

Bhrigu - October 14, 2005 2:03 pm

As mentioned in the Q & A - section, Kartika will soon begin. This is the most important part of the Gaudiya Vaishnava year, so I thought that a separate thread could be a good idea. Let's discuss different vratas and procedures here. Generally, it is said that one should keep one's vratas secret, but I believe that we can make an exception here. We are within our own group, where secrets can be shared, and mentioning our own vratas may inspire others to take up some too.


First, some words by Srila Sridhar Maharaja:



In Navadvipa we generally recommend the chanting of the astottara sata-nama of Mahaprabhu and Krsna, Their 108 Names. Their whole lila is given there. One can come in touch with the whole lila of Mahaprabhu as well as Krsna. Morning and evening, repeat the eight slokas of Mahaprabhu. Our Guru Maharaja used to make us sing. The day is divided into eight periods, and we chanted about the lila during those eight times. As Vaikuntha: it has been recommended in Bhaktivinoda Thakura's song, to come in connection with the entire lila.


The eight slokas of Mahaprabhu, the Siksastaka, contain all the developed ideas in a nutshell. Bhajana, the whole of Krsna-lila is covered in these eight slokas. Especially in his Bengali translation, Bhaktivinoda Thakura has composed certain songs giving deeper meaning, which bring us into close touch with those lofty ideas for our highest realization.


Karttika is a special month in which we try our best to cultivate all of our feelings and regulate them for the attainment of our intimate connection with Krsna. By investing our energy even in a small way during the Karttika mahina, we can get better results, just as in times of war capitalists may find more opportunity for earning profit. In a short time they can earn more; that sort of arrangement is everywhere. Here also there are particular points of time, when using our energy in a focused way can be more beneficial. Such is the time in Karttika mahina. Purity of purpose is almost guaranteed, because the object is to satisfy Radharani, the Divine Potency.

Bhrigu - October 14, 2005 2:19 pm

The Hari-bhakti-vilasa mentions many niyamas or restrictions that one may accept during the month of Kartik (a.k.a Damodara) in order to please Srimati Radhika. The main one is to refrain from meat. Since Vaishnavas even otherwise do so, it has been reinterpreted to mean urad dahl, the taste of which is similar to that of fish -- at least to Bengalis. Many devotees will give up other "nice foods" as well, such as eggplant, tomatoes, sweets etc.


Even though giving up things is the main meaning of niyama-seva, devotees usually also vow to perform extra devotional activities during this month. The HBV especially recommends daily chanting of the Damodarastaka and offering Lord Damodara ghee-lamps. Here in Finland, now that the days are quickly getting shorter and shorter, this is a very comforting and aesthetically pleasing ritual as well. There are two different melodies for the song, one for use in the morning and another for the evening. Perhaps someone could post a link to a website that has both? The song is not that difficult, but you need to hear it to learn the melody.


As Srila Sridhar Maharaja recommends above, chanting the Siksastaka-prayers is also recommended. In the Gaudiya Mathas they will follow Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Bhajana Rahasya, so that each verse is correlated to one of the eight watches (yamas) of the day. The first yama (brahma-muhurta) thus corresponds with the first verse of the Siksastaka (ceto darpana...). They will chant the verse, and then sing the Bengali CC verses where Mahaprabhu elaborates on it, followed by Bhaktivinoda's Bengali versified translation + purport for each verse. All of this is found at least in the Mandala songbook. But that's not all! After this, they will chant the verses from Krishnadasa Kaviraja's Govinda Lilamrita that describe the corresponding lila in Vraja + Bhaktivinoda's Bengali translation of that. All of this makes for a very sweet kirtana, beginning with nama-tattva and ending with vraja-lila.

Bhrigu - October 14, 2005 2:53 pm

So how to formally begin the vrata? It can be done in some different ways. The main thing is to solemnly declare your vows in front of Krishna. This mantra is found in the HBV (16.163):


kArtike 'haM kariSyAmi prAtah-snAnaM janArdana

prItyarthaM tava deveza dAmodara mayA saha


"O Janardana, during kartika I will daily bathe (outside) in the morning, in order to please you, Lord of Gods, Damodara, together with Radha."


