
Audarya Temple Project!!

Guru-nistha Das - January 18, 2006 6:27 pm

I'm excited and happy to tell you, that we have started to do the initial work for a new temple!

The pieces suddenly fell into place, and we are able to start building a temple for Gaura-Nitai, something that Guru Maharaja has been wanting to do for a long time.

There are few reasons why it became possible to start the project. Let me explain.


1. There was a big douglas fir in the far end of the flat are in Audarya, that had to come down because it was partly rotten to the core and it was dangerous. GM started thinking that we could cut down a couple of other trees too and get the boards to the buildings from our own property. As unfortunate as it is that we had to cut down some trees, personally I think it's a lot better to use your own wood than buy it from Brazil or some other distant place. A lot more ecological. Plus it gives an extra feeling for the temple. GM is engaging the trees in worship too. About 25% of the cost of a building is the materials, so this was one reason the temple project became realizable.


2. Vrindaranya's mother gave us a donation and also borrowed us money with a good interest. Also, many persons are committed to donating steadily, and that removed many obstacles.


3. While working on Vrindaranya's cabin, we realized that we can actually build houses by ourselves. Normally about 50% of the price of a house goes for the workers' wages, so that's another way for us to go with a low budget.


4. GM found this architect who got really interested in the whole project when he heard that we are monks and we want to build our own temple. His style seems to be a perfect fit for Audarya, he mixes Japanese style with a more contemporary style. So GM talked him into designing the building extremely cheaply, compared to what architects normally charge.


So, it's finally happening! The logger has actually cut down the trees already, and tomorrow the architect is going to come see the property. Then he will use two weeks for designing the temple and when we have the drawings we know what kind of boards we need and then the sawyer will come here with his saw and cut the logs into right sized boards. Then we have to dry the boards and at the same time apply for a permission for the building. When we get the permission and we have the drawings and the permission, we are going to start building the foundation! That will probably be in late winter/early spring.


The whole crew at Audarya is naturally really excited about the whole thing. GM, Vrindaranya and Citta Hari have been walking around the property constantly, measuring distances and pondering different options. After long discussions, they concluded that the temple is going to be where the rose garden is now, in the end of the flat area. It definitely is a beautiful spot.

We also decided that we are going to build the Prabhupada pushpa samadhi at the same time. It's going to be situated in the redwood grove close to the bathhouse.


These projects will keep us busy for at least two years. We will be doing almost everything by ourselves. Basically only the frames for the temple are going to be put together by professionals. The whole idea of monks doing everything by themselves is quite nice in my opinion. It's important in what consciousness things are done, and it just wouldn't be the same if we had some construction guys here working for the temple, who didn't care about what the building was for, as long as they got paid. This will be our offering for Gaura-Nitai and Guru Maharaja and I'm sure it will keep us quite absorbed for the next couple of years.

This is also a great opportunity for you to come and help manifest GMs desire, and to spend time with us. Extra hands are always needed. And projects like this have a power to make the community tighter and more vital.

Also, people have been talking about a big godsister/brother meeting on Tattvaviveka, so start saving your cents, since there will probably not be better time and place for us all to come together than the grand opening of the temple in a couple of years!

Igor - January 18, 2006 6:56 pm

Gaurapremanande Haribol!!!!!

Syamasundara - January 18, 2006 8:34 pm

I'd be honored to even just hammer a nail in Gaura Nitai's temple.


Is the architect the LA one? The same?


Is the rose garden the central one, where the cows used to be? Left of the samadhi grove facing away from nath house?


it sounds like nothing has really changed, just that now it's feasable.

Shyam Gopal Das - January 18, 2006 8:54 pm

this is very exciting news!!!

Mayapurcandra Das - January 18, 2006 9:07 pm


Thanks Guru-Nistha for this exciting news!! It's really wonderful project and possibility to serve Gaura-Nitay and our beloved Śrila Guru Maharaja :)

These projects will keep us busy for at least two years. We will be doing almost everything by ourselves. Basically only the frames for the temple are going to be put together by professionals. The whole idea of monks doing everything by themselves is quite nice in my opinion. It's important in what consciousness things are done, and it just wouldn't be the same if we had some construction guys here working for the temple, who didn't care about what the building was for, as long as they got paid. This will be our offering for Gaura-Nitai and Guru Maharaja and I'm sure it will keep us quite absorbed for the next couple of years.


Yes, I think that is very good idea! I have to say that I know something about this tipe of work, and consciousness is so important when you build, especialy if it is for Gaura-Nitay and Guru Maharaja plessure.

This is also a great opportunity for you to come and help manifest GMs desire, and to spend time with us. Extra hands are always needed. And projects like this have a power to make the community tighter and more vital.

Also, people have been talking about a big godsister/brother meeting on Tattvaviveka, so start saving your cents, since there will probably not be better time and place for us all to come together than the grand opening of the temple in a couple of years!


