
Events in March

Rama-priya - March 3, 2006 10:17 am

Here below is the list of coming holy days in this month


2nd of March (Th) Caturthi, the appearance of Sri Purusottama Dasa Thakura;

10th of March (Fr) Dvadasi (Vyanjuli Mahadvadasi), fast for Amalaki Vrata Ekadasi, the disappearance of Sri Madhavendra Puri;

11th of March (Sa) Dvadasi, Fast break for Amalaki Vrata Ekadasi 06:26 - 07:53;

13th of March (Mo) Caturdasi, Vyasa Puja of Guru Maharaja

14th of March (Tu) Purnima, Gaura Purnima- the appearance of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu (fast till moonrise), Festival of Jagannatha Misra observed on following day;

22nd of March (We) Astami, the appearance of Sri Srivasa Pandita;

25th of March (Sa) Ekadasi, fast for Papamocani Ekadasi;

26th of Mar 2006 (Su) Dvadasi, fast break for Papamocani Ekadasi 06:04 - 10:11, the disappearance of Sri Govinda Ghosh.


