
Shift of the Ages

Bhakta Ivar - September 14, 2005 12:37 pm

Below I have collected some excerpts from the online book The Shift of the Ages by David Wilcock. It contains some parts from the introduction, and some of the references he makes to the Vedic scriptures.


From the author’s prologue:


It’s not as hopeless as you might think – in fact, it might just be perfect.


You are about to read an organized collection of thoughts that you may have had at various times in your life, but perhaps could never quite fully integrate. Chances are, you will also find many things in this book that you have never seen before, and which will utterly dazzle you. Hence, you can step out of the waiting room, as this next phase of your own personal initiation has just begun. The scroll that is about to unfold before you will resonate deep within, triggering ancient memories from before the time that you were born, giving you the keys to regaining your own freedom in a world that is increasingly becoming a perceptual prison of fear and anxiety.


We live in an age where tiny snippets of information perpetually rise and fall in everyone’s life, blowing about with the futility of a rain of confetti – and without the proper context to put them into a framework of some kind, they are simply swept away on the winds of tomorrow. And then, if they are remembered, the specific references are generally sacrificed to dim, murky hearsay, through toxic words like “They” or “that study” or “I read,” which then emerge as, “Did you hear about that study where they found that the light speed barrier was broken? I read about it a while ago.” We have been conditioned to automatically nod our heads in agreement when the almighty “They” are invoked. “Oh wow… I didn’t know that they had done that!” Well, who is “They?” What study? Read it where? This fast-and-loose information game works temporarily with an open-minded person when hearing new concepts similar to what we shall be presenting in this book series, but we must remember that there is a far mightier “They” that has enslaved the minds of most people – the consensus of mainstream thought. If you are reading these words slowly enough, then you’ll probably end up thinking about this concept, and how it has affected you and those around you, for days. Which is good.


(Sometimes we will still need to use the word “they” to define a certain subset of people, such as the alternative science community, or a particular group of non-physical beings once named, or in discussing a particular study once the names have been given. We will capitalize the word “They” and surround it with quotation marks when using it in the context we have just mentioned.)


Ultimately, it appears that the subconscious gravitates towards the word “They” as it is a soft, comfortable substitute for God; deep inside, every person longs to be connected to the source of their being, and therefore wishes to have a source of omniscience to draw from that he or she “knows is right.” However, let us recognize the paradoxical mind-split that this situation has created, once and for all. We ultimately want to use the word “They” to invoke God’s presence, but since the Renaissance, science has boldly attempted to remove God from all “rational thinking” through Pierre Simon de Laplace’s concept of “logical positivism.” This is how “They” of Science have come to automatically assume that God is irrelevant to the quest for truth. Scientists believe that this quest for truth is best accomplished by the collection and synthesis of observable data, nothing more.


The collection and synthesis of things that we can study and measure is the scientific process – and there is nothing intrinsically wrong with it. However, the opinions of mainstream Science are not objective. “Science” is not a fair game. Untold numbers of data points are rejected by nothing more than an emotional decision that the data doesn’t “feel” right, with the belief in an empty, Godless universe as the motivating backdrop. This is then further bolstered by the heavy opposition of those who have strong media / political influence and who would stand to lose all of their funding if their prized theories turned out to be incorrect. Thus, planets are just “rocks in the sky” that churn about in a purposeless idiot dance, in a Universe that is slowly dying away by the “law of entropy,” eventually collapsing back into the nothingness from which it is believed to have originated. Perhaps a wandering space rock will happen to veer into Earth’s gravity and kill us all, since in this Godless universe there is no “Scientific” reason to assume that we will be protected. To suggest otherwise is to suddenly discover that you have “stormed the machine-gun nest” of those who will accuse you being a “ridiculous religious fundamentalist crackpot” with no respect for Science.


Hence, any invocation of the word “They” is almost entirely pointless when you’re trying to tell another human being that almost every major aspect of conventional scientific thought is either flawed or incomplete, from the tiniest to the most massive levels of size, both organic and “inorganic,” and that a hidden, grandiose model exists that can integrate everything into a fantastic spiritual vision heretofore unimagined by most. The “scientific priesthood” does not want to give up its quasi-Divine claim to the power of the word “They”, but with the rise of the Internet, many people are beginning to open their minds and open the books that might have otherwise just sat on the shelf. So do try to remember the specific names of the people who made important discoveries, as with that knowledge comes power – the power to free the human mind from a subtle, unspoken and persistent despair.


Normal, clear, rational thinking is beginning to overtake the infantile desire to blindly accept what “They” want you to think and believe about the Universe. And generally, when the truth is presented in its purest form, it is not difficult for a regular person to understand – they simply may never have thought of it before.


Once we move out of the scientific arena into what Carl Sagan patronizingly described as “the demon-haunted world,” we enter into a completely different playing field with new rules. Many of these new rules are issued on-the-fly by the continual rise and fall of those who claim to be “channeling” information about how the concept of God integrates with our physical reality. A surprising number of people will grab onto a certain set of teachings and will practically fight you to the death if you are not willing to believe everything that their chosen channel said. Hence, there is a new crop of folks in town who are embittered by the old atheists, but end up repeating their same mistakes in the desire to harness the Hammer of the Gods and wield the almighty power of the word “They.” Everyone seems to want to be the Messiah these days, and claim an exclusive gateway to the truth that only “They” can provide.


I do believe that intuition and higher consciousness have a valuable place in the research process, but to say that you simply “channeled” a major chunk of new, otherwise unverifiable specific information is, to me, a distracting shortcut to doing this research “homework.” Specific information is not the main purpose of channeling, as I understand it. The spiritual sources I have studied with tell us that all research, all science is ultimately of small importance, and eventually falls away as we move farther and farther along on the path to true Oneness.




So, if higher beings do exist, and if they respect us, then they should be able to give us a blend of relevant information about the universe that is both spiritual and physical, forming a bridge between these worlds. If we are indeed living in a Divine Cosmos, then let’s see it! If there is a higher order to the events that we are now seeing unfold in the world, then let’s find it! If these beings’ intelligence is truly higher than our own, then they should already know the answers to the largest problems that perplex the scientific community, such as the solution to the “Unified Field Theory.” Furthermore, in knowing the answers, they should then be able to see what we are missing and give us a road map to follow for our scientific research so we can fill in the missing pieces. Figuring out how we prove these concepts is the truly marvelous game of the scientific researcher on the endless quest for Truth – and the three “P’s” of Patience, Persistence and Psychic Insight are all very helpful, though frequently lacking.


So, as you may be aware, the predominant goal of this entire series of books is to rebuild a complete, Unified model of a Divine Cosmos that will prove to the rational mind that the Shift of the Ages is already underway, and will reach Convergence in the near future. However, this is far from a situation where we are all magically transformed on the striking of the clock. There is work to do, and some of it is occurring collectively and some of it is occurring individually. By the time you have finished the series, you will understand exactly what I am about to write:


Energetic conditions are now being created in our Solar System that accelerate both physical and conscious processes at the same time. The physical processes, such as the “Earth changes” that are actually occurring throughout the entire Solar System, aren’t hard to see. They can easily be measured with our instruments and studied scientifically. We can and will nail down the cycles of time that drive these events, and how they work. The conscious processes that occur in the collective body of human thought can also be measured with the blunt movements of financial markets between the extremes of joy and fear, buying and selling – which will prove to be remarkably in tune with outside astrophysical factors. We will also see historical events that repeat themselves in remarkably similar fashions over certain cycles of time, such as 2160 years. In addition, certain cycles perfectly connect physical and conscious processes together – such as finding an outside energetic cause that simultaneously creates massive earthquakes, explosions of nearby stars, collapsing of bloated empires, formation of new societies from the ashes, relatively exact increases in the size of the world’s population by a simple mathematical function, the development of new calendar systems for measuring time and the arrival of great spiritual teachers for humanity. This can be thought of as a spiraling energetic structure of time that is imploding into a point of “singularity” in our near future – a point of final spiritual transformation, if you will, the shedding of the old ways and the adaptation of the New Heaven and New Earth. Better yet, this cycle was found in a very ancient source, more than three thousand years before the birth of Jesus.


