
A little present

Syamasundara - June 8, 2006 3:18 pm

Sri Sri Guru-Gaurangau jayatah!


First of all greetings from Milan,


I finally found a public place that allows me to connect from my laptop, so I can finally post a present I made for all the Tattvavivekis, especially those who have read or will read the Siksastakam.

It is a study diagram that illustrates how the verse are interrelated.

I got the idea in October, while proofreading the book, but could get on it only after I left Audarya in May, thanks to Gurunistha's encouragement, I learned how to use Photoshop through some tutorials online and managed to whip this up.

So here it is. I had to save it for the web, but I can give those who are interested a printable version or better looking.




Gaurangi-priya Devi - June 8, 2006 3:35 pm

That's beautiful! I really like it. I'd love to have a printable version. Thanks for doing that.

Tharshan - June 8, 2006 5:04 pm

That looks really nice!

Madangopal - June 8, 2006 6:21 pm

That is really cool Shyam! Thanks!

Guru-nistha Das - June 8, 2006 9:28 pm

If I was a hippie, i'd drop acid and stare at it for weeks. :ph34r: When you showed me the sketch, i could've never believed it'd turn out that good. Great job!

Jason - June 9, 2006 1:36 am

wow...really cool!

Jananivasdas - June 9, 2006 8:20 am

If I was a hippie, i'd drop acid and stare at it for weeks. :ph34r: When you showed me the sketch, i could've never believed it'd turn out that good. Great job!

im glad that guru-nistha said it first...cause thats what i also tough first... :ph34r:

peace man.

Bijaya Kumara Das - June 9, 2006 6:40 pm

I can give those who are interested a printable version or better looking.





Please send a copy in 150 dpi in various sizes like 8x8 12x12 24x24 36x36 and 48x48 and I will print them for sale with the proceeds to Guru Maharaja.


You can also send them through the docstore.kinkos.com to the Folsom CA branch with my phone number and contact info Bijaya Kumara Das Brian D Grover, 4460 Up Chick Street, Pleasant Valley, CA 95667 530 644 4966 home, 916 716 2542 cell



Syamasundara - June 12, 2006 1:48 pm

Daso 'smi.


Soon my sister will have dsl at home and I will be able to satisfy all the above requests.

It's encouraging to know some devotees are happy with me, I miss them so much. I was contemplating going to the temple here as soon as I can maintain myself, but I don't know, it might turn out to be even deletery.

Syamasundara - June 14, 2006 3:48 pm

There you go! Here I am posting from home, so as soon as I catch up with things I'll get to work.

Syamasundara - June 16, 2006 9:35 pm

OK! The file has been modified and sized for printing. Vijaya, you have an email.


Here is a new and improved version for the web.


Bijaya Kumara Das - June 16, 2006 11:38 pm

OK! The file has been modified and sized for printing. Vijaya, you have an email.


Here is a new and improved version for the web.



Hopefully it is 150 dpi



Bhrigu - June 17, 2006 6:49 am

Nice yantra, Syamasundara! I have one suggestion, though: perhaps you could add (vipralambha) and (sambhoga) to the last two effects of Hari-nama. Now it looks like they are both exactly the same.

Syamasundara - June 17, 2006 9:42 am

UGH... good point, then Vijaya ignore the 5 files I sent you....


Any other suggestions?

I'll wait one day before doing everything.

Syamasundara - June 24, 2006 7:56 am

OK please check out the new and improved version of the mandala. I distinguished prema in vipralambha and in sambhoga and added the kinds of smarana according to the stage of bhakti as I read yesterday on another thread.

Any other suggestion?


Vijaya is eager to print.


Bhrigu - June 24, 2006 2:35 pm

According to the new version, it seems that one begins nama-smarana only at the nistha plane, which of course isn't correct. Do you mean perfection of nama-smarana? Then that could perhaps be somehow indicated.

Syamasundara - June 24, 2006 3:46 pm

I know, it may sound confusing, I was on the fence about that, but after all space is limited in there and there would be so many more connections to make...




