
Holy days in April

Rama-priya - March 27, 2006 1:34 pm

Here is the list of forthcoming holy days in April



2nd of Apr (Sa) - Navami, the appearance of Sri Srivasa Pandita;

4th of Apr (Mo) - Ekadasi, fast for Papamocani Ekadasi;

5th of Apr (Tu) - Dvadasi, fast break for Papamocani Ekadasi 05:48 - 10:04, the disappearance of Sri Govinda Ghosh;

13th of Apr (We) - Pancami, the appearance of Sri Ramanujacarya, beginning of Salagrama and Tulasi Jala Dana;

17th of Apr (Su) - Navami, Rama Navami – the appearance of Lord Sri Ramacandra (fast till sunset);

19th of Apr (Tu) - Ekadasi, fast for Kamada Ekadasi;

20th of Apr (We) - Dvadasi, Damanakaropana Dvadasi, fast break for Kamada Ekadasi 08:10 - 9:54;

23rd of Apr (Sa) - Purnima, Sri Balarama Rasayatra, Sri Krsna Vasanta Rasa, the appearance of Sri Vamsivadana Thakura and Sri Syamananda Prabhu;

30th of Apr (Sa) - Saptami, the disappearance of Sri Abhirama Thakura.




Vamsidhari Dasa - March 30, 2006 5:44 pm

All of these holy dates significantly differ from the published BBT calendar and the dates are also wrong i.e. april 4th is TUESDAY not Monday. Appearance of Lord Ramacandra falls on the 6th according to calendar I have and on the 17th according to yours. You are off by one day in the Western Calendar.

Could you please check these dates I would like to follow your calculations but I just want to make sure they are correct. Sorry if I am asking too much but the discrepancy seems too great. Thanks a lot for your time.

Vamsidhari dasa :D

Rama-priya - March 30, 2006 8:48 pm

Oh, you're right all the dates are wrong because I've mistaken the year. I'm sorry for this confusion and thank you a lot for finding all these mistakes, that i didn't notice. I hope now is all correct


2nd April (Su) Pancami, the appearance of Sri Ramanujacarya;

6th April (Th) Navami, Rama Navami – the appearance of Lord Sri Ramacandra (fast till sunset);

8th April (Sa) Ekadasi, fast for Kamada Ekadasi;

9th Apr (Su) Dvadasi, Damanakaropana Dvadasi fast break for Kamada Ekadasi 06:22 - 10:02;

13th April (Th) Purnima, Sri Balarama Rasayatra, Sri Krsna Vasanta Rasa, the appearance of Sri Vamsivadana Thakura and Sri Syamananda Prabhu, beginning of Salagrama and Tulasi Jala Dana;

14th April (Fr) Pratipat, begining of Madhusudana Masa;

20th April (Th) Saptami, disappearance of Sri Abhirama Thakura;

22nd April (Sa) Dasami, the disappearance of Srila Vrndavana Dasa Thakura;

23rd April (Su) Ekadasi fast for Varuthini Ekadasi;

24th April (Mo) Dvadasi, fast break for Varuthini Ekadasi 05:22 - 09:52;

27th April (Th) Amavasya, the appearance of Sri Gadadhara Pandita;

30th April (Su) Tritiya, Aksaya Tritiya, Candana Yatra starts, continues for 21 days