non-devotee's life story an inevitable

tragedy. But Krsna protects His devotees, and can turn defeat

into victory by His great and causeless mercy. The proof of this is

that despite the terrible consequences of the storm, all the

devotees in New Talavan and New Orleans made it through the

worst disaster in North American history without a single



This is a tremendous confirmation of our transcendental faith in

Krsna consciousness and pure devotional service to the lotus

feet of our Guru, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Despite the

horrific impact of the storm on New Orleans and the Farm, we

are not only continuing our service, but increasing it! Details



Today a team of devotees from Dallas and Houston 'somehow

or other' got through the numerous blockades and checkpoints

sealing off the flooded city, and rescued all the New Orleans

Temple devotees, the Deities and all Their transcendental

paraphernalia! They will be relocated to Dallas, where facility will

be provided by Nityananda Prabhu and the Dallas Temple for

Their extended stay and uninterrupted worship until the normal

operation of New Orleans yatra can be restored.


The New Orleans devotees, all disciples of His Holiness

Jayapataka Swami, are in good health and consciousness. Of

course it helps that most of them are from Bengal and

Bangladesh, and are veterans of flood survival. Nevertheless

their courage and dedication to Their Lordships Sri-Sri

Radha-Radhakanta, Sri-Sri Gaur-Nitai and Jagannath, Baladeva

and Subhadra are exemplary, and certain to be rewarded by

advancement in devotional service to the Lord.


Massive Food for Life Mobilization


Meanwhile, courageous New Talavan devotees are already

venturing into the hardest-hit areas of the Gulf Coast, braving

fields of debris, vast stretches of noxious quickmud, and crazed

gas-hungry locals to distribute Lord Krsna's mercy in the form of

sanctified vegetarian food. Despite reports of people being held

up at gunpoint to feed gas-hungry SUVs and pickups, yesterday

and today the devotees journeyed to Gulfport and Biloxi to bring

hot meals of red beans and rice, chapattis and lemonade to the

starving residents.


New Orleans devotee Ramakeli Prabhu, who lost everything in

the hurricane, is collecting supplies in Memphis and

transporting them to New Talavan, while New Talavan devotee

Dvibhuja Prabhu, whose rental property lost its roof in the storm,

is devoting full time to prasadam distribution in the Gulf Coast



They report a scene of almost total devastation with very little

help for the victims. The aged and infirm are hardest hit, often

immobilized with no one to help them. The devotees went

door-to-door in the affected areas near the coast, bringing back

striking tales of devastation and woe.


Meanwhile, Priyavrata Prabhu of Food for Life International and

New Talavan GBC Bir Krsna Gosvami are organizing a massive

food relief program. Teams of devotees from Washington DC,

New Vrndavan and other volunteers are cooperating to bring

tons of food, outdoor cooking gear, temporary tent shelters and

other needed equipment to New Talavan, which will serve as a

base for expanded prasadam distribution throughout the

devastated Gulf Coast area.


Just before the storm hit, Krsna provided a state-of-the-art

satellite Internet system for the farm. Who knew that it would

have to serve as the sole communications link for an entire

community, cut off from the rest of the world by this tragic

disaster! Just see Krsna's hand and careful planning to protect

His devotees in this miraculous occurrence.


To contribute to rebuilding New Talavan, please contact His

Holiness Bir Krsna Gosvami. To contribute to, or volunteer for the

Gulf Coast Food for Life project, please contact Priyavrata

Prabhu. The web site for his Food for Life program is www.ffl.org.

Thank you very much for your kind well wishes, generous

donations and prayers.


your servant,

Dasanudas Vanacari


ISKCON New Talavan Community









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Bhakta Ivar - September 8, 2005 10:38 am

Namas te,


The Earth and all the other planets in the solar system are going through massive changes. We now have global warming on several planets, including Venus and Mars, and there are many more changes in the atmosphere of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Pluto is also becoming warmer fast and had a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, though moving away from the Sun.


The extreme weather in the news today is shared by the entire solar system, and today,


"Just moments ago, one of the largest solar flares ever recorded has occurred. It measures somewhere between an X-15 to X-20. This comes on the heels of last night’s M-Class flare which originated from sunspot region 789. It just so happens this sunspot region is still just off the eastern limb and has not rotated to the front (Earth facing) side of the Sun.


This is a MAJOR event. It will be on all news reports within hours…but you are the first to know."