The conscious processes in our own lives are much more subtle, and that is where we firmly enter the arena of choice. We can either choose to move through the often-shattering experiences of love and trust, or shut them down in fear and hate to avoid any further (apparent) damage. We have every right to continue to be blind to the suffering of others, and focus only on our own needs, attempting to manipulate and control others for our own gain. However, if we make this choice, the energetic conditions that surround us at this time will make our lives harder and harder and harder. We get to learn by experience that we will keep getting smacked around until we surrender to love for others and for ourselves. Elaborate plans for an imperial “New World Order” will crumble into dust, the funding for these initiatives completely evaporated as a byproduct of these changes, as have all previous empires collapsed as each notch of this “imploding spiral of time” is reached. At the time of this writing, the next two notches will hit at 2003 and 2008, as we increasingly implode towards a moment of singularity. The most difficult aspect of this personal / global growth process is to be willing to accept what you will “lose” along the way, and not get upset about it. It feels like a form of spiritually-invoked abuse at first, but it is the simple byproduct of the law of cause and effect, once properly understood – and all is happening for a Divine purpose.


As these energetic conditions continue to increase, they will indeed reach a final “point of no return,” a moment of spontaneous quantum evolution. As I said, this point ultimately does not matter, even though we do have a “smoking gun” that can nail it down to within about a two-year window. We have been told by sources such as The Law of One that if we have not done the work on ourselves that these current energetic conditions can produce, we will simply be transported to a new and different Earth to pick up where we left off once the “shift” happens. If we do choose to shift, and cry, and grow, and love, we shall live to see the day when every tear that we have shed is an investment in the new being that we shall metamorphosize into, as the Earth completes its own conscious evolution. There are definite dividends to these investments, as what we will have is a world that will apparently be 100 times more harmonious than what we are living in now, with the abilities of the greatest masters at our fingertips. There will still be plenty of work to do, but we will have crossed a major hurdle and will actually live in this “dream world.” For now, we can choose today to make shifts in ourselves that bring Heaven to Earth, and allow us to live in the glory, grace and trust that has been prepared for us since time immemorial, on the inevitable spiraling path back into Oneness.


(note by Ivar: Oneness means Divine Harmony, being connected with spirit. It’s used by the author in the sense of realizing one’s true nature, namely spirit, from which everything ultimately springs. The author refers to the spiritual sparks as ‘consciousness units’, so I don’t think we need to be afraid of reading mayavada. In a later chapter the author states: “However, we can think of our entire Universe as a big game that was set up by the One Infinite Creator, where the idea was to separate itself into many distinct parts, each of which has total free will. The Law of One teachings repeatedly emphasize that free will is the most important law in the universe, and often the least understood or respected.” The one wishing to become many is a Vedic concept, as is the concept of ‘game’, as we say pastime. Of course, don’t expect the author to talk about the specifics of God, like what He looks like or what clothes he wears. That’s knowledge received through parampara and cannot be verified by scientific methods.).


From the second chapter:




Contrary to what many might believe, even those who have been studying the subject for a long time, there do appear to be certain sources of literature that have survived from the time of Atlantis. The most informative material to provide an explanation for the airplane models that we discussed above comes from the Vedic scriptures of India. According to David Hatcher Childress in the book Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis,


The India of 15,000 years ago is sometimes known as the Rama Empire, a land that was contemporary with Atlantis. A huge wealth of texts still extant in India testify to the extremely advanced civilization that is said by these texts to go back over 26,000 years. Terrible wars and subsequent earth changes destroyed these civilizations, leaving only isolated pockets of civilization.


The devastating wars of the (Hindu scripture known as the) Ramayana and particularly of the Mahabrata are said to have been the culmination of the terrible wars of the last Kali Yuga, (or cosmic cycle of time.) The dating process is difficult, in that there is no exact way to date the yugas because there are cycles within cycles and yugas within yugas. A greater yuga cycle is said to last 6000 years while a smaller yuga cycle is only 360 years in the theory expounded by Dr. Kunwarlal Jain Vyas. His papers said that Rama belongs to the twenty-fourth small yuga cycle and that there is an interval of 71 cycles between Manu and Mahabrata period, which comes out to be 26,000 years.


Clearly, if the smaller Hindu cycle of time is 360 years and the authors of their scriptures have diligently counted at least 71 of them, we are dealing with a civilization that is far older than we are currently willing to acknowledge. More importantly, within the voluminous Vedic scriptures are repeated references to vimanas, or flying craft, as well as the usage of what appear to be devastating nuclear weapons. Indeed, some of the Vedic descriptions of the vimana so perfectly match our modern concept of an airplane that scholars invariably use this word when translating them into English.


To elaborate a bit further on this point, we will cite a quotation from Dr. Richard L. Thompson's book Alien Identities. Thompson is a Cornell graduate whose Ph.D. is in mathematics, and who also has a deep interest in Vedic studies and UFOlogy. His book actually stands fast as one of the few genuine breakthrough texts in UFOlogy today, where an author made significant new discoveries instead of simply rehashing second-hand accounts of events such as the purported crash at Roswell. And so, from Chapter 7, pgs. 260-261, we read the following, with underlines and comments that we inserted:


[The ancient author] Bhoja's [text, called] Samarangana-sutradhara, states that the main material of a flying machine [or vimana's] body is light wood, or laghu-daru. The craft has the shape of a large bird with a wing on each side. The motive force is provided by a fire-chamber with mercury placed over a flame. The power generated by the heated mercury, helped by the flapping of the wings by a rider inside, causes the machine to fly through the air. Since the craft was equipped with an engine, we can speculate that the flapping of the wings was intended to control the direction of flight rather than provide the motive power...


[Note: The idea of the "flapping of the wings" could simply be an error in translation by successive Vedic authors, initially referring to the pilot's utilization of the ailerons and stabilizers to steer the plane as it flew.]


I would suggest that the vimanas described by Bhoja are much more similar to conventional airplanes than to UFOs. Thus they are made of ordinary materials like wood, they have wings, and they fly like birds…


However these vimanas were actually powered, it seems likely that they relied on some conventional mechanical method that extracted energy from burning fuel and used it to produce a flow of air over wings. We can contrast this with the flight characteristics of UFOs which don't have wings, jets or propellers, and seem to fly in a manner that contradicts known physical principles.