I'm so sorry, that Poland is so far cry from USA :) unfortunately for Polish devotee it

will be hard to help in this project...but, Krsna is the Supreme Joker, and He can change impossible to possible :lol:

Yours: mayapurcandra dasa

Guru-nistha Das - January 18, 2006 10:00 pm

That's right, Syamu Jr. and you're going to be busting your little office butt when you come here in a year :lol:


No Syamu senior, that's not the rose garden. If you are standing under Gms room on the porch and look straight, it's going to be on the far end of the flat area where the hill starts to go down into the valley.


And no the architect is not the same, this guy is a new finding. I'll send a link to his website when I find it. I think he's from SF. And another cool thing is that all the people we work with are local people and some of them know eachother already. The logger, the miller, the sawyer, the architect, the guy who puts the frame together, all from the same area.

Audarya-lila Dasa - January 18, 2006 11:11 pm

This is FANTASTIC news! Audarya Dhama Ki Jaya!

Robertnewman - January 19, 2006 2:20 pm
This is also a great opportunity for you to come and help manifest GMs desire, and to spend time with us. Extra hands are always needed.

I would be happy to come and work on this project for a week, whenever I'm most needed. And, Citta Hari, I haven't forgotten my promise to expand your arsenal of tools on my next visit. Please don't buy everything you need without talking to me! :lol:

Guru-nistha Das - January 27, 2006 11:37 pm

Robert, sounds great!





Yesterday we had a guy from the neighborhood show up with his tractor and pile the logs ready for the miller.







And here's the temple! It takes a little work still, but you get the idea.


Oh, the architect came to see the site with the timber framer and was quite excited. They had some ideas that would ease our work and finances: The timber frame guy said we wouldn't need to dry the wood, but we could build it while it's green. That would save us months of waiting and hours of work. Another idea was that we would build the temple on poles instead of a concrete frame and would save a lot of money building the foundation.

Syamasundara - January 28, 2006 11:31 pm

So basically the temple won't be on the same side of the samadhi a little hanging off the slope with garden and pergola on the flat area, but rather on the adjacent side, leaning over the gopala trees, right?

Citta Hari Dasa - January 29, 2006 10:02 pm
So basically the temple won't be on the same side of the samadhi a little hanging off the slope with garden and pergola on the flat area, but rather on the adjacent side, leaning over the gopala trees, right?


Right. There are two groves of small redwoods on either end of the rose garden on the south end of the flat area, between which the temple will sit, the long side facing as close to east/west as we can get it (to take advantage of the sun from the south). The area from the samadhi to the temple will be like a park, with arbors, fruit trees, benches for sitting, and of course the Krsna-Balarama stone displayed prominently.


We are very lucky to have such a project to contribute to, in whatever way we can. I myself look forward to learning timber framing, and, eventually, building the altar for the Princes of Nadia to reside on. The grand opening festival will be an occasion not to be missed for anything!

Shyam Gopal Das - January 30, 2006 5:38 pm

I'll have to contribute to this!!! I think I'm going to go to weightlifting just to be in shape next year!! :rolleyes:

Syamasundara - January 30, 2006 11:54 pm

Right. There are two groves of small redwoods on either end of the rose garden on the south end of the flat area, between which the temple will sit, the long side facing as close to east/west as we can get it (to take advantage of the sun from the south). The area from the samadhi to the temple will be like a park, with arbors, fruit trees, benches for sitting, and of course the Krsna-Balarama stone displayed prominently.


We are very lucky to have such a project to contribute to, in whatever way we can. I myself look forward to learning timber framing, and, eventually, building the altar for the Princes of Nadia to reside on. The grand opening festival will be an occasion not to be missed for anything!



but wait...that is the original plan! I guess I stink at describing things. I have no idea of which the rose garden is, but you must remember that between the two burnt stumps you talk about there used to be Dharma and Bhumi's penn, and that's where GM always wanted the temple.

Second time you guys trick me. Once Nandatanuja told me on yahoo that they were gonna put the temple somewhere else, and I was a little surprised, until from his description it dawned on me that for him the temple is where the deities are now, of course.

So are we clear now?

Swami - January 31, 2006 3:13 am

but wait...that is the original plan! I guess I stink at describing things. I have no idea of which the rose garden is, but you must remember that between the two burnt stumps you talk about there used to be Dharma and Bhumi's penn, and that's where GM always wanted the temple.

Second time you guys trick me. Once Nandatanuja told me on yahoo that they were gonna put the temple somewhere else, and I was a little surprised, until from his description it dawned on me that for him the temple is where the deities are now, of course.

So are we clear now?





If you were to walk towards the driveway from that old cow pen and turn right and walk towards the gopal trees you would be walking into the temple. It is in between two samll redwood goves, one of which is to the lfet of my cottage site.




Come to Audarya for Gaura Purnima and see for yourself!

Forrest - January 31, 2006 8:02 pm



If you were to walk towards the driveway from that old cow pen and turn right and walk towards the gopal trees you would be walking into the temple. It is in between two samll redwood goves, one of which is to the lfet of my cottage site.




Come to Audarya for Gaura Purnima and see for yourself!


When is Gaura Purnima? I tried to find it on the Tattva-viveka calendar, but didn't see it.

Syamasundara - January 31, 2006 9:04 pm

When is Gaura Purnima? I tried to find it on the Tattva-viveka calendar, but didn't see it.


