
harmonising differencess between spiritual masters

Igor - April 21, 2006 6:46 pm

Dear Swami and devotees. I want to ask one question. In our spiritual path we may have several guides - siksa spiritual masters in whom we can find inspiration for our spiritual activities. How should disciple act if some points are different in preaching of such gurus? If there is some difference in philosophical points between diksa and siksa gurus, how we should act?

Vrindavandas - April 22, 2006 3:43 pm

Dear Swami and devotees. I want to ask one question. In our spiritual path we may have several guides - siksa spiritual masters in whom we can find inspiration for our spiritual activities. How should disciple act if some points are different in preaching of such gurus? If there is some difference in philosophical points between diksa and siksa gurus, how we should act?




This is actually a huge debate that I am not sure will ever get resolved. There are those that say the instructions must be reconciled with your diksa guru. Some will say that whoever apparently knows more about the subject, that is the viewpoint to accept. Personally, for what it's worth, I think it has to be looked at on a case by case basis. In addition, you have to use a little common sense and really sit down and meditate on what makes most sense in your heart. Thirdly, is it based on guru, sadhu and sastra? I think how to understand/reconcile is what we really need to address here, not necessarily how to act. The reason I say this, is that Guru Maharaja said before that if we can find just one point that helps us in what someone is saying, there is success. Regardless of what the person is saying, I think we should still follow Vaisnava etiquette, be respectful and humble at all times.

Rama-priya - April 22, 2006 5:28 pm

I think that it is interesting sometimes to see that different gurus have different opinions about some aspects of devotional life. We can see then how one tattva is represents in different colours but still it is one. If our listening of others gurus inspires us I think it is good for us and we should do this, taking these aspects that helps us to make progress. In the same way I think we can associate and cooperate with disciples of others gurus and inspire one another. If the teachings correspond with the scriptures and can help us I think we can do this. But in order to recognize differences very well it is important to get to know the teachings of one's Guru. Then we can harmonize everything in one whole and we know waht is tattva and what is only different look or different way of saying of the same topic.