

Gauravani Dasa - September 28, 2005 4:23 pm

We have received a quote from the printer and we can have 2,000 copies of Guru Maharaja's Siksastakam commentary printed for $5,000. Half of this amount is due up front and the other half due upon delivery.


You can take advantage of this opportunity to see Guru Maharaja's commentary distributed widely by making a donation towards the cost of printing. Go to http://swami.org/ and click on the Make a Donation button on the lower left hand side of the page. Make sure you specify that you are donating for the printing of Siksastakam.


Sri Sri Siksastakam ki jaya!

Srila Guru Maharaja ki jaya!

Margaret Dale - September 29, 2005 3:31 am

Can we preorder (and pay for) copies? You could get up front money that way.

Gauravani Dasa - September 29, 2005 3:42 pm

Yes, retail price is $14.95. If you order 5 or more there is a 50% wholesale discount.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 29, 2005 4:03 pm

When is the due date for the payment to the printer? Do we have couple of weeks?

Gauravani Dasa - September 30, 2005 3:21 am

Yes we have a couple of weeks. No exact date at this time.

Swami - October 3, 2005 9:54 pm

To date we have raised $2178.00 towards the printing.


Gauravani finished the index today, and Gaura Krsna and Syamasundara have completed their proofreading of the layout. We are still waiting for Sridama to complete his proofreading. Once Sridama's work is finished we will send the document to Kamalaksa, who will enter the changes and design the index. At that point the manuscript should be ready to print. Menawhile we are waiting for the printer to send us a dummy of the book so that vrindaranya can execute the finla design of the dust jacket. Once that is completed, the printer will have all that he needs to complete the job except for the remaining balance of payment.



Bijaya Kumara Das - October 4, 2005 1:51 am

To date we have raised $2178.00 towards the printing.



I will put in a few hundred tomorrow.

Sridama Dasa - October 5, 2005 1:53 pm
We are still waiting for Sridama to complete his proofreading.  Once Sridama's work is finished we will send the document to Kamalaksa, who will enter the changes and design the index.



I just sent my changes in, and apologize again for my delay. I sent the changes to Guru Maharaja and Vrindaranya both, but the email to Vrindaranya bounced back.


Guru Maharaja, please let me know if my mail doesn't make it to you.


Swami - October 13, 2005 4:23 pm

As of this morning we have raised $2858.00. Only $2142 remaining. Thus we have paid the printer the 50% down they required, and the final manuscript and dust jacket should be in their hands by the end of next week.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 24, 2005 8:05 pm

Did we get enough money? Are we done with printing?

Swami - October 25, 2005 2:51 pm

We are still just under $2000 short. So I have spoken with Mandala Publishing and they have agreed to distribute the book if we put their imprint on the cover. This means that they will buy a few hundred copies from us up front at a small markup from our price. Then they will sell them wholesale and retail, buying more from us as needed. This will put the book in stores and increase distribution, as we do not have wholesale accounts and have been unsuccessful in getting them in the devotee community. (My books are widely read in the devotee commuinity, but many readers are reluctanct to distribute them owing to institutional considerations.) So with Mandala's inital order we are probably about $800 short at this point, but I need to pin Mandala down on the number of books they intend to purchase.


As for the printing, it has not begun due to ongoing technical difficulties that should be solved this week. We are waiting for a file from Kamalaksa and for the bar code and ISBN number to arrive, which need to be placed on the dust jacket.