Yes, funny, you see everybody else's birthday. Didn't you receive the email on the 20th to all tattvavivekis? I'll forward it to you when I am on my laptop.

Forrest - February 1, 2006 12:15 am

Yes, funny, you see everybody else's birthday. Didn't you receive the email on the 20th to all tattvavivekis? I'll forward it to you when I am on my laptop.


No I didn't get that email. Perhaps I have an out of date email in my profile. I'll check on that.

Rama-priya - February 1, 2006 4:23 pm

When is Gaura Purnima? I tried to find it on the Tattva-viveka calendar, but didn't see it.


Gaura Purnima is 14th of March. I'm sorry for not put this date earlier. I'll comlete it for a moment.



Rama-priya - February 11, 2006 2:46 pm

I've found one interesting site about buildig ecological houses and using ecological technologies. I think it may be useful and helpful


Swami - February 11, 2006 9:05 pm

I've found one interesting site about buildig ecological houses and using ecological technologies. I think it may be useful and helpful




It's good to see that there are people in Poland thinkng like this. You, Mayapuracandra, Gaura-sakti, and others should visit this place and make plans to build a spiritual village there in Poland using similar ideas.

Caitanya-daya Dd - February 15, 2006 1:51 pm

Yes, funny, you see everybody else's birthday. Didn't you receive the email on the 20th to all tattvavivekis? I'll forward it to you when I am on my laptop.



yes, i didn't get the email either, although i heard about it somewhere. i want (dare i say "need") to come. Can someone post a schedule? I can't find one anywhere. Thanx.

Guru-nistha Das - March 3, 2006 1:23 am

The initial drawings of the temple came last week and they look really good. Guru Maharaja wanted to make some changes though, and he had a really successful meeting with the architect. He's humble and easy to work with, and has talent.

Citta Hari, Guru Maharaja and Vrindaranya have been discussing throughout the week about what kind of foundation would be best for the temple, counting how much different options would cost (slab, post&peer, concrete... many possibilities out there). They also redesigned the kitchen and Vrindaranya made calculations of where it would be best to situate the burners, the sinks, the oven... It's a lot of mindwork to come up with good and functional houses.

Also last week we painted out the floor plan of the temple on spot. We took out those black cushions from the temple room and plates and cups and took them to the prasadam "room" in the new temple to see if the room was too narrow for the Audaryavasis to take prasad.

I also posed as Gaura-Nitai and Guru Maharaja and Gauravani were standing at the back of the temple room and making sure you don't need binaculars to get a darshana.


It's going to be one nice building, that is for sure. We won't post the drawings yet, though, because they don't give the right picture of the building, but the architect should draw a new version and send it to us next week, so then we will post it on here.




GM is supervising from a distance while the monk(ey)s measure and spray.

Bijaya Kumara Das - March 5, 2006 7:15 am
[ They also redesigned the kitchen and Vrindaranya made calculations of where it would be best to situate the burners, the sinks, the oven... It's a lot of mindwork to come up with good and functional houses.]


As per my training in Dietetics and Nutrition may I help with the kitchen design? I have done many.


It is normal to have a starting point, boga and storage area to prep station to cooking station to assembly station and to end at the serving point all flowing for easy of motion and timing interval. These would be determined by the most frequently served offering.

Guru-nistha Das - March 7, 2006 5:48 pm

Ok, here's the floor plan of the temple. The second version of the drawings haven't arrived yet, but here's a little treat while we are waiting for them.


And Bijaya, you are welcome to give suggestions and comments.



Babhru Das - March 7, 2006 6:53 pm

I wish there were some way I could enlarge that so I could see the dimensions, but this looks really wonderful! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Swami - April 6, 2006 12:19 am

Here is a rendering of the temple design in progress but quite far along. The tower is the altar, to the left of which is the entry and temple room. to the right of the altar tower it is the prasadam room (through the big glass door) and to the right of that is the kitchen. You have to look at the rendering in relation to the floor plan to understand it.


Gurunistha will update everyone on the progress soon.




Swami - April 6, 2006 12:33 am

Try this one




Guru-nistha Das - April 6, 2006 9:39 pm

We are stepping into a new phae with the temple project.

We got the materials list today from The architect, in other words, he calculated all the boards that we need for the building, the type, the width and the breadth of the boards and how many of each we need. Although it was Ramachandra's appearance day today, Citta Hari and Guru Maharaja went outside to measure our logs and see what we can get out of our own logs. It turnedout that we can practically get everything out of our own wood tha we need.


The sawyer is going to come either tomorrow or in the beginning of the next week and he's going to start milling the boards. He's going to be working on them for about two to three weeks and (some of) the monks will be carrying boards like there was no tomorrow. The sawyer is bringing his saw here, which is great, since we don't have to pay for transportation and storing of the logs/boards.

I'll supply you with pics when the sawyer shows up.

Syamasundara - April 6, 2006 10:33 pm

Is it safe to assume that the ground breaking ceremony will happen on Narasimha caturdasi? If so, please make it official more than four weeks in advance, so that people can ask for days off.

Bijaya Kumara Das - April 7, 2006 7:18 am


And Bijaya, you are welcome to give suggestions and comments.


