
Actual beginning of Kartika

Syamasundara - October 13, 2005 10:07 am

I just noticed that the beginning of Kartika is the day after saradiya purnima. while my understanding is that you either start on purnima or on the ekadasi before, ending one month later.

How are we going to do?

Swami - October 13, 2005 6:49 pm

We are beginning the vrata on the purnima.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 13, 2005 9:43 pm

How lay people should observe Kartika? I've heared that the best way to observe the Kartika-vrata is to abstain from eating grains for the whole month, and to take only milk or water for the last five days. If one eats grains during the month, he should avoid them for the last five days. Also, one should only eat once a day.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 14, 2005 2:01 am

Maharaja answered this question during a conference call. According to him main thing to do during Kartika is to increase hearing and chanting. If possible fast as well, but not to the extent that it becomes counterproductive, such as inhibits you from hearing and chanting, because you are too weak or cannot concentrate. His another point was to get benefit of the vrata you have to actually complete it as stated, so do not try to be very ambitious and decide to chant a lakhs a day and then stop it because you cannot handle it, maybe it’s better to just add two more rounds, but make sure that you will do them.

Forrest - October 14, 2005 4:15 am

This is very interesting. I have been thinking about performing some vows during Kartika. Perhaps it does not matter much, or maybe it does, but I would be very curious to hear more about "formerly declaring" and properly completing the vows made during Kartika.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 14, 2005 1:50 pm
I would be very curious to hear more about "formerly declaring" and properly completing the vows made during Kartika.

I’m sure our venerable paka brahmana Bhrigupada has some ritual in mind. I think the advice to make a firm resolve lays in Manusmrti, 2/3:

The desire (for rewards), indeed, has its root in the conception that an act can yield them, and in consequence of (that) conception sacrifices are performed; vows and the laws prescribing restraints are all stated to be kept through the idea that they will bear fruit.

Another translation:

A desire is basis of a personal resolution. A yagya can be conducted only by a firm resolution. A fast, yagya or other religious ceremonies are based upon resolve.

Bhrigu - October 14, 2005 1:58 pm
I’m sure our venerable paka brahmana Bhrigupada has some ritual in mind.


Indeed he does! I'm starting a separate thread about Kartika, since it is an important topic and "just now coming".