The Vedic description of a possible nuclear blast, culled directly from page 677 of the transcription of the ancient Drona Parva text itself, is enough to give us chills even now. Despite its horrific contents, we have inserted it here to remind ourselves of what we have done to each other in our own past:


“The valiant Adwatthaman, then staying resolutely on his (vimana) touched water and invoked the Agneya weapon, incapable of being resisted by the very Gods. Aiming at all his visible and invisible foes, the preceptor's son, that Slayer of hostile heroes, inspired with mantras a blazing shaft of the effulgence of a smokeless fire and let it off on all sides, filled with rage. Dense showers of arrows then issued from it in the welkin. Endued with fiery flames those arrows encompassed Parthie on all sides. Meteors flashed down from the firmament. A thick gloom suddenly shrouded the (Pandava) host. All points of the compass also were enveloped by that darkness… Inauspicious winds began to blow. The Sun himself no longer gave any heat… The very elements seemed to be perturbed… The Universe scorched with heats seemed to be in a fever. The elephants and other creatures of the land scorched by the energy of that weapon, ran in fright, breathing heavily and desirous of protection against that terrible force. The very water being heated, the creatures residing in that element, O Bharata, became exceedingly uneasy and seemed to burn…

“Huge elephants burnt by that weapon, fell down on the Earth all around, uttering fierce cries loud as those of the clouds. Other huge elephants, scorched by that fire, ran hither and thither, roared aloud in fear, as if in the midst of a forest conflagration. The steeds, O King, and the cars also burnt by that weapon looked, O Sire, like the tops of trees burnt in a forest fire.”


Indeed, if this is not a terrifying description of the usage of a nuclear device in anger, then how do we explain all the connections that are so easily seen? Is it for this reason that Robert Oppenheimer, one of the fathers of the nuclear bomb, was quoted as saying upon the first test of a modern prototype, loosely paraphrased, “This is not the first time that mankind has exploded a nuclear device.”?


To help us support our continuing argument for an advanced civilization that cooperated with extraterrestrials / higher dimensional beings in the remote past, we again bring in evidence from India cited in Dr. Thompson's book, page 216-217. Here, he discusses the various "powers" known as siddhis that cosmic or extraterrestrial beings visiting earth at the time, [which he calls "Vedic humanoids,"] frequently discussed in the Vedas, had readily available to them. These siddhis were also said to be available to certain illuminated human masters as well:


1. Mental communication and thought-reading. These are standard among Vedic humanoids, but normal speech through sound is also generally used.

2. Being able to see or hear at a great distance.

3. Laghima-siddhi: levitation or antigravity. There is also a power of creating tremendous weight.

4. Anima- and mahima-siddhis: the power to change the size of objects or living bodies without disrupting their structure.

5. Prapti-siddhi: the power to move objects from one place to another, apparently without crossing the intervening space. This power is connected with the ability to travel into parallel, higher-dimensional realms.

6. The ability to move objects directly through the ether, without being impeded by gross physical obstacles. This type of travel is called vihayasa. There is also a type of travel called mano-java, in which the body is directly transferred to a distant point by the action of the mind.

7. Vasita-siddhi: the power of long-distance hypnotic control. Vedic accounts point out that this power can be used to control people's thoughts from a distance.

8. Antardhana, or invisibility.

9. The ability to assume different forms or to generate illusory body forms.

10. The power of entering within another person's body and controlling it. This is done using the subtle body.


Then from chapter 3, about sacred geometry:


So where is the seventh shape? The answer was found in the “religious myths” of the ancient Vedic scriptures from India, the remnants of the Rama empire, as told in Robert Lawlor’s invaluable book Sacred Geometry. The Hindus, or their contacts, supplied the answer by supplying us with one of the Platonic Solids twice. Just as the sphere appears twice, at the beginning and end of the octave, so does its closest harmonic partner, the icosahedron, located at the second and seventh density levels. For the rich, mystical culture of the ancient Vedic texts, with the full cooperation of extradimensional entities flying about in fabulous vimanas, the icosahedron shape was actually turned into a god. They named him Purusha, and in the seventh dimension, or density, he represents the masculine force in the universe.


Figure 3.2 – The icosahedron, known as the masculine god “Purusha”.


As we just said, Purusha also shows up as the first shape for the sphere to crystallize into when we are at the beginning of the spectrum. Therefore, the One, being a manifestation of all conscious entities, must crystallize down into the world of form as Purusha, and any entity must again attain the level of Purusha to return to the One at the end of the cycle. The next image from Lawlor’s Sacred Geometry shows how you would draw an icosahedron in two dimensions, using a compass and straightedge.


Figure 3.3 – The icosahedron, as drawn in two dimensions with a compass and straightedge. (From Sacred Geometry)


Before we assert that the Hindu culture was sexist and male-driven, assigning masculinity to all the best spiritual forces in life, realize that there is a yin to our yang. The universal feminine force is referred to as Prakriti, and is identified as the dodecahedron, or the sixth density.


Figure 3.4 – The dodecahedron, known as the feminine goddess “Prakriti” to the ancient Rama empire. (From Sacred Geometry)


In fact, it appears that each density can be considered as having either “male” or “female” qualities, the second being female, third male, fourth female, fifth male, et cetera. Let us not forget that the Oneness is a combination of both genders in Unity. Thus, as Purusha starts as female in the second density, we see that it is, indeed, a father / mother god, also encompassing the feminine, or Prakriti archetype within itself. Once we read further into the design and understand the metaphysical and spiritual properties of the dimensions, their “genders” will make tremendously good sense. Other than the sphere, we can see that Purusha and Prakriti are the two highest shapes in the spectrum, so it makes sense, in some way, that these two shapes themselves could have been personified as gods and goddesses. These higher realms are clearly something we can aspire to, and these are, essentially, conscious shapes.


(note by Ivar: so that was it, if you want to read the entire book, go to Book



Bhakta Ivar - September 14, 2005 12:53 pm

Just now I noticed the author put two more free books online, and one of them has a chapter devoted entirely to Vedic concepts. Perhaps some of you may find this chapter interesting. Unfortunately it's chapter 14, and thus much of it may be abacadabra. To read the chapter (it's much longer than what you read below) go to Vedic yoga and to see the contents of the book, go to The Science of Oneness.




In The Shift of the Ages we presented the Vedic system as having "all the answers" that we were looking for to solve the dimensional puzzle, and later in this chapter we will share this research again. However, when we wrote Shift, all we presented was just one clue that would suggest that the ancient Aryans were somehow on the right track; we showed the actual geometric Octave itself, which organized all the Platonic Solids into a unified progression that has an Octave structure.


In this book we are trying to be more well-rounded and have our arguments more firmly supported. In an attempt to strengthen the foundations behind such a key point in our model as the geometric Octave, we decided to explore the Vedic cosmology in more detail. Obviously, if the Vedic scholars were right about the various planes of existence as being geometric in nature, then they must have understood a great deal about the aetheric paradigm as we have now rediscovered it to be. The question now becomes whether the evidence exists to suggest a correspondence between Vedic teachings and our own research.


In The Shift of the Ages we have described how some of the Vedic scriptures clearly describe advanced flying machines known as "Vimanas" as well as a very clear, unambiguous description of a nuclear missile, called "a bolt of iron... charged with the light of a thousand suns" whose effects were described in a way that sounds literally identical to what we have witnessed with the flashpoint and subsequent radiation fallout of atomic weapons. In Dr. Richard Thompson's book Alien Identities, there are a number of connections made between various celestial beings as seen in the Vedic texts and modern extraterrestrial reports, establishing a clear link between the two.


In Dr. Thompson's most recent work, he has shown how the ancient Vedic scriptures give a remarkably accurate description of all the planets in the Solar System, complete with measurements of their orbits that are very precise. The reason why this wasn't discovered before, says Dr. Thompson, is that no one had done their homework well enough to discern what the correct Vedic measurement units actually were. Once he found that missing link, everything precisely fit together with what we now know.


