
Govardhan Puja

Forrest - September 24, 2005 5:18 am

When is the Govardhan Puja celebration this year? I imagine it is near the end of next month or maybe early November. I would really like to make a *long* overdue trip to Audarya for it.


Is there anyone in the Portland area that is going that I could possibly tag along with?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 24, 2005 4:17 pm

The officail date for Govardhan Puja is Wednesday November 2nd. The celebration at Audarya, as always, will be over the weekend, I'm sure Vrindaranya can give you exact date.

Forrest - September 24, 2005 7:08 pm

Thanks Nanda-Tanuja.

Swami - October 3, 2005 9:58 pm

We will be celebrating Govardhana-puja in conjunction with the commemoration of Srila Prabhupada's tirobhava on the 6th of November. So although Govardhana-puja falls in the middle of the work week, our festival will continue on into the weekend that follows it. All are invited—rain or shine—but be sure to let us know in advance if you plan on attending.