
Clash of Two Cultures

Swami - April 11, 2006 9:35 pm



West: You live in time;

East: we live in space.

West: You're always on the move;

East: we're always at rest.

West: Religion is our first love;

East: we revel in metaphysics.

Weat: Science is your passion; you delight in physics. You believe in freedom of speech; you strive for articulation.

East: we believe in freedom of silence; we lapse into meditation.

West: Self- assertiveness is the key to your success;

East: self-abnegation is the secret of our survival.

West: You're urged every day to want more and more;

East: we're taught from the cradle to want less and less.

West: Joie de vivre is your ideal;

East: conquest of desires is our goal.

Weat: In the sunset years of life you retire to enjoy the fruits of your labour;

East: we renounce the world and prepare ourselves for the hereafter.

- Hari Dham

Bijaya Kumara Das - April 12, 2006 8:11 am



West: You live in time;

East: we live in space.

West: You're always on the move;

East: we're always at rest.

West: Religion is our first love;

East: we revel in metaphysics.

Weat: Science is your passion; you delight in physics. You believe in freedom of speech; you strive for articulation.

East: we believe in freedom of silence; we lapse into meditation.

West: Self- assertiveness is the key to your success;

East: self-abnegation is the secret of our survival.

West: You're urged every day to want more and more;

East: we're taught from the cradle to want less and less.

West: Joie de vivre is your ideal;

East: conquest of desires is our goal.

Weat: In the sunset years of life you retire to enjoy the fruits of your labour;

East: we renounce the world and prepare ourselves for the hereafter.

- Hari Dham


Well said Guru Maharaja. good bad, hot cold, happy sad, and we have the balance given by You and His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta acintabeydabheyda. Sorry I do not know the correct spelling.

Babhru Das - April 15, 2006 10:11 pm

Yes; to the extent that there's any truth to the dichotomies presented here, Gaudiya vaishnavism is the perfect harmonizer.