The Vedas date themselves as being 18,000 years old, and this is automatically rejected as being impossible. However, as we have presented in The Shift of the Ages, there is mounting evidence for the existence of an ancient advanced civilization that perished in a worldwide cataclysm some 12,500 years ago. In the case of the Vedas, some of this original knowledge was able to be preserved through all of this time, and our main task now is simply to understand it. Bearing that in mind, there is more than enough reason to suggest that the ancient Hindu culture was very well educated about the same science of universal energy that we are now re-discovering in this book. The compelling evidence for this idea can be seen very clearly in Rama Prasad's book from 1894, entitled Nature's Finer Forces: The Science of Breath and the Philosophy of the Tattvas. We shall begin this chapter with an excerpt from Prasad's Preface:


The book is sure to throw a good deal of light upon the scientific researches of the ancient Aryans of India, and it will leave no doubt in a candid mind that the religion of ancient India had a scientific basis.


Several different Sanskrit terms will need to be introduced here in order for us to understand what Prasad has written.




First, the overall name for matter in its original form is Prakriti, the feminine principle, and in Robert Lawlor's book Sacred Geometry we see that this is intended to illustrate the geometry of the dodecahedron. Any time that the word "Prakriti" is used, its definition is "undifferentiated cosmic matter." This undifferentiated matter is then acted upon by the forces of vibration to bring the universe into being, as we shall see. The opposing male principle is Purusha, which the Vedic scholars associated with the icosahedron. The sexual concept of Purusha and Prakriti mating is not difficult to see when we notice that by putting an equal-sized icosahedron and dodecahedron together, the points of the icosahedron will be seen to merge through the center of each face of the dodecahedron. For our purposes in this chapter, we simply need to remember that Prakriti is the word for the original undifferentiated matter of the universe.




Another important term is "The Great Breath." In the Vedic system, all of the Creation comes into being from the energetic "breathing" movement of the One Creator as a Being, which is referred to in Sanskrit terms as "Parabrahman" or "Brahman" for short. This Oneness then splits into duality as Prakriti and Purusha. We have already seen how this breathing motion can be demonstrated in the time-varying rising and falling of planetary atmospheres, such as on Venus in the 24-hour "breath" of the ionosphere and the four-day "breath" movement of the atmosphere. So already, we can start to see the connections that exist between the Vedic model and modern principles.




The basic Sanskrit word for vibration is Tattva, which is defined as "(i) a mode of motion. (ii) The central impulse which keeps matter in a certain vibratory state. (iii) a distinct form of vibration."


One important distinction that needs to be made is that the ancient Vedic system had five main levels of "tattvic" aether vibrations. These were in turn expanded into seven levels by allowing two of them to have separate positive and negative attributes. As Ra noted in the Law of One series, this type of variability between different spiritual systems can be rather confusing when we are trying to construct an Octave-based cosmology that links together all the densities of aetheric vibration as One.


The main Octave of "true color" vibrational levels of "aether density" have had different names and different groupings depending on the system that classified them. However, on behalf of the Vedic system it is also true that there are only five Platonic Solids, and in the Hindu geometric octave given in Sacred Geometry, we have the icosahedron used twice as well as the sphere being used to signify the Oneness, at points one and eight, the beginning and end of the Octave.


On page 118 we see the following very important point, which proves our statement that you can see these tattvic levels as either being five or seven in nature, thus showing the connection between systems:


The universe, as has been seen, has five planes of existence (which may also be divided into seven.)


The sevenfold breakdown of dimensional levels, in this case as applied to the vibrational or chakra levels in the human being, are given on page 146 as follows:


1. The gross body (Sthula Sharira).


2. The unhappy Prana.


3. The unhappy Mind.


4. The happy Prana.


5. The happy Mind.


6. The soul (Vijnana)


7. The spirit (Ananda)




This is remarkably similar, if not identical in the philosophical sense, to Ra's illustration of the seven levels of aetheric density as they correspond to the development of consciousness in the human being, summarized here. The connections are most easily seen between levels 1 and 4-7:




1. (Awareness) Earth / Malkuth center, gross physical / elemental body.


2. (Growth) Growth and development without knowledge of self, "animal" consciousness.


3. (Choice) Self knowing mind attained, plane of suffering, choice to serve others or self.


4. (Love) The level of love. Wisdom is not sought or developed here.


5. (Light) Light, Mind and Wisdom fully developed here but not unified with love.


6. (Unity) The balance between compassion (love) and wisdom is practiced here.


7. (Gateway) The Sacramental Nature of All Things is realized and the gateway to return to the Oneness is opened.




14.7 PRANA




Perhaps the closest word to "aether" in the Vedic system is the term "Prana." This may be confusing to us, as two of the modes of vibration given in the list above are both "minor pranas," in this case as the "unhappy Prana" and the "unhappy Mind." This apparent contradiction is explained in the following definition for Prana, which speaks of minor Pranas as existing as well:




[Prana is] the life principle of the universe and its localized manifestation; the life principle of man and other living beings. It consists of an ocean of the five Tattvas. The suns are the different centers of the ocean of Prana. Our solar system is filled to its extremest limit with Prana, and it is in this ocean that move the various heavenly bodies.




It is held that the whole ocean of Prana, with the sun and moon and other planets, is a complete picture of every living organism on earth, or, for that matter, of any planet. Hence is Prana spoken of sometimes as a person, a living being. All the manifestations of life in the body are known as minor Pranas. The pulmonary [heart] manifestation is known as Prana by preeminence. The positive phase of matter is also [referred to as Prana] as distinguished from Rayi, the negative phase of life matter.




It is very interesting that the definition of Prana indicates that it is fluidlike, by associating it directly with an ocean. This is a direct correspondence with what we have seen in the science of the aether thus far, both with experiments like Dr. Aspden's as well as planetary phenomena. The five main Tattvas or vibrational levels are in the Vedic system are associated with many different five-fold concepts in humanity, including the five senses, the five fingers and toes and the five appendages on the human body, being the two legs, two arms and head. Most of Prasad's work is focused on explaining them only as five principles, and we would need to turn to other sources to get more extensive descriptions of how these principles work in a system of seven:




The Tattvas are the five modifications of the Great Breath. Acting upon Prakriti this Great Breath throws it into five states, having distinctive vibratory motions, and performing different functions.




Here, we will give a summarized list of each of the five main Tattvas and which of the five bodily senses they are associated with, followed by an excerpt from the book right after they are introduced:




1. Akasha Tattva: Sound.


2. Vayu Tattva: Touch.


3. Tejas Tattva: Sight.


4. Apas Tattva: Taste.


5. Prithivi Tattva: Smell.




They are variously known as Mahabhutas. The word Akasha is generally translated into English by the word ether. Unfortunately, however, to modern English science sound is not known to be the distinguishing quality of ether...




Prasad obviously did not foresee a time when the entire concept of aether as a whole would be shunned by modern science!








The next term that is important here is the word "Svara." This word is used to explain the presence of the spiraling lines between geometries that Ra refers to as "the spiraling line of light." It is also conveys the same meaning as the term "The Great Breath."




The Tattvas... are the modifications of Svara... The proper translation of the word Svara is the current of the life-wave. It is that wavy motion which is the cause of the evolution of cosmic undifferentiated matter into the differentiated universe, and the involution of this into the primary state of non-differentiation, and so on, in and out, for ever and ever. Whence does this motion come? This motion is the spirit itself...




It should interest us that the Tattvas, which we now know of as being three-dimensional geometric energy vibrations, are described as being modifications of Svara, or the spiraling current. Could we indeed create all the Platonic Solids as modifications of spiraling lines? Yes. They are all able to be modeled from spirals, as we suggested with the image of the six triangles formed by the "phi" spiral in the last chapter and the chart that showed the simple spiraling relationships between each of the basic geometries.