The kitchen looks like it will be 15 feet wide by 18 ft long with 1 entrance from the boga room ie pantry and and 2 at the 18 foot end one for out side and one for serving entrance.


1. With the current lay out he boga must be carried either through the kitchen or through the dining room to be stored, instead of just into the boga room and then out to the kitchen. You might save time by just entering the boga room directly from the outside.


2. If you turn the kitchen lay out 180 degrees so that the boga goes directly to prep table instead of being carried accross the kitchen this would begin the flow from boga storage, prep station, assembly station, cooking station serving station then out to guests.


Hope this helps a little. The idea is to simplify all motion and interactions of the cooks to a minimum. Design it for most frequent actions of each meal from the source of boga to the serving of it cleaning each area as you complete each task so that the area is ready again.


Try this one




It looks wonderful

Karnamrita Das - April 7, 2006 3:56 pm

I loved the look of the Temple, but is still hard to really "get it" as far as what it will look like-----I am a bit dense. I am sure this is only the first installment. I take it that the white is a concrete or cinder block foundation? It would be great to have some type of natural stone to go over the foundation material. Out here there are a still people who do that type of work, though with earthquakes out there, there may not be such persons, or the building codes may prevent it. If it could be done it would add a lot to the look of the building.


I would be interested in the square footage of all the rooms, as it was too small to read. I am sure the kitchen if fine for everyday, and that compared to your kitchen now, seems big, yet from my perspective it seems small for your big festivals with many devotees there at the same time (more like a home size---my perspective is one of cooking for big feasts, with big pots, and extra candy stoves to accommodate those large pots, which cook things much faster----you could have a shed outside with more facility for cooking big preps, or like in New Vrindavana, 50 gallon drums cut in half with vent holes, filled with fire wood etc). A drain in the floor is a plus. I am perhaps to fixed on my experience in commercial type kitchen, and in big Temples. In these circumstances, this may be an asset or detriment for the vision of this buildings use. I know the type of kitchen I like working in.


I would recommend a "Wolf" type stove with 6 very big burners(they accommodate both small and large pots), and two ovens, rather than just an ordinary home appliance. I don't know how you are thinking about the kitchen and if cost restraints are an important consideration.


I would also suggest that you have TWO double sinks---one for veggie washing, and one for pots....their size depending on the size of your pots. Also some type of hose attachment for the sink is very helpful for washing large posts, either in the sink or on the floor. In addition, a mop sink somewhere in the building or close by is helpful for keeping the mop clean.


I take it that the "Deity room" is for the Lord's clothes and jewelry etc, what in ISKCON is called the pujari room---in which by the way it is also helpful to have a sink for washing the Lords arotik trays, etc, and counter space for making vases, setting up the jewelry trays, etc.


Every part of the building as you know requires a lot of thought from the practical experience of the devotees doing the seva and cooking. Whatever you build you will have to live with, so you have to plan in consideration of expansion or where you see Audarya going. Some guest facility I would also be in order for the future, which would expand attendance at your festivals or for the summer. I also think some type of "classes" or workshops would be wonderful for all the devotees, and for bringing more people throughout the year. I know I really, really would like to have them, such as, "Essentials for Gaudiya Vaisnavas", or have a week of Swami's teaching of what he would really like us to understand from scripture, postion of the guru, the relative and absolute position of the guru and scripture, or how to think as a devotee, etc.

Babhru Das - April 7, 2006 7:57 pm

I really like the look of the building. It seems to fit in quite well with the environment, as well as with the mood of our Swami and his staff. I haven't been able to make out the dimensions from the floor plan, but this looks very sweet.

Swami - April 7, 2006 8:33 pm

Here is a pdf of the floor plan, elevations, sections, exterior 3D models, etc. You should be able to download this and expand it to any size you like. Le tme know if it works.



Swami - April 7, 2006 9:11 pm



Good advice. One of the entrances to the prasadam hall is on the north side of the building and by entering it and turning right one goes directly into the pantry. We did not put the a north facing door onthe pantry because we needed the wall space for storage and we had the prasadam hall door just few feet away.




As for the size of things, every square foot must be paid for, and unfortuantely although many devotees say that so many people will eventually come to Audarya for festivals, we cannot build for them without their financial help. As it stands we are short of all that will be needed to complete this small but adequate temple. I onlyhave a staff of four moanstics with no new cadidates waiting in line. Nothing worse that five devotees standing in a temple daily that was built for 500.


Guest facility is planned for but not funded at this time. In five years the only sizeable lump money we have raised for expansion came from Vrindaranya, who lives here. We plan to move each of the resident monastics into permanat residences and out of the yurts. The the six yurts will then serve nicely as guest facilities. We are also limited by zoning as to what we can do here.


We do have a semi commercial kitchen in mind. we have taken most of the things you suggest into consideration. If you knew the size of the kitchen we cook out of now you would laugh. Still we have cooked for as many as 80 devotees for three days straight out of it.


The foundation you see is concrete covered in stucco. It will match the finish on the temple tower. I think it will look nice when it is finished. The rendering I posted is not entirely representative of how the exterior will look, but close.