Of course, if one takes another vrata, one should change the "prAtah-snAnaM" into something else, eg. "lIla-gAnaM" (singing lila-kirtanas), "yAma-sevaM" (following rules), etc. But one can just as well state the declaration in English or any other language as well.


The procedure is like this: 1) do acamana (see beginners guide if you don't know how), 2) offer Krishna (preferrably as Damodara) flower petals (puspanjali). If you don't have flowers, you can substitute them with water. 3) Holding a copper vessel filled with pure water, state your declaration facing the north, in front of Krishna. After doing so, pour some water on the ground as a sign of your promise.


The last five days of Kartika are known as Bhisma-pancaka, and they are especially favourable for heavy austerities, such as eating almost nothing, doing 64 rounds daily, etc, especially for those not able to do something during the whole Caturmasya and/ or Kartika.


On the last day, give donations to brahmins, and if fasting from some kinds of food, have a feast where they are served.


Some other vratas recommended in the HBV: daily ritual baths (not here in Finland, thanks!), giving in charity, giving away lamps, keeping an overnight vigil in a temple of Vishnu, etc. Lighting/ giving away lamps seems to be a major thing.


For Kartik, I will chant the Damodarastaka + one lila-kirtana daily, light a lamp for Damodara and refrain from eggplants, jackfruit and mango. I will also *try* (but I'll be specific about that, since I'm not sure if I can manage it) to not criticise any devotees during this month.

Syamasundara - October 14, 2005 3:03 pm

That's really charming. I think my vow will follow these guidelines as much as possible.

I know two melodies, well most of us know them; i just didn't know they were different ragas for different times, but after all it's like this with all the other songs.

If I manage to figure out which is which and how to post audiofiles i can sing the samples.

Bhrigu - October 14, 2005 4:02 pm

That would be great, Syamu!


Here is something from Srila Narayana Maharaja explaining some of the different names of this vrata:


What is the significance of this Kartika month and Damodara vrata? Srila Maharaja said that this month is called the month of Damodara; Damodara is He whose belly was bound by the rope of Mother Yasoda. He was not actually bound by a rope, however; He was bound by prema, by pure vatsalya-bhava (parental love). Krsna is anadi; He has no beginning. And He is ananta; He has no end. Still, although He is Parambrahma, that unlimited, beginningless and endless Supreme Lord can be bound and trapped by prema. Therefore this month is called Damodara vrata, and those who observe it will attain the prema by which they can bind Parambrahma, the Supreme Lord. Those who can observe this vrata are very fortunate.


This month is also called Urja vrata. Urja means sakti, and it specifically refers to Krsna's internal potency, antaranga sakti - Srimati Radhika. Urja vrata actually means Radha vrata, a vow taken for the happiness of Srimati Radhika. If one hears Her glorification in this month, the fruit will come in the form of gopi-prema.


This month is also called Kartika. The adhistatri-devata, predominating deity, of Kartika month is Kirtika-kumari, the young daughter of Kirtika, Srimati Radhika. Those who honor this month, of which Radhika is the predominating deity, by going to the pastime places of Krsna, will certainly, without any doubt at all, have all their desires completely fulfilled. They will attain jugal-seva, service of Radha and Krsna in the anugatya (guidance) of the Vraja gopis.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 14, 2005 4:11 pm
Of course, if one takes another vrata, one should change the "prAtah-snAnaM" into something else

Please give more examples, such as "increase my japa", "fast from grains", etc.

The procedure is like this

When does it have to be performed? The first day of Kartika, one day before it starts? Please clarify.

Bhrigu - October 14, 2005 4:20 pm
Please give more examples, such as "increase my japa", "fast from grains", etc.