As this book progresses, we will see clear, undeniable evidence for the existence of this spiraling wave, which we have already begun to suggest with the idea of the phi and square root of two waves that connect the Platonic Solids to each other in an expanding, spiraling progression. As the Vedic scholars said, this is a constant interplay of evolution and involution that is going on. What does "constant" actually mean? Are we to think of it as being something that only takes place over huge periods of time? Or, does "constant" mean "all the time," possibly at a speed that is far too fast for us to measure?




Seth describes a more specific form of "constant" pulsation occurring in the universe in Chapter 7 of Seth Speaks, session 530; a pulsation that forms all of matter moment by moment. Seth says that this pulsation is occurring faster than we could ever know, so that we are forever "blinking in and out" of our current "density" as the aetheric energy that forms our reality pulsates through its other modes of vibration. Normally we have no idea that any of this is happening:




...To begin with, your physical form is the result of great emotional focus. The fantastic energy of your psyche not only created your physical body, but maintains it. It is not one continuous thing, although to you it seems permanent enough while it lasts. It is nevertheless in a constant state of pulsation, and because of the nature of energy and its construction, the body is actually blinking off and on.




Now: This is difficult to explain, and for our present purposes it is not entirely necessary that you understand the reasons for this pulsing; but even physically, you are "not here" as often as you are. Your emotional intensity and focus create forms beside your physical body, however their duration and degree dependent upon the intensity of any given emotional origin.




Your space is therefore filled with incipient forms, quite vivid, but beneath the regular structure of matter that you perceive...




As we go along, we will see that this last statement of Seth about "incipient forms" is literally identical to the Vedic cosmology; in the Vedic system these forms are called "Trutis" and in Seth's work they are called "electromagnetic energy units" or, as Seth also called them, "consciousness units." We now continue at the same point in our Seth excerpt:




These projections [of electromagnetic energy forms,] then actually are sent out constantly. Some more sophisticated scientific instruments than you now have would clearly show not only the existence of these forms, but also vibrations in varying waves of intensity surrounding those physical objects that you do perceive.




(9:57.) To make this clearer, look at any table in the room before you. It is physical, solid, and you perceive it easily. Now for an analogy, imagine if you can that behind the table is another just like it, but not quite as physical, and behind that one another, and another behind that - each one more difficult to perceive, fading into invisibility. And in front of the table is a table just like it, only a bit less physical appearing than the "real" table - it also having a succession of even less physical tables extending outward. And the same for each side of the table.




Now anything that appears in physical terms also exists in other terms that you do not perceive. You only perceive realities when they achieve a certain "pitch," when they seem to coalesce into matter. But they actually exist, and quite validly at other levels...




In the above paragraphs we can see that Seth is giving us a very valuable point to consider:




The vibrations of aether that form physical matter are actually being duplicated in the other densities, with a rippling-style effect.




Such a rippling effect of "spheres within spheres" has been seen in the spherical tornado cascades, the Roschin and Godin experiment and Dr. Chernobrov's experiments as well. You can have a physical object with other levels of aetheric density that are not visible to the human eye, but it nevertheless still exists in those levels as well. This is why we can still see all stars and planets with our eyes, even if a source such as Ra says that there is life on these planets in higher densities. Anything that we would call "physical matter" is also creating vibrations in these other planes of existence; and Seth carefully chooses the word "pitch" to describe the vibrations of these different planes.




Although our physical matter may be somewhat visible in these higher densities, there could just as well be vast amounts of energy formations in the higher densities that we cannot see, because they do not have the correspondingly lower vibrational frequencies to become "physical." In certain cases there is a blending effect between these different realms, such that paranormal phenomena resembling ghosts and UFOs are seen to suddenly appear and disappear or change shape, as is often reported. Seth makes this point by saying that there are systems created by energy that is more "concentrated" than what we have here:




Yours is not a system of reality formed by the most intense concentration of energy, therefore. It is simply the one you are tuned into, part and parcel of. You perceive it simply for this reason.




Other portions of yourself, therefore, of which you are not consciously aware, do inhabit what you would call a supersystem of reality in which consciousness learns to handle and perceive much stronger concentrations of energy, and to construct "forms" of a different nature indeed.




Your idea of space is then highly distorted, since space to you is simply where nothing is perceived. It is obviously filled with all kinds of phenomena (pause,) that make no impression at all upon your perceptive mechanisms. Now in various ways and on occasion, you can tune into these other realities to some degree - and you do so spasmodically, though in many cases the experience is lost because it does not register physically.








All of these points that Seth makes are perfectly echoed in the science of the Vedas, as Prasad has been illustrating for us in the excerpts we have cited so far. In our next excerpt, we see a description about how the energy of Parabrahman goes through phases of expansion and contraction, which are referred to as "days" and "nights" and also associated with heating and cooling. We then get a description of how the vibrational levels themselves come about. This may seem to be a little too complicated, but we will soon see that the key point is that in the Vedic model, the aether forms itself into spheres, just as our own modern research has led us to conclude, along with the writings of Seth, Ra and others:




After being subjected to the negative [contraction] phase of Parabrahman, [or the Oneness,] Prakriti [or undifferentiated matter,] which follows Parabrahman like a shadow, has been saturated with evolutionary receptivity; as the hotter current sets in, changes are imprinted upon it, and it appears in changed forms. The first imprint which the evolutionary positive current leaves upon Prakriti is known as Akasha, [the first level of aether vibration.] Then, by and by, come into existence the remaining ethers. These modifications of Prakriti are the ethers of the first stage.




Into these five ethers, as now constituting the objective plane, works the current of the Great Breath. A further development takes place. Different centers come into existence. The Akasha throws them into a form which gives room for locomotion [movement.] With the beginning of the Vayu [or second] Tattva these elementary ethers are thrown into the form of spheres. This was the beginning of formation, or what may also be called solidification.




These spheres are our Brahmandas [universes of vibration.] In them the ethers assume a secondary development. The so-called division into five takes place... Every tattvic [vibrational] quality is generated into, and preserved in, these spheres by these currents. With the Apas [Tattva] the formation [of the sphere] is complete. In process of time we have a center and an atmosphere. This sphere is the self-conscious universe...




So, what we see here is a very clear description of the formation of the universe as the primordial "consciousness unit" at the beginning of the Creation, which we should now begin to understand as being a very likely accurate picture of what did occur.








As this excerpt goes on further, we see how this creation continues on into solar systems such as our own. These systems are said to be created on the energetic level long before they are created on the physical level. The next new term that we are given here is Manu, a word for the universal mind. We are also presented with the idea that the Sun's existence comes from the interplay of "positive" and "negative" matter. To some this may seem unrealistic, but let's not forget that the CU shows signs of a north-south or positive-negative flow, and in the planets there seem to be counter-rotating spherical energy fields at work as well:




These centers come, in fact, into existence even before the earth is manifested on the gross plane. So also do the centers of other planets come into existence. As the sun presents himself to the Manu [universal Mind,] there come into existence two states of the matter in which the sun lives and moves - the positive and the negative. As the solar Prana, after having been for some time subjected to the negative shady state, is subjected in its revolutionary course to the source of its positive phase, the figure of Manu is imprinted upon it. This Manu is, in fact, the universal mind, and all the planets with their inhabitants are the phases of his existence...




The suns revolve around these centers with the whole of their atmospheres of Prana. This system gives birth to the Lokas or spheres of life, of which the planets are one class.