I would also like to have seminars and retreats in the future, but we are still in the setting up stages, and my staff is always kept very busy with all that is going on here at this time. As things get set up with the temple built etc, we want to do such programs both for devotees and the uinitiated (separately). But although we are slowly building up some momentutm, we need others to come forward to help with more than advice (but I do appreciate advice as well--thank you) if we are to realize such programs before my service term for this life comes to an end. Indeed I would like to do much more than this, even begin a similar community in the hills of North Carolina near you, there is Finland to think about as well, talk of Southern California, Poland, New Mexico, etc., but I may have to settle with just contributing to the Gaudiya community with my writing for the most part at this rate. No shortage of ideas here or interest and enthusiasm, but other than that the rest is up to all of you members of Tattva-viveka and beyond. If any of you are reading this and thinking that you are already doing all that you can to help, think again. I am way ahead of you.

Babhru Das - April 7, 2006 9:14 pm

Oh, now I get it. The artist's rendering has us looking at the kitchen and prasadam room, with the temple room on the left. I guess I was trying to figure it out from the other side, based on the way I looked at the floor plan. So there's a little entrance/shoe room through that small door on the left.


I'd guess the kitchen will be workable, although some of Bijay's suggestions may bear some consideration if they can be accommodated. If the kitchen plan could be flopped over so the pantry is at the back, that would make a more direct path for the plates going from the kitchen to the Deity room. I do think Karnam's idea of two double deep sinks is a good one. However, one deep sink for washing bhoga and a double one for pots may be sufficient.

Babhru Das - April 7, 2006 9:30 pm

I would also like to have seminars and retreats in the future, but we are still in the setting up stages, and my staff is always kept very busy with all that is going on here at this time. As things get set up with the temple built etc, we want to do such programs both for devotees and the uinitiated (separately). But although we are slowly building up some momentutm, we need others to come forward to help with more than advice (but I do appreciate advice as well--thank you) if we are to realize such programs before my service term for this life comes to an end. Indeed I would like to do much more than this, even begin a similar community in the hills of North Carolina near you, there is Finland to think about as well, talk of Southern California, Poland, New Mexico, etc., but I may have to settle with just contributing to the Gaudiya community with my writing for the most part at this rate. No shortage of ideas here or interest and enthusiasm, but other than that the rest is up to all of you members of Tattva-viveka and beyond. If any of you are reading this and thinking that you are already doing all that you can to help, think again. I am way ahead of you.

Well, here's the clarion call. Looks like it's time to ratchet up the saranagati at little Audarya Bhavan. :)

Syamasundara - April 9, 2006 12:01 am

I support the suggestion of the hose sink. When I worked at Govinda's for some time I realized how much better that is for the back and for using the sink in general, instead of adjusting everything around a rigid faucet.

Robertnewman - April 9, 2006 1:08 am
...but I may have to settle with just contributing to the Gaudiya community with my writing for the most part at this rate.

I would hardly call that "settling" considering the value of your writing. :)

Swami - April 9, 2006 1:34 am

I would hardly call that "settling" considering the value of your writing. :)


Well thank you Robert. Perhaps you are finding your advance copy of my Siksastakam commentary helpful. I certainly hope so. The balance of the shipment has been in the US for two months! But homeland security has been holding it up first in NY and now again in SF. Perhaps the book is contagious. We hope to have the balance of the shipment at Audarya next week.

Syamasundara - April 9, 2006 2:00 am

You bet it's contagious, and the disease is terminal. Die to live.

Guru-nistha Das - April 9, 2006 2:50 am

About the sinks:

There is going to be three sink areas in the kitchen and as I recall, one of them is a hose sink. (Man, I'll be able to do the daily dishes in a minute! Long live modern technology!)

Guru-nistha Das - May 24, 2006 10:46 pm

FINALLY! After a couple setbacks and delays in the schedule, the sawyer arrived yesterday and started milling the logs in a rain. It's amazing to see how those big logs turn into the kind of boards that the materials list of Guru Mahraja calls for. We are in the next phase again, and it feels great.


Unfortunately the batteries in my camera died so I didn't get any pics of the ready boards (and I don't know if you are really interested to see them) but I'll take some more pics later.





The saw and the sawyer, Dave Proncalino; An american italian with classy mustach and a bigger belt buckle than dining plates in Europe.



Guru-nistha Das - June 1, 2006 4:15 pm

Last Friday Gopisvara came here with his truck (he works for a moving company) and we started loading the logs in. The biggest logs (8" X 10" X 17 feet) were super heavy. they must've weighed around 500-600 pounds. That's as much as Dharmaji! Luckily we had some help from our neighbor Bll who's been building his house for two years already and had some good insights into carrying heavy boards.

The boards have to be taken to the timber framer to Santa Rosa (approx. a 2 hour drive with a truck) where he will make the right kind of cuts on the boards and then Citta Hari and myself are going there to sand and oil them.


Gopisvara came again yesterday and we loaded the rest of the boards.







Here's Dave cutting the first dough fir. All the redwood is done.



Madangopal - June 1, 2006 9:00 pm

That wood is beautiful! And more beautiful things to come...