I was referring to these words by GM:


"Regarding chanting and meditating, it can be said that generally the stage of nistha involves nama samaranam; ruci involves rupa samaran (while chanting); asakti involves guna samaranam, and bhava involves lila samranam. "

Syamasundara - July 1, 2006 12:25 pm

So, does that version meet with everyone's approval?

Shall I give Vijaya the imprimatur (the "go ahead and print")?


Gaurangi, did you get my personal message through TV?


By the way, is your name Gaurangi priya or priyaa?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - July 1, 2006 4:38 pm

1. I would rotate “5th Effect” and “4th Effect” 180 degrees, so words “5th Effect” and “bhava” looking into the same direction.

2. I would remove shading (shadows) from the text and numbering on the petals.

3. Text in the middle of the flower is very difficult to read.

4. Make petals color a little lighter, so it’s easier to read as well.


I think our super-designers Kamalaksa and Krsangi should add their 2 cents as well – it’s their bread and butter.

Babhru Das - July 1, 2006 9:57 pm

One thing I've been thinking about was how to fit the different effects themselves into those arms (or whatever they may be called). That would take a little thought in boiling them down. I've started thinking about it, but haven't been able to focus because of other demands on my attention. Maybe soon . . .

Bijaya Kumara Das - July 2, 2006 3:34 am

OK please check out the new and improved version of the mandala. I distinguished prema in vipralambha and in sambhoga and added the kinds of smarana according to the stage of bhakti as I read yesterday on another thread.

Any other suggestion?


Vijaya is eager to print.



I opened it up and it still has the shadows on the petals from the print like it is out of focus.

Syamasundara - July 2, 2006 8:57 am

1. I would rotate “5th Effect” and “4th Effect” 180 degrees, so words “5th Effect” and “bhava” looking into the same direction.

2. I would remove shading (shadows) from the text and numbering on the petals.

3. Text in the middle of the flower is very difficult to read.

4. Make petals color a little lighter, so it’s easier to read as well.


I think our super-designers Kamalaksa and Krsangi should add their 2 cents as well – it’s their bread and butter.


1. I thought about that but left the effects all facing the center for a sense of continuity, since there is a lot going on in there already. Also, they are all the same, you don't really need to turn your head to read what it can possibly say. But I guess I can change it.

2. The shadows of the verses seem really unpopular, so I can remove them, I just wanted to give the idea of the mantras hovering over the petals. The numbers are kind of the whole idea of the mandala though, to show how each following verse emanates from a seed concept contained in the first verse. You may know that, but the numbers are to facilitate others. It's also a consideration of visual memory. I am attached to those numbers.

3. The image was meant to be appreciated while enlarged, that's why the resolution is twice the one of a monitor. The printed version should be quite readable. If you are referring to the circularity of the text, see point 2.

If you are referring to the pollen underneath I can fade it a bit.

4. I can also fade the petals, I forgot most of you are probably in Windows. Alternatively, you can all switch to Mac :)


Guru Maharaja, can I have your final sanction on all aspects, or further suggestions?


By the way, there is a lot of room outside of the mandala, too. It could be used I guess, but you people shouldn't expect to see the whole image fit on screen and everything readable. I gave up that option at the onset.

It's cool to see everybody participating in the cultivation of this lotus. By the time we're ready to print it, there won't be any more need to, as everybody wil know all the interrelations among the verses

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 4, 2006 4:04 am

Thank you syamasundara they are now printed and ready for sale.


He sold me the rights to print for paying off his debt with cd subscription.


It cost us just under $10 a square foot to print on vinyl crack and peel mounted on masonite board and they look great.


Sizes are 8x8 inch 12x12, 24x24, 36x36 and 48x48. These will be great for temple walls or just to frame and keep. We will sell to the public for $25, $50, $100, $200 and $350 with proceeds to go to Audarya.

I will have them on display for sale at Golden Gate park and may carry one in the procession.


Can someone print the english translations ? It would be nice to have for Rathayatra distribution.

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 5, 2006 1:55 pm

We have gotten an english translation of the verses printed.


I would assume the 8th effect is mahabhava svarupini - purest love.