These Lokas have been enumerated by Vyasa in his commentary on the Yogashastra (Pada iii. Sutra 26).




The aphorism runs thus:




"By meditation upon the sun is obtained a knowledge of the physical creation."




On this says the revered commentator:




"There are seven Lokas (spheres of existence)..."




It is not my purpose to try at present to explain the meaning of these Lokas. It is sufficient for my present purpose to say that the planets, the stars, the lunar mansions are all impressions of Manu, just as the organisms of the earth are impressions of the sun [having their original component materials formed from it]...




Every little atom of Prana is comparatively cooler than the next one towards the sun from itself. Hence equal and opposite vibrations cancel each other...




14.11 TRUTIS




Even more interesting is the next excerpt, which discusses what are called "Trutis." We can now see that these "Trutis" are indeed "vacuum domains" or consciousness units as we have seen them in the work of Dr. Dmitriev and others. The excerpt also suggests that these consciousness units are connected directly with the structure of atoms, which we will be exploring in future chapters. Furthermore, we also get a description of the fractal or holographic principle of "the whole is seen in all of its parts," and we must remember that this book was published in 1894, long before fractals or holograms ever came into being:




It might be noted down here that the whole of this Prana is made up of innumerable little points. Of these points I shall in future speak as Trutis, and might say here that it is these Trutis which appear on the terrestrial plane as atoms (Anu or Paramanu). They might be spoken of as solar atoms. These solar atoms are of various classes according to the prevalence of one or more of the constituent Tattvas, [which are the five main levels of vibration.]




Every point of Prana is a perfect picture of the whole ocean. Every other point is represented in every point. Every atom has, therefore, for its constituents, all the... Tattvas, in varying proportions according to its position in respect of others. The different classes of these solar atoms appear on the terrestrial plane as the various elements of chemistry...




This concept of "Trutis" matches perfectly with Seth's conceptions of "electromagnetic energy units." Here, we will bring forth an organized list of the different properties of these units as expressed by Seth in the earlier book The Seth Material. In our previous book The Shift of the Ages, we did not edit the data in this way, but with what we are trying to do in this book, it is much more suitable to break the information down into categories:




Now: there are electromagnetic structures... that are presently beyond your (scientific) instruments, units that are the basic carriers of perception. They have a very brief "life" in your terms...








We see that Seth describes these electromagnetic units as having the form of a spherical torus:




Take, for example, five thousand such units aligned together, formed together. They would, of course, be invisible. But if you could view them, each individual unit would have its poles lined up in the same manner. It would look like one single unit - say, it is of circular form - so it would appear like a small globe with the poles lined up as in your earth.








These forms are clearly given a description that directly ties them in with electromagnetic energy:




The "initial" originating emotional energy that sets any given unit into motion, and forms it, then causes the unit to become a highly charged electromagnetic field...




[The units] are electromagnetic, in your terms, following their own patterns of positive and negative charge, and following also certain laws of magnetism. In this instance, like definitely attracts like...




This structure is beyond the range of electromagnetic qualities as your scientists think of them...




It is in terms of weather that their electromagnetic effects appear most clearly to scientists, for example. [Tornadoes, anyone?]








The units are also associated with vibration, as we would assume in the aether model. The first sentence below is a clear illustration of research such as that done by Dr. Hans Jenny where sound formed three-dimensional objects in a colloidal liquid:




These emanations can also appear as sounds, and you will be able to translate them into sounds long before your scientists discover their basic meaning...




[These units] would have color if you were able to perceive them physically.




The emanations are actually emotional tones. The varieties of tones, for all intents and purposes, are infinite.








These units are directly associated with the formation of matter as we would now think of it, according to Seth. The first sentence below tells us that since all of space is formed by these CUs, they do not "move through" space. It is more correct to say that they always exist in every area of space, and what we interpret as movement is simply a wavelike impulse that travels through them, just like we see waves on the surface of a pool of water:




To put this as simply as possible, it is not so much that they move through space, as that they use space to move through. There is a difference...




The units are just beneath the range of physical matter. None are identical. However, there is a structure to them.




Since they are the intuitive force just beyond the range of matter, upon which matter is formed, they will not follow the laws of matter, although at times they may mimic the laws of matter.




One of the reasons why they have not been discovered is precisely because they are so cleverly camouflaged within all structures.








In a means very similar to the Vedic cosmology, Seth describes how these units obey principles of attraction and repulsion, which we see in the gravity / levity balance, magnetism and other forces. The connection is also established that the degree of "charge" in a consciousness unit is formed by the amount of emotional / vibrational energy that was originally put into its production. This "spiritual" connection is also seen clearly in the Vedic view:




Thermal qualities are involved [with the units,] and also laws of attraction and repulsion. The units charge the air through which they pass, and draw to them other units...




As a magnet... will attract with its filaments, so these units attract their own kind and form patterns, which then appear to you as perception...




[These units] will draw other such units to them, for example, according to the intensity of the emotional tone of the particular consciousness at any given "point." Clumps of them will be drawn together, literally sealed, only to drop away and disperse once more.




It is almost impossible to detect an individual unit, for in its dance of activity it constantly becomes a part of other such units, expanding and contracting, pulsating and changing in intensity, in force, and changing polarity. This last is extremely important...




It would be as if the positions of your north and south poles changed constantly while maintaining the same relative distance from each other, and by their change in polarity upsetting the stability of the planet- except that because of the greater comparative strength at the poles of the units, a newer stability is almost immediately achieved after each shifting. The shifting of polarity occurs in rhythm with changing emotional intensities, or emotional energies, if you prefer. The changing polarities are also caused by attraction and repulsion from other like units which may be attached or detached. There is a rhythm that underlies all of this changing polarity and changing intensities that occur constantly. But the rhythms have to do with the nature of emotional energy itself, and not with the laws of matter.




Without an understanding of these rhythms, the activity of the units would appear haphazard, chaotic, and there would seem to be nothing to hold the units together.








Not only do the units attract and repel each other, they also can expand and contract in their apparent size in a "breathing" motion, just like the Vedic concepts illustrate, with no theoretical limits on the amount of expansion or contraction:




Their size varies...




These emanations rise as naturally as breath... there is a coming in and a going out, and transformation within the unit, as what is taken into the lungs, for example, is not the same thing that leaves on the exhale stroke. You could compare these units, simply for an analogy, to the invisible breath of consciousness... breath is, of course, also a pulsation, and these units operate in a pulsating manner.




Being just beyond the range of matter, having a structure but a nonphysical one, and being of a pulsating nature, they can expand or contract. They can completely envelop, for example, a small cell, or retreat to the nucleus within. They combine qualities of a unit and a field, in other words.




If we must speak in terms of size, then they change in size constantly as they expand and contract. Theoretically there is no limit, you see, to their rate of contraction or expansion...








In this category we will more firmly establish the connection between consciousness, such as that of the human being, and the formation of these units. Everything that we think at any moment is constantly forming these units; and in other areas Seth tells us that many of them never become physical in our world because we do not have the ability to focus our thoughts strongly enough to make them materialize.




They are built up in response to emotional intensity [and] are one form that emotional energy takes. The intensity of the original emotional energy controls the activity, strength, stability, and relative size of the unit; the rate of its pulsation, and its power to attract and repel other units, as well as its ability to combine with other units.




There is another reason why they remain a secret from Western scientists. [Emotional] intensity governs not only their activity and size, but the relative strength of their magnetic nature. [These units] can be used in normal perception or what you call extrasensory perception.




[Note: If this sounds foolish, let us remind ourselves of Russian psychics Nina Kulagina and Alla Vinogradova, who were able to move objects and create electromagnetic fields by thought alone.]