Guru-nistha Das - June 15, 2006 2:37 am

The sawyer finished his job last week and now all the boards have been cut.

Citta hari has layed out the foundation and it's quite exciting to see the actual size and the outlines of the rooms in their actual place.



post-79-1150338964_thumb.jpg post-79-1150338804_thumb.jpg


Before After





Citta Hari making cuts to the roof rafters.



Bhrigu - June 15, 2006 4:37 pm

All of this is great news! By the way, are you still planning to build with un-dried wood? That sounded rather wild.

Guru-nistha Das - June 17, 2006 4:49 pm

I'm glad to hear you're excited too, Bhrigu.


Yup, still going to build with green wood. That's as wild as monks can get. :D

Swami - July 1, 2006 3:05 am

Tomorrow we will finish digging the temple foundation. We also put the septic tank in. So the underground work is well under way and we are now at last ready to install Ananta-sesa! This is a milestone. When Citta Hari and I return from Finnland, there will be so much construction seva. All are welcome to come and participate.

Syamasundara - July 1, 2006 9:42 am

How long will the construction take? I wonder if I'll be able to make it for when the deities move.

Swami - July 1, 2006 2:56 pm

How long will the construction take? I wonder if I'll be able to make it for when the deities move.


We only have barely enough monmey to erect the shell. So we are dependent on the community for furhter funding in order to finish.

Guru-nistha Das - July 13, 2006 11:16 pm

We came back from Finland on Sunday evening and jumped into building mode with Citta Hari next morning after breakfast. We dug the loose dirt out from the trenches and started to set rebar on the bottom to enforce the form. The next day we continued on the rebar and started putting up the form boards that are going to define the area of the actual foundation when we pour the concrete in. That was really tedious work. We were using this site level and shot countless times different spots and set strings to get the foundation level and right size. Yesterday and today we continued to work on the formboards and did a bunch of more measurements. Here are some pics:



This is how the foundation looked like when I came back.



Iron enforcements for the foundation...




...and this is how you form it.




This pic was taken today. If you look closely to the right corner, you can see Robert Newman there. He came for a week to help us out, which was really nice of him.



More updates to come. Stay tuned!

Vrindaranya Dasi - July 14, 2006 3:44 am

Wow! It is exciting to think that there is going to be a temple where the foundation trenches are now.

Guru-nistha Das - July 20, 2006 3:27 am

Here are two pictures from a couple of days ago.

Robert and Citta Hari working hard during the heat wave









Tomorrow I'll post a new picture of the site. We've done some good progress.

Vamsidhari Dasa - July 20, 2006 4:19 am




Robertnewman - July 20, 2006 4:57 am
Robert and Citta Hari working hard during the heat wave

Gee, seeing those pictures made me start sweating for some reason... :D

Guru-nistha Das - July 22, 2006 3:28 am

Here are a couple of pics to show where we are at.

By the way, I'm not sure if I'm posting these updates too often? Is anybody interested in the details of the building provess or should I just post the bigger progressions?





We set up the rebar in between the form walls and started working on the inner wall of the form. These boardwalls we are building are meant to hold tons of concrete in between them and hopefully stay together as long as the concrete dries up. And did I tell you how hot rebar gets when it's 110 F in the shade, like it was today? :P







Here's the whole site.

Radhanama Dasa - July 22, 2006 3:45 am

Here are a couple of pics to show where we are at.

By the way, I'm not sure if I'm posting these updates too often? Is anybody interested in the details of the building provess or should I just post the bigger progressions?


I'm extremely interested, please keep 'em coming as often as you're able. Looks like I should bring my work shoes with me! AWESOME!

Gaurangi-priya Devi - July 22, 2006 4:53 pm

Here are a couple of pics to show where we are at.

By the way, I'm not sure if I'm posting these updates too often? Is anybody interested in the details of the building provess or should I just post the bigger progressions?


You are building our temple. Reports often are much appreciated. Our only sorrow in reading the updates is that we're not able to be there helping! I'm sending some mental iced mint-lemonade your way!! :P

Vrindaranya Dasi - July 30, 2006 9:57 pm

The foundation of the temple is in!!!


Here are some pictures of the big day.


Before the pour begins:


Gurunistha with one-minded attention on the arriving concrete truck


The pour begins



Guru Maharaja watches on


Smoothing the concrete


Prahlad using a tool that removes bubbles from the cement


Rati holding the cement vibrator motor


Braja-lila scrapping the cement



Here is a movie of the pour beginning.


Babhru Das - July 30, 2006 11:08 pm

How wonderful! Thank you, Vrindaranya. All glories to the Audaryavasis, and all glories to 21st-century technology, which brings us outlanders (or, as in my case, outsea-ers) right there, even if for a couple of seconds.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - August 7, 2006 7:29 pm

Last weekend we had a very important development – installation of Ananta Sesa Deity as a cornerstone of the temple.


