
Assignment 13

Babhru Das - May 11, 2006 4:01 am

Exploring the Ocean of The Nectar of Devotion

Assignment 13


Read Chapter 11 of The Nectar of Devotion, “Aspects of Transcendental Service.” The chapter covers verses 183-203 of the second wave of Bhaktirasamrita-sindhu’s Eastern Division. This chapter discusses items 47-53 of the 64 angas of sadhana bhakti. As always, I suggest reading and rereading the chapter actively, noting any connections you read here with other instructions you may have read or heard, as well as with your own experience in practicing Krishëa consciousness. Also write down any questions that occur to you as you read—either questions you would like to ask, or questions you may have been asked by someone else.


I suggest thinking carefully about each of the items discussed in this chapter. We have not only the supporting verses cited in Bhaktirasamrita-sindhu, but comments from Srila Prabhupada that sometimes broaden possible understanding of those verses. One example comes under the heading “Devotional Service in Friendship.” The two categories fo friendship presented in this section are acting as the Lord’s confidential servant (maitri) and, in Srila Prabhupada’s words, acting “as the well-wisher of the Lord.) The Sanskrit term given for the latter is visvasa, which is understood to mean full faith in the Lord’s protection. The example Srila Rupa Gosvami gives is Draupadi, who does indeed illustrate this dependence. Yet Srila Prabhupada seems to add something of a twist to this aspect of bhakti, which generally gives the devotee a sense that the Lord is his or her well wisher, by suggesting that devotees who dedicate their lives to preaching may become the Lord’s well wishers. How does this complicate and/or expand our understanding of this item of sadhana bhakti? Also, what do you see as the distinguishing characteristics between these two kinds of friendship (maitri and visvasa)? Another thing to consider may be what you see as distinguishing “Surrendering Everything to the Lord” (atma-nivedanam) and “Being a Surrendered Soul” (saranapattih). We could complicate the other items in similar ways, based not just on our reading of this chapter, but on other reading and experience. What distinguishes the two kinds of sense of servitorship described under “Servitorship”? Is there a real difference between the two kinds of “Offering a Favorite Article”? And, as always, I suggest writing down your thoughts so you may better explore them.


With regard to the second kind of servitorship discussed here, Srila Rupa Gosvami cites a verse from the Naradiya Purana, which Srila Prabhupada often cited:

iha yasya harer dasye

karmana manasa gira

nikhilasv apy avasthasu

jivan-muktah sa ucyate

“One who engages in the transcendental service of the Lord in body, mind and word is to be considered liberated in all conditions of material existence.” (This is verse 187.)


With regard to “Surrendering Everything to the Lord,” we may find it helpful to consider this verse with which we should be familiar:

anukulyasya sankalpah pratikulyasya varjanam

rakshishyatiti visvaso goptritve varanam tatha

atma-nikshepa-karpanye shad-vidha saranagatih

anukulyasya—of anything that assists devotional service to the Lord; sankalpah—acceptance; pratikulyasya—of anything that hinders devotional service; varjanam—complete rejection; rakshishyati—He will protect; iti—thus; visvasah—strong conviction; goptritve—in being the guardian, like the father or husband, master or maintainer; varanam—acceptance; tatha—as well as; atma-nikshepa—full self-surrender; karpanye—and humility; shaö-vidha—sixfold; sarana-agatih—process of surrender.

“The six divisions of surrender are the acceptance of those things favorable to devotional service, the rejection of unfavorable things, the conviction that Krishna will give protection, the acceptance of the Lord as one's guardian or master, full self-surrender and humility.” (You may have noticed that visvasah, mentioned above, is here as well.)

Babhru Das - May 26, 2006 3:10 am

Speaking of The Nectar of Devotion (as I was in the other active thread), does no one have any kind of reponse to this? How about some discussion of saranagati? Questions? Insights? Problems?

Gaurangi-priya Devi - May 27, 2006 5:26 am

Speaking of The Nectar of Devotion (as I was in the other active thread), does no one have any kind of reponse to this? How about some discussion of saranagati? Questions? Insights? Problems?



Well, unfortunately I haven't been following with this classroom and reading the assignments, but it's 1am and I can't sleep so I read this post. It's very fitting and so I thought I'd write something. "...The conviction that Krsna will give protection, the acceptance of the Lord as one's guardian or master, full self-surrender and humility," these things are very soothing for me to read. It's not always easy living in ISKCON and being initiated by our Swami. I heard tonight that someone said in regards to starting a school here, that it has to be an ISKCON school and she doesn't want her kids thinking it's ok to be initiated by someone outside of ISKCON like Tripurari Swami. These things are very painful especially if I think of my children being prejudiced, but what can I do. That's where I come to saranagati. I'm not in control. I can only trust that Krsna will give me protection. This is a big ego-death, giving up wanting to control. These are my beginning tests in saranagati, just the beginning. I think of the gopis often, hearing their clarion call, how they gave sooooooooooooo much up. I think of Krsna saying abandon all varities of religion and just surrender and then do not fear. Yes, saranagati! This was perfect for me to think about. Thank you.

Babhru Das - May 27, 2006 7:17 am

Thanks, Gaurangipriya, for sharing this with us. I can imagine how tough it must be to hear these things. Fortunately for me, devotees here actually express respect for Swami, even though their respect is nothing like mine. And in San Diego, where I lived before, even though the community was very much an ISKCON community, devotees were generally careful, at least when I was around. You and your husband are the exemplars there for Swami's sanga. (Isn't there already a school there--and a very ISKCON-oriented one at that?)