In a healthy personality, the inner self easily projects all experience into EE units, where they are translated into actuality. Physical matter, therefore, acts as a feedback.




It is not that you cannot devise instruments to perceive these units. Your scientists are simply asking the wrong questions, and do not think in terms of such freewheeling structures...




[These units] are basically animations rising from consciousness... [and are] within each physical particle regardless of its size; of molecular consciousness, cellular consciousness, as well as the larger gestalts of consciousness with which you are usually familiar. They are emitted by the cells, for example, in plants, animals, rocks, and so forth.




Consciousness actually produces these emanations, and they are the basis for any kind of perception, both sensory in usual terms and extrasensory...








It is difficult to deny that between these various sources, a unified cosmological model can be found that fits very nicely with what we have described in this book up until now. Perhaps the most important "new" concept that we are encountering at this time is that supposedly "hard" atoms and molecules are being formed by these CUs, and the CUs in turn are formed by consciousness. In essence, the more that we are capable of focusing our emotional energy into one particular thoughtform, the more that we can control, as Seth says, "the activity, strength, stability, and relative size" of the units that will create our mental image; we can control "the rate of pulsation" of the CUs that form the object, as well as the CUs' "power to attract and repel other units, [and their] ability to combine with other units." This point cannot be underestimated, as it forms the underlying scientific basis for Seth's most famous quote of all, which is "You create your own reality."




Entire books have been written by Seth to show how this underlying science works, the most popular of them being The Nature of Personal Reality. The main point that we should remember is that our thoughts have a great deal more power than we have normally ascribed to them. As widely seen and reported, certain advanced yogis and mystics are capable of manifesting objects seemingly out of nowhere. Such cases are relayed in Paramahansa Yogananda's important book Autobiography of a Yogi, and have been witnessed by numerous explorers who traveled to India to observe the "fakirs" at work. Similar feats have been performed by mystics and shamans in many other cultures as well. Of course, the story of the life of Jesus contains many such accounts of manifestation, including the spontaneous production of enough bread and fish to feed five thousand people. More recently, others have seen statues of Mary cry tears of blood or have had mysterious "stigmata" form on their bodies, as spontaneous wounds similar to the Crucifixion. Some religious figures such as Padre Pio have even gone so far as to suddenly produce dense masses of bodily tissue at the palms that clump together and appear to look like nails amongst the blood, duplicating the image of the nails that Jesus was crucified with.




These manifestations are only the most extreme form of something that is occurring constantly with our thoughts, whether we are aware of it or not. Esther Hicks, whose channeled work with an entity named Abraham was inspired by Jane Roberts' work with Seth, calls this principle "The Law of Attraction." In mainstream psychology lingo it is referred to as a "self-fulfilling prophecy."




Essentially, if you believe that other people are mean and spiteful, then you will create CUs that will act as a magnet to others who are ready to treat you that way, and they will definitely find you through a completely subconscious, cooperative process. If you have fear, which is the greatest limiter of human endeavor, then you will always find things to be afraid of. If you feel that you are a victim and wish to cast blame on others for your problems, then you will attract victimizers to fulfill your beliefs. The alleged beings in higher realms are always quick to point out that if the average human being were to suddenly be placed in a 100-percent thought-responsive environment, where his or her thoughts instantaneously became real, the amount of fear that we naturally hold inside could quickly spiral us into some very serious trouble.








Returning to the connection between Vedic concepts and aether physics, in the next excerpt from Prasad's book, we have a clear description of the opposing forces of gravity and levity as seen in the Vedas. However, here Prasad makes the mistake of using the more conventional scientific terms of centrifugal and centripetal force instead of terms involving gravity and its opposite. In trying to articulate ancient concepts into modern words, he may never have realized exactly how they impacted the current Newtonian gravitational theories of his day:




Hence, while the sun draws the earth towards himself, those laws of life which have given it a constitution, by which for ages it must roll on, keep it in the sphere they have assigned to it. Two forces thus come into existence. Drawn by one the earth would go towards the sun; checked by the other it must remain where it is. These are the centrifugal and centripetal forces, and their action results in giving the earth its annual revolution.








In the next excerpt from pg. 85, we see the connection between the Sun and the energy of the universe that is referred to as "Prana" in the Vedic tradition. It is intended to illustrate how the art of breathing as meditation is our own means of tapping into the energy of the Universe. Indeed, elsewhere Prasad tells us that "The science of breath, and its connection to the Cosmos, is the single deepest secret of all esoteric orders."




It is said that the sun is the Prana. This is evident enough, and has been mentioned many a time before this. The most important function of life, inspiration and expiration, the function of which, according to the Science of Breath, is the one law of the existence of the universe on all the planes of life, is brought into existence and kept in activity by the sun himself. It is the solar breath that constitutes his existence, and this reflected in man gives birth to human breath.




This idea is then continued on page 89 with the description of another Sanskrit term that we have already covered, known as "Svara," which we remember as being "the current of the life-wave" and associated with the harmonic "spirals of light" mentioned in the last chapter:




No theory of the life of the universe is at once so simple and so grand as the theory of breath (Svara). It is the one universal motion, which makes its appearance in Maya by virtue of the unseen substratum of the cosmos, the Parabrahman of the Vedantins. The most appropriate expression for Svara in English is "the current of life." The Indian Science of Breath investigates and formulates the laws, or rather the one universal law, according to which this current of life, this motive power of universal intelligence, running, as Emerson so beautifully puts it, along the wire of thought, governs evolution and involution and all the phenomena of human life, physiological, mental and spiritual. In the whole length and breadth of this universe there is no phenomenon, great or small, which does not find its most natural, most intelligible, and most apposite explanation in the theory of the five modes of manifestation of this universal motion - the five elementary Tattvas...




The word Svara is only a synonym of intelligence, the one manifestation of the One descending into Prakriti [undifferentiated matter.]




Another definition for "Svara" or the "upward spiraling line of light" is given on page 137, followed shortly by a very interesting sentence, which essentially says that since these are timeless principles of the universe they will always return to the mind of humanity:




Svara, or what may be called the Breath of God, the Breath of Life, is nothing more nor less, as has already been explained, than abstract intelligence, or if such an expression be better understood, intelligent motion...In the course of ages, these ideas make their appearance in the physical plane again and again, according to laws previously hinted at.








Now that we have fulfilled our objective of showing a connection between Vedic science and cutting-edge aetheric physics, we return to our basic idea of the structure of dimensions as being an Octave of geometric vibrations. If all the different mystical and channeled ET sources with proven validity have agreed on this point, then surely there must be a way to approach this topic with science. In The Shift of the Ages we describe how the mathematical basis of all of modern superstring and "hyperspace" theory was based off of the pioneering work of Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, who openly admitted to receiving all of his information from a spiritual source. Even despite this apparently fatal flaw in his credentials by today's Establishment standards, he was widely heralded as a genius in his own time, because his work fundamentally changed the entire scope and definition of Western mathematics.




In retrospect, with what we now know about the Vedic cosmology, it shouldn't be difficult to see that Ramanujan had a wealth of knowledge to work off of when trying to devise mathematics that would quantify and explain the various tattvic levels of aetheric density in the universe, which most scientists erroneously call 'dimensions.' Ramanujan himself could not explain how he knew what he knew, except to say that "the [Hindu] Goddess Namakkal would inspire him with the formulae in dreams." And yet, with nothing more than one mathematics book to read and study, Ramanujan single-handedly re-derived the last 100 years of the finest Western mathematical findings for his time, all by himself! Furthermore, there were scores of far more mysterious number operations contained in his work that the Western mathematical Establishment had never seen before, and had a terrible time trying to re-derive on their own. And yet, they could see that these operations were highly elegant and compelling, as they possessed beautiful symmetry within themselves.