Hard work at the temple site:




Resting in the shade:



Place for Ananta Sesa’s chamber:



Ananta Sesa Deity:



Citta Hari prabhu drawing auspicious symbols on stones to inlay the chamber:



Drawing auspicious symbols on the deck:



Ready to inlay the chamber:



Devotees procession to bring Ananta Sesa to the temple site:



Offering Puja and the first lecture at the temple:



Installing Ananta Sesa:



Kirtan to close the ceremony:


Bhrigu - August 7, 2006 7:29 pm

Wow! This is fantastic! Looks like you had a wonderful festival over there. I sure wish I could have attended...

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - August 7, 2006 7:33 pm

I hope we would have a full approval of our paka brahmana whose instructions we've closely followed. ;)

Rafal Bulawicki - August 7, 2006 7:57 pm

wow this is great event, I see my the best friend Rohininanda dasa from Poland.Thanks for nice picture.

I'd really want be there.I hope so that in Poland we will build the temple and we invite all devotes.

Shyam Gopal Das - August 7, 2006 8:50 pm

this is amazing!! thanks for the pictures, Nanda-Tanuja!

Babhru Das - August 7, 2006 10:20 pm

These are wonderful pictures of a wonderful festival. They're balm for the aching soul. Thanks, prabhu.

Vrindaranya Dasi - August 7, 2006 10:52 pm

Oops! I didn't realize that you had posted these photos. I just posted some photos I took in the Ratha-yatra thread. I guess the more the merrier!

Guru-nistha Das - August 7, 2006 11:16 pm

Here's a step by step progression of the foundation building. There's about three and a half weeks time between the first and the last picture. Guru Maharaja wanted the deck up for the festival and it was an incredible feeling to finish it up just in time after all kinds of set backs and hardships. There's no way we could have done it without Prahlad ( a professional carpenter and a disciple of Sripad Narasingha Maharaja) and his family, and Vraja-lila and Rati.























Bhrigu - August 8, 2006 7:09 am

I hope we would have a full approval of our paka brahmana whose instructions we've closely followed. :)


Hyaa, phull blessing is there. ;) But seriously, everything looks very nicely done. Thanks for letting me serve in this way!

Prahlad Das - August 8, 2006 7:02 pm

I would like to thank Swami Guru Maharaj and the rest of the Audarya Devotees for giving our family the opportunity to render some service there. I feel very fortunate that we were able to. I hope to get more time to be able to come down again and serve Sri Sri Hari Guru and Vaishnava. Again Thank you all. Kudos to the documentors whose pictures are a wonderful portrayal for all the vaishnava's whose hearts are near to the ashram.

Caitanya-daya Dd - August 9, 2006 6:01 am

A big "thank you" to you, Prahlada prabhu, and your family for coming and helping! :)


The festival was sweet yet charged. This temple i know has been a long time coming. I am so happy i was able to be a witness/participant of the installation of ananta sesa.

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 9, 2006 6:32 am

What a wonderful start to Audarya temple. The foundation is now here. Thank you Guru Maharaja.


I look forward to more service and a long association. We just wish we could have been more help.


Your servants Bijaya Ksiro Vrndavani Keli Prema and Narayana

Jananivasdas - August 9, 2006 8:30 am

GNU and hammer awww.... :)

Tadiya Dasi - August 10, 2006 4:07 pm

Thanks for the nice pics! I wish I could have been there.... :)

Guru-nistha Das - August 22, 2006 2:49 am

Here's the new update, shot at 7:35 PM today..

The high walls are the templeroom walls and the low end is the kitchen.







Citta Hari and Rati working in the night.



Guru-nistha Das - September 8, 2006 2:18 am

Today our timber framer Leif showed up in the morning and we started putting up the redwood frame! It was a big event for us. We got three structures up in a day and those eight by ten beams look really impressive when you walk inside the temple. The buiding is going to be so cool!!




This is how the site looked before Leif came. Some of the sheathing is up and the whole frame has 6X6s lying on top of it.






Leif putting together the first structure

Guru-nistha Das - September 8, 2006 2:33 am



Guru Maharaja pounding in the first peg on the first structure with a "Flintstones" type tool (known as the Beatle in the timber framer lingo)






The frame for the temple room is up and two more to go.

Guru-nistha Das - September 10, 2006 2:41 am

Today was a big day. The timber structure started to really take shape and we crowned the building with the peak of the building, the Deity room roof. The pics give some kind of an idea, but it's a whole different experience when you stand in the temple room with those huge beams and posts running around and above you.





This is how the site looked like in the morning.






And this is how it looked like if you were crazy enough to go stand on top of it and shoot a picture.




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Putting up a beam in the templeroom.




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The view today at 6 PM.

Bijaya Kumara Das - September 10, 2006 3:28 am


Babhru Das - September 10, 2006 4:12 am

Whoa! How wonderful. Thanks, prabhu.

Bhrigu - September 10, 2006 4:29 am
:P The temple really will be spectacular. And the view!
Shyam Gopal Das - September 10, 2006 11:37 am

wow! thanks so much for these updates. it seems the temple will be done before I get overthere haha

Vrindaranya Dasi - September 10, 2006 1:43 pm

A few more pictures. :P



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Mayapurcandra Das - September 10, 2006 5:02 pm

Yes, it is completly wonderful!!