You could use "nAma-vRddhiM" for the first, "anna-varjyam" for the second. Otherwise, "yAma-sevaM" can be used as a generic word for any vratas. Just think of the details in your mind or add them in your own language.


When does it have to be performed? The first day of Kartika, one day before it starts? Please clarify.


Immediately after completing your morning duties on the first day of Kartika, before eating, etc.

Babhru Das - October 14, 2005 5:28 pm
For Kartik, I will . . . refrain from eggplants, jackfruit and mango.


Bhrigu, Guru Maharaja also cautioned against impractical vratas. Considering that this is the height of jackfruit and mango season in Finland, your might want to reconsider that vow! ;)


(BTW, it would never be an austerity for me to abjure jackfruit. Even after all the years I've lived in Hawaii, I've never developed a taste for it. Worse yet, my wife still doesn't care for breadfruit [we have two trees in our yard, just loaded!], and most of the bananas I have growing aren't to her taste.)

Bhrigu - October 14, 2005 5:47 pm
Bhrigu, Guru Maharaja also cautioned against impractical vratas. Considering that this is the height of jackfruit and mango season in Finland, your might want to reconsider that vow!


;) Actually, I've never eaten fresh jackfruit in Finland. You get green jackfruit in cans though, and I rather like that, especially in a sauce of tomatoes and cream. I always thought jackfruit and breadfruit is one and the same thing, but apparently it isn't.


Having a Hawaian garden would be wonderful! Growing your own bananas... Speaking of bananas, I made a plantain sabji today. I've eaten some excellent such in Bengal, but mine didn't turn out that well. They became kind of too dry.

Babhru Das - October 14, 2005 6:52 pm
Having a Hawaian garden would be wonderful! Growing your own bananas... Speaking of bananas, I made a plantain sabji today. I've eaten some excellent such in Bengal, but mine didn't turn out that well. They became kind of too dry.


I just harvested a huge bunch of cooking bananas from one of our trees, and my wife made a sabji with some of them yesterday. It was excellent. I think we'll make a big one for our NoD group tomorrow.


I'm trying to think of some food to give up for the month--something that will, as Maharaja says, pinch a little but not be too hard. I'm working on the rest of my list, too, which will include increased japa, Damodarastakam and ghee lamps at night, maybe rising earlier (3:30 instead of 4:00), and maybe a "cold" shower in the morning. (Our water comes from a catchment tank, so it's never colder than air temperature anyway [overnight lows might dip below 70F this month]). And probably Siksastakam. I've done that before, and it's wonderful.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 14, 2005 9:34 pm
most of the bananas I have growing aren't to her taste.


Just send them to Audarya! I've tried some dry once you've sent and they were very yummy! ;)

Babhru Das - October 14, 2005 10:10 pm

I have a few bunches now, but they won't be ready to harvest for a few weeks. And a couple of bunches are pretty hefty. When they are ready, I'll have to dry them, since Satyaki won't help me with them, adn send some to Audarya. Offerings from my prison.

Guru-nistha Das - October 16, 2005 4:51 pm

Those Babhru's dried bananas are so nice. We normally offer some dried fruit when doing puja, so it's a lot nicer to offer something homegrown.


I thouhgt about my Kartika vows and decided to chant 6 extra rounds and study at least an hour every day. Plus, I commit to writing at least once a week to the Audarya Daily.


I also considered refraining from mangoes and jackfruits that are produced in Finland, but decided not to be too hard on myself.

Babhru Das - October 17, 2005 12:55 am

Just for the sake of accountability, here's my list:

1. extra rounds of japa (increasing from 20-25 rounds daily to 25-32 rounds)

2. no urad

3. cold shower in the morining

4. Damodarastakam and ghee lamps every evening

5. chant Siksastakam every morning and evening


Here's a practical question about ending the vrata: Do I need to cease all these at the end of the month? I'm wondering about the possiblity that I want to continue a couple of items, like the japa or Siksatakam.


I'll be drying some bananas from a neighbor's tree this week, and I'll send most of them to Audarya.

Bhrigu - October 17, 2005 7:00 am
Here's a practical question about ending the vrata: Do I need to cease all these at the end of the month?


No, you can certainly continue most of them. It is only vratas pertaining to eating that you have to break at the end of Kartika.


Good that you mentioned urad dahl, since refraining from that is considered mandatory during Kartika. According to Narayana Maharaja, that applies to tomatoes, eggplant, sesame seeds and honey as well.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 17, 2005 2:34 pm

I have a question about Govardhan Puja festival in Audarya. According to part of my vrata I cannot eat grains/dhal, etc. during Kartika, but I’m sure it will be served during Govardhan feast which is Prasad at the dhama. How do I resolve this conflict? Meaning I cannot say no to prasadam, but will I break the vow because of it?

Syamasundara - October 17, 2005 2:54 pm
I made a plantain sabji today. I've eaten some excellent such in Bengal, but mine didn't turn out that well. They became kind of too dry.



I know!! I had fried cubed plaintain at Radhagokulananda with potatoes on Ekadasi, but to me they always come out like cardboard... ;)

Syamasundara - October 17, 2005 2:58 pm

Jaya Radhe!!!!


Before my brain finishes melting over the index of the Siksastaka I wanted to post an idea I just had: why don't we comment on the Damodarastaka? I wanted to ask Gm to do it, but it would probably be a better meditation for all to see what we can come out with.

We could start today with the first sloka, or even just a word (we have a whole month); I'll join in as soon as I am done.

Shyam Gopal Das - October 17, 2005 7:18 pm

My belated reading of Nectar of Devotion chapter 2 has inspired me to say the following. Of the two parts of sadhana bhakti, I tend to favor raganuga in my live. I cling on to the idea that bhakti will mysteriously appear in my heart and that this will change my whole life. I'm having these thoughts even though I posses a less than spontenous service attitude. Thus, while reading chapter 2 I was reminded of how much importance vaidhi-bhakti is to my life as a beginner on the path of sadhana bhakti. There is no raganuga without vaidhi. I've resolved to change this gap in my practice and my start at kartik is as follows:


- I will read sastra daily. I have particularly begun reading Caitanya Caritamrta, and will mainly focus on CC and some NOD while pushing aside all other books.

- I'll brush up on the Audarya arati songs.

- I'll work on the introductory Krishna consciousness website that I talked with Guru Maharaj about last December. It's past due.


And yes, I won't eat any jackfruit either.


ps Wouldn't be it be nice to start a thread about Damodarastaka in the classroom section? I agree with Syama Sundara, this would be nice meditation.

Syamasundara - October 17, 2005 7:39 pm

Right, it should be a separate thread in the classroom.


Meanwhile here are the only two melodies I know, no clue about the time of the day, though. ;)


Ok never mind, they seem too big, but they're only 300/400 Kb; any idea on how to post them anyone?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 17, 2005 8:20 pm
they seem too big, but they're only 300/400 Kb; any idea on how to post them anyone?

If it’s mp3 you can re-encode them with 64kbps bitrate which should make files smaller.

Babhru Das - October 17, 2005 9:45 pm
My belated reading of Nectar of Devotion chapter 2 has inspired me to say the following. Of the two parts of sadhana bhakti, I tend to favor raganuga in my live. I cling on to the idea that bhakti will mysteriously appear in my heart and that this will change my whole life. I'm having these thoughts even though I posses a less than spontenous service attitude. Thus, while reading chapter 2 I was reminded of how much importance vaidhi-bhakti is to my life as a beginner on the path of sadhana bhakti. There is no raganuga without vaidhi.


Here's something Maharaja has written about raganuga and vaidhi bhakti:

Raganuga is sadhana and thus practice, but this practice is mature when our svarupa (spiritual identity) is revealed. Even though bhava-bhakti is distinct from sadhana-bhakti, bhava bhaktas still engage in sadhana. Bhaktivinoda Thakura's opinion is that raganuga sadhana can be practiced before attaining bhava, but it will be mixed with and supported by vaidhi-bhakti.


Jiva Goswami calls this mixture ajata-ruci-raganuga-bhakti, or raganuga-bhakti practiced in the stage before one develops spiritual taste for a particular bhava of Vraja. He discusses two divisions of raganuga-bhakti in his Bhakti-sandarbha. These he calls jata-ruci and ajata-ruci-raganuga. Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami refers to them as jata-rati and ajata-rati-raganuga-bhakti. These terms imply that raganuga-bhakti is cultivated by those without ruci (ajata-ruci) or with ruci (jata-ruci) or in the language of Krsnadasa Kaviraja, with bhava (jata-rati) or without bhava (ajata-rati).


In another Sanga he writes,

The position of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati is that ajata ruci (without taste) raganuga sadhakas (practitioners) should adopt the methods of raganuga sadhana that they are qualified to adopt in proportion to their development of sacred greed (lobhamayi sraddha), while following the angas (limbs) of vaidhi bhakti (regulated devotion).


And in his commentary to Bg. 12.10, he says,

When one engages in vaidhi-bhakti with a desire to progress tot he direct culture of raganuga-bhakti, centering his devotional culture on chanting the name of Krishna, his success is sure. In this regard, . . . Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings, vidhi-marga-rata-jane svadhinata-ratna-jane raga-marge karan pravesa: "That person who is fixed in flollowing vaidhi-bhakti attains the jewel of independence (through the grace of Krishna nama), by which he is placed on the path of raganuga-bhakti."
Babhru Das - October 17, 2005 9:58 pm

Should I start a Damodarstakam thread in the Classroom? I think it's a great idea. Anyone could do it, and I think it would be nice if Syamu or Syam-gopal got it going.


I'll get a thread going later today (Hawaii time) for the next NoD assignment. I'm actually revising what I have, based on further reading since discussing it here in Hawaii.

Syamasundara - October 17, 2005 10:32 pm

I am still marathoning with the index and I come here only to let my brain decompress, so for now I don't have the energy to start anything, but like I said, I'll join in soon.


As far es encoding the audiofiles.... how do I do that? ;)

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 17, 2005 10:52 pm
As far es encoding the audiofiles.... how do I do that?


New thread is started here. You can send me files I can do it for you, no problem. My email address is yuri_pragin@comcast.net

Babhru Das - October 17, 2005 11:07 pm
New thread is started here.


Whoa! It looks as though you and I did that simultaneously. Is there some way we can merge them, or I could delete my thread and move my post to yours?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 17, 2005 11:23 pm
there some way we can merge them, or I could delete my thread and move my post to yours?

I’d love to do this for you but I don’t have admin perms ;)

I guess we have to wait for Gauravani to help us.

Bhrigu - October 18, 2005 8:50 am
I also considered refraining from mangoes and jackfruits that are produced in Finland, but decided not to be too hard on myself.


And yes, I won't eat any jackfruit either.


Sorry for being such a bore, but I don't think you got my point. Yes, jackfruit doesn't grow in Finland and yes, I don't eat it more than a few times a month, but canned green jackfruit is readily available, and it happens to be one of my favourite things, along with mango.


I guess I should have stuck with keeping silent about vratas.

Bhrigu - October 18, 2005 8:54 am
I have a question about Govardhan Puja festival in Audarya. According to part of my vrata I cannot eat grains/dhal, etc. during Kartika, but I’m sure it will be served during Govardhan feast which is Prasad at the dhama. How do I resolve this conflict? Meaning I cannot say no to prasadam, but will I break the vow because of it?


One thing you can do is to state exceptions to the rule. For example, many people don't shave during Caturmasya, except on Visvarupa Mahotsava. Similarly, you could tell Krishna that Govardhana Puja will be an exception to your Kartika vrata.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 18, 2005 1:50 pm

Well, that’s too late now... I guess no prasadam for me.

Bhrigu - October 18, 2005 2:11 pm
Well, that’s too late now... I guess no prasadam for me.


All right. But remember that if Guru Maharaja then orders you to eat (hint! hint! ;) ), that will not be breaking the vrata, since the order of the guru specifically is mentioned not to break a vrata.

Shyam Gopal Das - October 18, 2005 2:51 pm
I guess I should have stuck with keeping silent about vratas.


Ah come one... if you are really offended, then here are my apologies. The vrata just sounded very foreign to me as I don't have a particular crush for jackfruit, but I have my weaknesses for certain types of food too. Of course I understood your intention and yes it was an easy joke.

Guru-nistha Das - October 18, 2005 4:05 pm

Bhrigu, my intention was definately not to make fun of your vratas, or to hint that it's a silly one etc. I just kinda went along with Babhru's joke of finnish tropical fruits... Friends? ;)

Bhrigu - October 18, 2005 4:11 pm


Of course, guys! I took it too seriously. Had a rather crappy morning today.

Babhru Das - October 18, 2005 5:15 pm

I suppose the first apology should have been mine, since I apparently started it. I have what at times seems to be a rather odd sense of humor. It was probably not at all appropriate to make light of such a vrata, my own included. And it would probably have been well for me to keep mine to myself, but I thought for a moment that some accountability may help. I'm sorry for diverting the thread.

SashidharaDasa - October 18, 2005 6:46 pm

Prabhus...all your vratas are so inspiring...thanks for sharing them and building up the Kartik momentum...


Damodar Mahina Ki Jaya



Babhru Das - November 14, 2005 7:03 pm

I hope I'm not the only one with this question: The calendar says that Chaturmasya ends tomorrow (Tuesday), with the purnima. So is today the last day of observance, or tomorrow?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - November 14, 2005 7:13 pm

I was thinking to finish the vrata on 16th, the day after purnima. It could be wront though. It would be nice to know what would be a proper way to conclude the vrata. Bhrigu?

Bhrigu - November 14, 2005 9:50 pm

The correct time to end the vrata is on purnima (Tuesday) at midday, having completed one's morning puja, bathed (and shaved -- at least for me!), fed and given donations to the brahmanas and asked for their blessings (they should say "acchidram astu", may the vrata be complete). One should also tell the brahmanas about the vratas one have undertaken for Caturmasya/ Kartika. So there is time for a final Damodarastakam in the morning!


In practical terms, I will invite some local brahmanas for lunch tomorrow. I'm hoping to prepare a nice feast for them. I've made some preparations in advance already today, and I managed to find some banana leaves! Most of my planned menu consists of things I've made many times, but I'll also try to make something I've not tried before: jalebis. Let's see how they turn out.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - November 15, 2005 11:33 pm

Caturmasya season is over, Sri Visnu awakes, brahman was fed and I am released. Hurrah!

Babhru Das - November 16, 2005 3:16 am

So how were the jalebis? :)

Bhrigu - November 16, 2005 10:40 am
So how were the jalebis?


Well, let's say that I learnt how to make them better next time. They didn't puff up properly, and they also became too soggy. Plus I forgot the rosewater in the syrup... But my guests ate them with gusto, and even Laura who usually doesn't care for sweets loved them. So not too bad! :)

Bhrigu - November 16, 2005 10:46 am

I shaved up yesterday and couldn't resist taking some snapshots of different versions. This one was Laura's favourite, so it took a long time (approximately 0.2 nanoseconds) to convince her to let me finish the job.


Krsangi Dasi - November 22, 2005 7:22 am

Noooooo! This image will haunt me in my nightmares... :D

Guru-nistha Das - November 23, 2005 5:14 pm

Haha! "James Hetfield of Gaudiya Vaishnavism." That's the phrase I'm going to use when I write about you on Vedicwiki.