These exotic number operations from Ramanujan, called "modular functions," provided the bedrock for all physicists to follow when mathematically investigating and defining the higher dimensions. Though they cannot actually see the higher densities or "dimensions," certain analogies were used by our mathematicians to determine their properties. The classic example of this is visualized with the analogy of the Flatlanders - an entire race of beings that live in a "flat" two-dimensional world, who then have a sphere pass through their plane, from top to bottom. From their viewpoint, they would only see a circle that started very small, reached a certain width and then became small again. To them, only one apparent "slice" of the sphere would be visible at a time as it passed through their plane. Yet, with this information they could mathematically calculate the properties of the sphere and define its existence, even though it was outside of their current range of perception. In this case the sphere would be considered as a "higher-dimensional topology." The word "topology" simply is an intelligent-sounding way to say the word "shape."








In the case of Ramanujan, the modular functions are defined as mathematical operations where an incredible and almost unheard-of degree of symmetry exists within them - symmetry that allows for such higher-density geometries to exist. And within this symmetry, in many, many different and synchronistic ways, Ramanujan's modular functions always referred us back to the number eight as the key organizing force behind the structure of dimensions or densities in this universe. This can be seen in excerpts from the book Hyperspace by Dr. Michio Kaku. Here we should keep in mind that "Superstring" theory is very similar to aetheric concepts, in that the entire quantum realm is seen as being the product of energetic, vibrating "Strings":




Srinivasa Ramanujan was the strangest man in all of mathematics, probably in the entire history of science. He has been compared to a bursting supernova, illuminating the darkest, most profound corners of mathematics, before being tragically struck down by tuberculosis at the age of 33, like Riemann before him. Working in total isolation from the main currents of his field, he was able to rederive 100 years' worth of Western mathematics on his own. The tragedy of his life is that much of his work was wasted rediscovering known mathematics. Scattered throughout the obscure equations in his notebooks are these modular functions, which are among the strangest ever found...




In the work of Ramanujan, the number 24 (8 x 3) appears repeatedly. This is an example of what mathematicians call magic numbers, which continually appear where we least expect them, for reasons that no one understands. Miraculously, Ramanujan's function also appears in string theory... In string theory, each of the 24 modes in the Ramanujan function corresponds to a physical vibration of the string...




When the Ramanujan function is generalized, the number 24 is replaced by the number 8. Thus, the critical number for the superstring is 8 + 2, or 10. This is the origin of the tenth dimension. The string vibrates in ten dimensions because it requires these generalized Ramanujan functions (based on the number 8) in order to remain self-consistent. In other words, physicists have not the slightest understanding of why ten and 26 dimensions are singled out as the dimension of the string.




[Now read the next sentence carefully, and remember that this is being spoken by a mainstream scientific authority figure:]




It's as though there is some kind of deep numerology being manifested in these functions that no one understands...




In the final analysis, the origin of the ten-dimensional theory is as mysterious as Ramanujan himself. When asked by audiences why nature might exist in ten dimensions, physicists are forced to answer, "We don't know."




As we can see from the above passage, modern Superstring physicists feel that the energies making up the dimensions are "not symmetrical" in Ramanujan's octave-based system, and they therefore arbitrarily add two extra dimensions in order to make everything mathematically fit together. The ten dimensions of conventional "Superstring theory" come about from this abstraction - and in an equally inelegant manner, String theorists took Ramanujan's group of three octaves or 24 dimensions and added two more to get 26. One would think that if you had three different Octave systems, each of which had tremendous musical symmetry, that you would not want to break that symmetry in such a manner as to add only two more to the entire group - but most of them are probably not musicians!




In footnote number 13 on page 346 at the back of Hyperspace, Kaku shows us how the Octave can be re-introduced by taking away the two "extra" dimensions that they have added:




However, two of these vibratory modes can be removed when we break the symmetry of the string, leaving us with 24 vibratory modes, which are the ones that appear in the Ramanujan function.




Now that we understand vibration and the forms that it takes, it should be easy to see how this apparent mistake came about. As we will see in later chapters, our entire understanding of energy and quantum physics has many distortions. When these distortions are cleared up and we see the geometry that is at work, we find the exact "symmetry" that the String theorists believe we need to preserve with two extra "dimensions." With someone of Ramanujan's genius, it is more than likely that he or his information source was well aware of what they were doing; the simple fact that we still do not comprehend many of his theorems should be a big clue that we haven't yet "solved the puzzle." The addition of the two extra dimensions is simply a convenient shortcut to make everything look good on paper.








As our research in this area continued after writing The Shift of the Ages, we were highly intrigued to discover that a mainstream scientific model already exists that directly associates Ramanujan's Octave-based modular functions with Platonic geometry! This comes about from the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, which was mathematically proven only in the 1990's. This conjecture essentially states that all of Ramanujan's "Octave-based" modular functions can essentially be modeled as elliptic curves.




While the full definition of "elliptic curves" is quite complex, the main point is that these curves are actually shaped like a torus or doughnut, and are seen to wrap around Platonic geometries, specifically the cube. We were naturally very excited to discover this fact. (The mathematics that described this configuration are what led to Andrew Wiles' breakthrough mathematical proof in the mid-1990's of Fermat's Last Theorem, considered the "greatest mathematical puzzle of the last 300 years.")




So to put it in simple terms, modern mathematical theories are indeed supporting the results of our models of a fluid in vibration - i.e., Platonic geometries that are surrounded and created by spiraling or curving lines. As the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture shows us, Ramanujan's octave-based modular functions are ultimately geometric in nature, and the geometry is a surprisingly exact match to what we would have expected it to be in the harmonic model.








Seeing the dimensions or densities as organized into an octave gives us a perfect theory of vibration that unifies our seen and unseen universe into a single, utterly simple whole - a "theory of marble", as the physicists would call it, that is streamlined and elegant. It is vibration that connects all of these concepts together. We know that sound pitches or tones are nothing but vibrations of air molecules, and that colors are nothing but vibrations of photons of light. Similarly, the Platonic solids are another form of expressing vibration - in this case, the vibrations of the energy waves that converge on a point, rotating and spiraling inwards and outwards from a commonly shared center, in the form of Svara or "The Great Breath."




In the Vedic cosmology, we have a unique and very explainable positioning of the sphere and all five Platonic solids into the Octave. In this system, the sphere and icosahedron are both seen twice, and that is how we get an octave of eight positions from six basic shapes - the five Platonic Solids and the one sphere. The image of this is pictured under 12.24.6 below.




In The Shift of the Ages, we have already described and diagrammed very clearly how the energy of the third-density octahedron could be seen to expand into the star tetrahedron and on up the chain. So far, with these geometric visualizations, we found the Hindu model to be well supported. However, we had run into a glitch when we tried to visualize how the second-density icosahedron could expand into the third-density octahedron, even though Robert Lawlor said that it could be done in his book Sacred Geometry. We puzzled over this problem for nearly four years, and only recently in October 2000 did we have the immense satisfaction of stumbling over a website that gives us a clear-cut diagram of how this would be done! Once again, the first object must make an angular tilt as it expands into the next object in the sequence.


So, we will now present the full range of tilts and adjustments that must be made, in order, so that the reader can see how everything changes in this progression of shapes.