
State of the Union Address

Kamalaksa Das - March 3, 2006 6:04 pm

F O R . I M M E D I A T E . R E L E A S E


Northern hemisphere, 60°15'40.3" N, 25°47'36.8" E

Charlie Sierra squadron




Attention citizens!


we would like to report on the progress of our war on maya.


We are presently engaging in a wide-scaled campaign against the forces of evil. Our women and men have secured their positions and are taking on the enemy at a growing rate. And while battles have been severe at times we have luckily sustained no mentionable damage.


The lines drawn are still holding. But we should not for a second fall into the illusion that the enemy is sleeping. Thus our strategic alliance at the western front has agreed to send in men to assist in raising the morale of the troops as well as providing up to date intel and info on recent communications.


We will receive none less than the commander-in-chief at our eastern rural base. He will be patroling the perimeters between the days 070306 and 070906. During his stay he will be reviewing the conditions of the field, and will draw up long-term strategies to be implemented over the next two quarters.


In addition to this we will engage in training programs a minimum amount of trice daily. These training sessions will be overseen by major Bhrigupada, whose extensive field knowledge of arcana has earned him fame on numerous battle grounds. Remember, good training is our only life insurance when faced with our adversary!


In preparation of these events we will set up camp and all women and men are requested to report in as soon 063106 to take needed action and, if time so allows, engage in some rest and recreation before the main event. We strongly encourage participating in the full length of the event. These are turbulent times, and our enemy spares no effort in setting up obstacles in our path. Thus the need is even greater for setting up a unified front.


An propaganda rally for the public has also been planned, and is scheduled to take place on our fort outside the capitol city Helsinki. Prominent members of the community will be rallied in. This is planned to take place 070806.


The commander-in-chief will be accompanied by two of his generals, who most likely will give full disclosure of the state of affairs at the western front's headquarters. We are all extending our warmest welcomes to these staunch soldiers!


Anyone wishing to attend would do good in enlisting as soon as possible, for us to be able to secure needed amounts of field rations and take care of logistics. We need you!


This message is need to know basis. Please forward it to anyone thought to be interested.




Lieutenant Krishangi

Drill sergeant Kamalaksa


Over and out.


Bhrigu - March 3, 2006 7:07 pm
:)! I see that you managed to get my book into the strategy room as well, nine o'clock from the Russian cigarrettes! Very good, but the Swedish flag really is a bad case of rasAbhAsa, maybe even aparasa... :D
Krsangi Dasi - March 3, 2006 8:13 pm

The picture is actually filled with symbolism, for the keen eye to notice. Although much of it is admittedly pretty hard to spot.


But as we are kind to conditioned souls as ourselves we will go through the more elementary signs.


As Bhrigu already pointed out his book, "The early Upanishads" is lowest in the stack of books.


Next to it is a pack of cigarettes of the brand Kosmosas. Their country of origin is Russia. Much alike our dear Godbrother Nanda Tanuja, who should come over.


Above Bhrigu's book is Guru Maharaja's Gita. Every soldier needs a manual for his or her fight to be succesful. We swear by this book. As have many great warriors before us.


The pointer in Kamalaksa's hand points at a small town in the lake district of Finland called Jyvaskyla. It was here Gurunishta took his first steps on the road of devotional yoga. No small tirtha for Finland!


Unfortunately the book referring to our Frisian ally is partly cropped. It is the one with the red cover. The book is a road map to South Africa, where the Dutch wrecked havoc for some time. Wasn't deKlerck some distant relative to you, Syama Gopala?


The book below it with the blue cover is a map over central Europe. All you Polish devotees will find help in this navigating through potentially hostile territory to reach a safe haven.


The stamps next to the two aforementioned books symbolize the border patrol letting in all of our guests from abroad. Have your passports ready!


Thge troops standing of the map represent of course Guru Maharaja's disciples from Finland. They are Hari-priya, Tadiya, Bhrigupada, Gurunishta, Kamalaksa and myself. (Those who think the characters are from the mayic television show Star Trek have a mundane vision.)


The ruler next to my left hand represents maya being over us when separeted from Guru Maharaja and all you nice devotees. (How so, you might ask. Remember, one meaning of maya is to measure.)


And the Swedish flag behind us? Well, that is our obeisances to dear old Mathuranatha. We cannot but salute the flag of the country that consistently beats us in ice hockey. (This is no laughing matter, more so a national tragedy.)

Bhrigu - March 4, 2006 7:18 am

What's the meaning of the letters? Swami's Guru Parampara-book in the front is a nice point.

Shyam Gopal Das - March 4, 2006 2:50 pm

haha nice nice! I'm checking ticket prices right now!


don't the letters stand for the countries they cover?

Bhrigu - March 4, 2006 8:22 pm
don't the letters stand for the countries they cover?


Like Wweden, Rinland and Sussia?