Extreme Weather Watch:


Watch for extreme weather to occur within the next 48 to 72 hours. This most likely will take the form of straight-line winds, micro-burst, wind shears, and tornadoes. It is also likely to “feed” the current tropical storms and could very well escalate them to hurricanes. (see equation)




Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption




Earth changes


Free newsletter:




For the physics and the spiritual background behind these changes, the following free on-line book gives a complete overview. A must read for those trying to understand life. Actually a must read for every human being, regardless of one's persuasion.




For a quick introduction to the physics, go to


Interplanetary Day after Tomorrow?




PS: Please forward these links to your friends, as I have done. All names and newsgroups who received this email were carefully selected.

Forrest - September 9, 2005 6:12 am

Thank you very much for posting this. I, like many others, have been watching the news about the effects of this disaster. I wondered several times about the dieties, naturally they don't mention that on the news.

Bhakta Ivar - September 9, 2005 8:30 am

It was nice to hear the devotees and Deities were well. But some devotees and Deities might even dissappear. Like those in Hawai, California etc.


Today another major Sun flare was seen, the third in less than three days! And the next one occuring in the following 22 days is going to have a direct hit on the Earth. Just see what happened: Ophelia became a hurricane yesterday evening. And there was also a tornado that hit Barcelona, Spain.


We're all going to be confronted with the solar activity as it moves into a new level of density, and tries to adjust.


A lesson to be learnt from New Orleans: store water!



Bhakta Ivar - September 9, 2005 8:35 am

Switzerland is again in the news because of a strong Earthquake. That's why I mentioned Hawaii, because it's situated at 19,5 degrees lattitude, exactly where other planets have spots (Jupiter, Neptune) or giant Vulcanos (Mars). 19,5 degrees is the most energetic spot of a sphere, and thus we can certainly expect an eruption there.



Swami - September 9, 2005 2:37 pm

There are a number of different opinions out there that lead conclusively only to the fact that any conclusions reached on this subject are speculative and not something to base one's life on.


Here, for exmaple, is a divergent opinion. Perhaps the turth lies somewhere inbetween.



Global Warming and Katrina



We will stick it out here in California for now.

Babhru Das - September 9, 2005 6:54 pm
Switzerland is again in the news because of a strong Earthquake. That's why I mentioned Hawaii, because it's situated at 19,5 degrees lattitude, exactly where other planets have spots (Jupiter, Neptune) or giant Vulcanos (Mars). 19,5 degrees is the most energetic spot of a sphere, and thus we can certainly expect an eruption there.


Well, there's an eruption going on right now. I live on the slopes of Kilauea, an active volcano whose continuing eruption draws many visitors and is an emblem of life in Hawaiian culture. Sometimes the eruption is more visually spectacular than at other times. There's also a good chance that Mauna Loa may erupt some time soon, which would certainly have an impact on parts of this island, including, possibly, the city of Hilo. And there's another active volcano under the ocean off the coast of the Big Island, called by some Lokahi, and which will eventually form a new island.

Bijaya Kumara Das - September 9, 2005 10:58 pm
There are a number of different opinions out there that lead conclusively only to the fact that any conclusions reached on this subject are speculative and not something to base one's life on.


Here, for exmaple, is a divergent opinion. Perhaps the turth lies somewhere inbetween.

Global Warming and Katrina

We will stick it out here in California for now.




No doubt it is in Krsnas hands.


Those in New Orleans may have shown us why they were hit with how they responded to the event. The Lord helps those that help themselves not those looking for a hand out. They all were given 48 hours notice to leave and did not.


Florida got hit by 4 in one year and because they were educated and pious people more so than those in the most recent event the devastation was handled constructively.

Swami - September 10, 2005 2:30 am

Perhaps Katrina speaks more to us of how unpredictable life is than anything else. It is interesting to see how so many people look to such an event for certainty, as an indicator of what will happen, or of what is actually happening in an effor to make life more predictable. They may be missing the point.

Swami - September 10, 2005 7:07 pm

As for preditability, death is sure. Sounds simple, but it is perhaps the most profound statement one can make about life in the material world. As for what happens after death, that is easy to answer for one who agrees to die now by giving up material attachments in the context of loving Sri Krsna. No speculative theories here. You can take it to the bank. jiva jago jiva jago!

Bijaya Kumara Das - September 11, 2005 5:11 am
Perhaps Katrina speaks more to us of how unpredictable life is than anything else. It is interesting to see how so many people look to such an event for certainty, as an indicator of what will happen, or of what is actually happening in an effor to make life more predictable. They may be missing the point.