As our Swami points out, saranagati isn't the end; it's just the beginning. And its svarupa-laksana (essential characteristic) is that utter dependence on Krishna.

Swami - May 27, 2006 12:00 pm

I heard tonight that someone said in regards to starting a school here, that it has to be an ISKCON school and she doesn't want her kids thinking it's ok to be initiated by someone outside of ISKCON like Tripurari Swami.



"Her kids?" Rather posessive. This kind of thinking betrays a very material notion of guru-tattva. Scripture tells us that Krsna sends us our guru, guru krsna prasade pay bhakti lata bija. You have to wonder if people like her really believe the scripture. We are not to argue with what scripture says about finding one's guru, especially not in the name of service to "our guru" in an effort to legislate who will initiate who. Rather we are to honor Krsna's descent.


Remember the "zonal acarya system" fiasco of Iskcon? In principle, she is repeating it. Funny how for years Iskcon criticized Sridhara Maharaja for instituting this system, when in fact he had absolutely nothng to do with it. Indeed, he preached against it! We once asked him humorously where his zone was and he replied, "Wherever there is maya."


Let the children choose for themselves.

Babhru Das - May 29, 2006 12:28 am

"Her kids?" Rather posessive. This kind of thinking betrays a very material notion of guru-tattva. Scripture tells us that Krsna sends us our guru, guru krsna prasade pay bhakti lata bija. You have to wonder if people like her really believe the scripture. We are not to argue with what scripture says about finding one's guru, especially not in the name of service to "our guru" in an effort to legislate who will initiate who. Rather we are to honor Krsna's descent. . . .


Let the children choose for themselves.

How wonderfully you've said this! One case we see in the Bhagavatam is Dhruva's. Seeing the boy's determination to get his audience, the Lord personally arranged for Narada to meet him and instruct him. This is, as we've heard so many times, business of the heart, and committees and legislation have no part in it whatsoever. That was the position I argued even back in the mid-'80s, before the so-called revolution, and while I was still a core ISKCON member. When I started reading Swami's writing, as well as Srila Sridhar Maharaja's, I knew where my future lay.

Bijaya Kumara Das - May 29, 2006 4:10 am

she doesn't want her kids thinking it's ok to be initiated by someone outside of ISKCON like Tripurari Swami.



Sorry to inform her but the seed of devotion for our Guru Maharaja has come and is being feed from His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta and His instructions. Correct me if I am wrong but one His instructions was if ISKCON (the institution)gets in the way of devotional service He would start over by disbanding it.

Babhru Das - June 6, 2006 5:04 am

If we've discussed all that we're ready to discuss with regard to this chapter, I'll post the next assignment. I'll let you-all guide me here.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - June 6, 2006 8:06 pm

God is my co-pilot or I'm a passenger?


Reading this chapter made me think about surrender. What is the balance of surrender and action? How to let go of the steering wheel, but not let the car crash? I know, I know, the steering wheel is an illusion, etc, but what is the correct way to fully surrender, what should be a right attitude, so you don’t slide into apathy?

Practical example: professional growth, aka making a career. Should a person strive to go up the corporate (or some other) ladder? Should a person look for a better job? Or should we say "If Krsna wants us to move he will force us to do so." Does surrender means stop actively pursuing material things? But then again, it all depends on how you use fruits... Any thoughts?

Madangopal - June 6, 2006 9:14 pm

Good stuff Nanda Tanuja!


First things first...

I know, I know, the steering wheel is an illusion, etc.

Not so fast pal! The Gaudiya understanding of illusion would be that the steering wheel exists, but is temporary. This subtlety can create some great difficulties in how a spiritualist interacts with the material world. So since the steering wheel (the world) is really there you better wake up and take the wheel because Krsna won't do it for you!

Should a person strive to go up the corporate (or some other) ladder? Should a person look for a better job?

According to Sri Krsna, "Everyone is forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he has acquired from the modes of material nature." (Gita 3.5) With this in mind I would suggest that our endeavor should not be to avoid our nature, but rather to line our nature up with bhakti.

Or should we say "If Krsna wants us to move he will force us to do so." Does surrender means stop actively pursuing material things?

If you have an ambitious nature, be yourself and be ambitious. But you have to center your ambition in Krsna Consciousness. That is surrender. Surrender is not giving up our identity or our personality, but agreeing to be used, as the tool that we are in the Lord's will. We all have unique aspects that the Lord can use, if we give up our will to be independent.


Again, Gita is a clear demonstration of what you are asking. Arjuna wanted to "stop actively pursuing material things." Krsna demonstrated how he should pursue "material things" in a spiritual consciousness and thereby purify his action.


For the best guidance of how to krsna-ize one's material pursuits one should consult the guru.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - June 6, 2006 10:01 pm

So since the steering wheel (the world) is really there you better wake up and take the wheel because Krsna won't do it for you!

Hehe, I was actually implying that "steering wheel" is our ability to control the environment, which (this ability) is illusory, because ultimately we are not the controller. Krsna was actually a chariot driver, right? :ph34r:

Madangopal - June 6, 2006 10:58 pm

Gotcha! If you are Arjuna, Krsna WILL be your pilot! :ph34r: