
Happy birthday, Archana-siddhi!

Babhru Das - December 29, 2005 10:31 pm

Today is Archana-siddhi's 25th birthday. We wish you a happy, happy one from out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I hope we'll be able to meet soon.

Karnamrita Das - December 30, 2005 4:25 pm

We may not be this body, and no one likes to age, especially women since there is so much baggage around an "older" or old women (men become distinguished looking , women just old in todays youth culture), but Arcana is glad to be way past 25 (rather be older with knowledge of so many things, than young, youthful and foolish etc----no offense to you youthful devotees, but everything has its time and place, and the time and place for being 25 has past---though it is true we sometime hanker to be free of aches and pains and so much of the "nectar" of aging is trying at times) Arcana does of course thanks you for your sentiment. ;)


for Arcana

Dhiralalita - December 30, 2005 5:19 pm

;) Happy :( Birtday! :P Archana! ;)


Hari! Hari!

I am glad you are among us.

I wish you a very very gooooood health this year.


Much love! :):blink::P:D

Babhru Das - December 30, 2005 6:28 pm
We may not be this body, and no one likes to age, especially women since there is so much baggage around an "older" or old women (men become distinguished looking , women just old in todays youth culture), but Arcana is glad to be way past 25 . . . Arcana does of course thanks you for your sentiment.  ;)


for Arcana


I was just having some phake-dyslexic fun. I have often joked with my students, when they want to know my age, that I'm getting close to 30. It is, of course, becoming progressively absurd, as I move in on 60.


We appreciate Archana's youthful energy. All I really know of her so far is her girlish voice.


And no, I wouldn't go back to 25 either!

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - December 30, 2005 7:43 pm

Very Happy Birthday with Many Happy Returns to you!

Ken - January 1, 2006 10:35 pm

A belated but heartfelt wish for another merciful year of service, Mother Arcana-siddhi! Thank you for all you (and Karnamrita) have done for us -- both on the ISKCON side as well as advancing the name and preaching of Tripurari Maharaja.



Madangopal - January 3, 2006 1:47 am

Happy Belated Birthday dear Arcana Prabhu!!!! You are so special to me, and I am so grateful for everything you've done for me. Thanks for your wonderful example of a balanced, thoughtful, progressive, and kind devotee. They are hard to come by.


Much love,

Pancha Tattva dasi

(I'm using Madan's computer while we're travelling.)