This is for sure. All around us we see death and we think it will not happen to us.


With our involve life these days ie fast cars, fast food, fast money etcetra.


I was driving down the highway yesterday afternoon and a semi had its cargo box on fire just above the driver at the front part of the cargo box flaming about 1 to 2 feet high. He was coming off the mountain driving right through Placerville and would not pull over.


I saw the smoke as I turned the corner and caught up with him and he continued for a least 2 miles into the city blazing all the way while talking on his cell phone.


I am honking and signaling to him to pull over while calling 911 and got a message machine and it took the whole time for him to pull over before they got on the line.


He finally stopped next to an embankment full of trees shrubs still blazing and 911 said the fire department was on the way. The fire department was 2 blks away and I could not hear any alarm. Hopefully it got put out before more things caught on fire. The driver would not even get out of the truck right away and remained talking on his phone not knowing his trailer was on fire but must have seen smoke in his mirrors. No idea what was burning in the cargo box.


I had to continue down the road to my appointment and could not do anything to

help the situation so there was no point in stopping.

Bhakta Ivar - September 13, 2005 1:15 pm
Here, for exmaple, is a divergent opinion. Perhaps the turth lies somewhere inbetween.

Global Warming and Katrina

We will stick it out here in California for now.



Global warming has been seen on all planets, not just on Earth. Thus exhaust fumes are not really the issue, although it's part of the problem locally.



Bhakta Ivar - September 13, 2005 1:21 pm

The global changes on different planets, yet in similar regions (19,4 degrees N and S), teach us things about the structure and dynamics of life, both on big bodies of matter, as well as in the spiritual background of the physical body. The universe is revealing these secrets to us, and they are confirmed in ancient scriptures. Thus this is not a very speculative collection of knowledge. These changes can open our eyes. This is a wonderful time.



Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 13, 2005 4:30 pm

okey-dokey... :D

Swami - September 13, 2005 7:38 pm

This is a wonderful time.






Well, unless you live in Hawaii or California, own property there and like the place. :D

Babhru Das - September 13, 2005 8:05 pm

Ouch! :D

Swami - September 14, 2005 1:34 am

One thing is for sure, this quote from the author of the link Ivar posted was slightly off the mark:


“The Day After Tomorrow (movie)” will very likely create a major turning point in the public’s awareness of the realities of on-going terrestrial climate alterations."


In fact the move received scathing reviews from the scientific community and had little if any impact on the public.

Babhru Das - September 14, 2005 3:55 am

People went to see the movie, and I suppose many enjoyed it in the same way as any Hollywood blockbuster. However, as Swami says, the movie didn't have a real impact on public sensibilities. It was based on a book by late-night AM-radio conspiracy/UFO/paranormal freak Art Bell and one of his sidekicks. The generral public seems to have taken the movie about as seriously as most take Bell's show. They spent their eight bucks a head, maybe talked about it for a day or two, then moved on to whatever was next. This is part and parcel of American popular culture.

Bhakta Ivar - September 14, 2005 11:05 am

I saw the movie two days ago, and although the special effects are wonderful, it doesn't convey the message it should.


Nothing about the global warming on other planets. Nothing about the spiritual revolution of which all prophecies speak.


It's a wonderful time, if one is not attached to a specific country or area. Hawaii is not more at risk of natural catastrophes than other places. Here I am, writing this text, I think at least two meters below sea level.


By the way, this morning, within 20 minutes (!) three (!) X-Class flares, now aimed at the Earth. We have had at least 9 by now, within one week!



Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 14, 2005 4:11 pm
spiritual revolution of which all prophecies speak

I hope you will not start quoting Book of Revelation. Be afraid , be very afraid… :D


Jason - September 23, 2005 1:37 am

Regardless of reasons for the increase in severe weather activity, I would ask that the devotees keep the victims in their prayers....


My parents live in Southern Louisiana and my mother is a doctor who has been helping the hundreds of sick and displaced that have flooded to their town/hospital(s). What we are seeing on the news here in CA. isn't even half of it! I get updates daily about the disease outbreaks and such. My mother works in infectious control and says that it's getting worse in the hospitals.


My parents were also given evacuation instructions today. My parents will have to head north and see what happens in the wake of hurricane Rita. Should this hurricane move northeast much more, they could stand to lose a lot.


On a positive note....they have decided to move next summer to the North Carolina/Virginia area which could influence my decision to move back east and prepare for Maharaja's "Audarya II" plans!



