
Audarya Update

Gauravani Dasa - February 20, 2006 5:24 pm


This year, Swami Tripurari's Vyasa-puja occurs on Monday, March 13, 2006. Everyone is encouraged to observe the event in their homes on this date. Gaura Purnima occurs on Tuesday, March 14, 2006. Everyone is also encouraged to observe the event with the standard fast until moon rise.


Everyone is invited to Audarya for the celebration of Swami Tripurari's Vyasa-puja on Saturday, March 18, 2006. The festival will continue into Sunday, March 19, 2006, for a joyous observance of Gaura-purnima, including the installation of the Ananta-sesa Deity for the foundation of Sri Sri Gaura Nitayananda's new temple.


Monday, March 13: Swami Tripurari's Vyasa-puja

Tuesday, March 14: Gaura-purinima

Saturday, March 18: Festival at Audarya for Swami's Vyasa-puja

Sunday, March 19: Festival at Audarya for Gaura-purnima


Please RSVP Gauravani dasa (gvanid@gmail.com) if you plan to attend.


* Yurt accommodations are full. You are welcome to camp in a tent but we cannot make guarantees on the weather. You may also contact Brahma and Lila for a room at the Anderson Valley Inn (707-895-3325).



The deadline for Vyasa-puja offerings is Sunday, March 12, 2006. Please submit your offering via email to Gauravani dasa (gvanid@gmail.com).



We apologize to devotees on the East Coast who have not yet received their copy of Siksastakam. The US Post Office was supposed to deliver in seven days. Expect the books to arrive soon.


We will be receiving a larger shipment of Siksastakam in early March. A notice will be sent out when they arrive. You will be able to order copies from the online store. If you will like more than five copies please can contact us for a reduced rate.