
Krishna is very clever

Babhru Das - September 9, 2005 5:18 am

krsna kahe, -- ‘ama bhaje, mage visaya-sukha

amrta chadi' visa mage, -- ei bada murkha


"Krsna says, ‘If one engages in My transcendental loving service but at the same time wants the opulence of material enjoyment, he is very, very foolish. Indeed, he is just like a person who gives up ambrosia to drink poison.


ami -- vijna, ei murkhe ‘visaya' kene diba?

sva-caranamrta diya ‘visaya' bhulaiba


"‘Since I am very intelligent, why should I give this fool material prosperity? Instead I shall induce him to take the nectar of the shelter of My lotus feet and make him forget illusory material enjoyment.'


Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya 22.38-39