Thank you very much for this photos, and for yours great job :Party:


I am very sorry that I can not help you :(

Guru-nistha Das - September 11, 2006 1:24 am

post-79-1157937534_thumb.jpg post-79-1157937666_thumb.jpg




Now, who said that monk's ife is boring? I never got to do log-surffing before I joined the monastery.






Today we put up the rest of the beams for the dining hall and the kitchen (on the right side of the picture) and hiprafters in the corners of the building.

Prema-bhakti Marga - September 11, 2006 2:54 am

These photos are wonderful. Such a demonstration of devotion.


I hope to be there soon to assist in any way I can.

Guru-nistha Das - September 14, 2006 2:28 am



The rafters are up!

Radhanama Dasa - September 14, 2006 2:37 am

WOW!!!! :Party: So amazing to see! What happens next?

Citta Hari Dasa - September 15, 2006 1:49 am

We'll finish the sheathing, then comes the roof. All those boards Sridama sanded and you oiled will be installed on top of the rafters. Then plywood on top of that. Then walls where needed (gables and on the sides of the tower). All before the rain. :Applause:

Krsna Rati Bainum - October 11, 2006 10:54 pm

:Big Grin: :Party: Wow that was really fast that is soo cool I am shure that you will get everything done before it rains. :Peace: I am praying that it does!! :Party:

Guru-nistha Das - October 12, 2006 3:08 am

The Audarya crew has been a bit quiet on Tattvaviveka and you minght wonder why. Well, we realized about three weeks ago, that we have a huge amount of work to do to get the building ready for the winter rains and so a super marathon started. Since then we have been working from when it's bright enough to build to when it's too dark to build, everyone have been working 12 hour days.

As always with constructions, unexpected setbacks and time consuming surprises come up, and this temple hasn't been an exception.

Anyway, here are some pictures.



Here's a pic from the "topping off" party that is a part of the timber framer's tradition with his customers. The evening was a really nice one and everybody seemed to have really good time.




This picture was taken today in the evening. the narrow strips of redwood that we are putting on the roofs is called skip sheaething and that's the stuff that has caused us the biggest headache so far. I'll spare you of the details, but it's been quite a journey to this point.





View from the templeroom. We've started putting up plywood on top of the skip sheathing.





Vamsidhari Dasa - October 12, 2006 4:35 am

:Party: wow this is amazing :Big Grin:

you all are doing such a great job. i am sorry for not being able to help :Peace:


Madangopal - October 12, 2006 3:13 pm

It is so beautiful! Really a gorgeous design. You all deserve so much credit. :Party: I'm amazed, and can't wait to see it next week.

Gaurangi-priya Devi - October 12, 2006 4:08 pm

WOW, thanks for posting those pics. I've been anxious to see the results of your marathon. Completely incredible!!! I remember when I was there in March, Gurumaharaj showed us the drawings of the plan. It's amazing to see it now manifesting. Great work! :Party:

Bhrigu - October 12, 2006 4:18 pm

Incredible, indeed!


I guess, Gurunistha, that rather than "firefighters pray for rain", it is nowadays "templebuilders pray for sun"? I'll try to help with that part. :Party:

Bijaya Kumara Das - October 13, 2006 6:13 am

Looks great.

Guru-nistha Das - October 26, 2006 10:02 pm

We did it!

And you're right Bhrigu, we were constantly praying for sun. Thispost-79-1161899915_thumb.jpg October has been just wonderful. We haven't had practically one rainy day, whereas last year it sure wasn't like this.

Here it is:







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Here's our guest Robert Newman, helping out at the time of utmost need. Thank you!





This is how it looked like about a week ago.






Morning's first nails. (or evening's last nails, I can't remember :Applause: )

Baladev - November 22, 2006 9:16 am


Guru-nistha Das - December 17, 2006 2:55 am

We have started working on the inside walls of the temple and here are some shots:


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Here are two pictures of the altar frame. The Deities are gonna be where the insulation is now.





Citta and the new stove at the back of the templeroom.



GM has put countless hours into researching insulation, roofmaterials, doors, floors, windows, you name it, and he's saying that we have to be careful not to waste Krsna's money. And he has found some great deals too. We saved hundreds, or even thousands of dollars with the birch plywood, we saved a bunch with the insulation and GM has found some very good prices for the metal roof as well.


Things are going really well.

Shyam Gopal Das - December 17, 2006 9:57 am

Wow! I can't wait to see it!

Guru-nistha Das - January 16, 2007 12:25 am

Here are a couple of new pics. The first one is from the kitchen facing to the prasad hall. The second one is inseide the prasad hall.


Maybe tomorrow Citta Hari and I will start building a storage shed uptop, next to where the parking lot is now, so that we can free up one of the yurts for new monk prospects. Audarya is manifesting more and more and Guru Maharaja's model of the ideal gaudiya vaishnava ashram is taking further shape. Exciting times.




Nanda-tanuja Dasa - January 16, 2007 12:51 am
so that we can free up one of the yurts for new monk prospects.

Have you ever thought of a yard sale? If things are not in use maybe it's better to offer them to our devotional community? I'm sure there is a lot of sweet stuff in that storage yurt. :D

Jason - January 16, 2007 1:21 am

I second that....yard sale's rule!