
Happy Birthday, Tadiya!

Bhrigu - March 2, 2006 11:13 am

Onnea syntymäpäiväsankarille! Olet hieno bhakta ja tärkeä osa Suomen sangaa. Nähdään lauantaina!

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - March 2, 2006 5:00 pm

Поздравляю с днем рождения, желаю долгих лет жизни, здоровья и благополучия, вдохновения и удачи!

Rama-priya - March 3, 2006 10:23 am

Happy Birthday dear Tadiya. It was so nice to meet you. Hope to see you again. All the best!



Guru-nistha Das - March 3, 2006 5:33 pm

happy birthday, Tadiya!

See you next summer.


p.s. Nanda-Tanujaji, see I got the point. English only. :D

Igor - March 3, 2006 6:04 pm

Happy birthday! Tadiya! :)


to Guru Nistha - You dont know what you are missing, slavenic lenguages are closest lenguages to ancient sanskrit :D tama-tamas, all relatives names like brat-brat-brother etc, Actualy Tadiya is common name here!

Happy birthday!

Hari-priya Dasi - March 3, 2006 6:28 pm

Dear Tadiya, Happy Birthday! I admire your sincerity, your thoughtfulness and your capacity to reflect things. You are a sweet sister! :D

Tadiya Dasi - March 6, 2006 4:08 pm

Thank you for your kind words, everyone! I am touched. And, oh-so-grateful to have the association of such sweet God-sisters & brothers! You are making me blush... ;)


(Nanda-tanuja...Translation maybe? ;);) )

Mathura-natha Das - March 7, 2006 6:59 am

Happy syntymä dagen!!