
Swami call Thursday Sept. 8

Karnamrita Das - September 6, 2005 4:47 pm

Pranams! Jai Sri Guru and Garanga! Here is the weekly invite for our Swami Sanga call of questions and answers with HH Tripurari Swami. I realize that it is difficult for most devotees to be on the call, but I still advertise to let you know that it goes on. Please email me if you plan to attend, and if so, let me again request you to please think of some questions while you read or listen to CD's. That is the best way to have questions.


I have a notepad while I read or listen and I jot questions down, so I recommend you try this. Let us pray to be thoughtful, reflective, insightful devotees! I am an example of someone who hasn't been for decades--but I am trying to be, and it is very helpful to my spiritual life. There is no time like the present! Swami is such an incredible resourse, and he is on the call to help us all.


Good questions are also enlivening to him, giving him a chance to speak, which enlivens us! Besides the many philosopical and scripture related questions here are some others possible questions in the realm of the practical and everyday: what isn't working in your life, or what problems do you have in relationship to your spiritual life, or being a devotee, or finding the balance of "material" and spiritual activities; what are you going through or doing which is causing you difficulty in your sadhana etc.?


We all benefit from your questions and struggles---since we all face many of the same issues. Some devotees have expressed to be afraid of looking stupid by their questions. We also have 15 minutes before Swami comes on the call where we can discuss your questions or reservations. You are among friends and well wishers, so take a chance, and speak your heart!


Thanks for being on the call, and endeavoring to be a thoughtful, caring, non-fanatical and balanced devotee!








Scheduled Conference Date: Thursday, September 08, 2005

Scheduled Start Time: 6:45 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time

Scheduled End Time: 8:10 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time

Scheduled # of Participants: 12

Type of Conference: Web-Scheduled Standard

Dial-in Number: 1-641-297-5600 (St. Marys, IA)

Participant Access Code: 10810864