
Krsna's unfulfilled desires

Jason - June 23, 2006 1:43 am

I was listening to a lecture given by Dhanurdhara Swami recently and he was lecturing on Mahaprabhu's Antya lila (spelling?) in Caitanya Caritamrta. He was saying that Krsna appeared as Caitanya to fulfill 3 desires that were not fulfilled in Krsna-lila. The key desire being to expierience the love of His devotees in the mood of separation.


What I don't understand is....when Krsna was separated from the gopis during his manifest lila, did He not feel separation then? Being the Supreme Person and the source of all sentiments and emotions, why would he not have expierienced that "embankment of separation" when he was present 5000 years ago?


Thanks in advance.



Swami - June 23, 2006 2:44 am

I was listening to a lecture given by Dhanurdhara Swami recently and he was lecturing on Mahaprabhu's Antya lila (spelling?) in Caitanya Caritamrta. He was saying that Krsna appeared as Caitanya to fulfill 3 desires that were not fulfilled in Krsna-lila. The key desire being to expierience the love of His devotees in the mood of separation.


What I don't understand is....when Krsna was separated from the gopis during his manifest lila, did He not feel separation then? Being the Supreme Person and the source of all sentiments and emotions, why would he not have expierienced that "embankment of separation" when he was present 5000 years ago?


Thanks in advance.





He wanted to experience his devotee's love/separation—to experience it from their vantage point. Thus he became a devotee. Their experience exceeds that of his own.

Jason - June 26, 2006 1:43 pm

Maharaja....so what was the type of separation that Krsna was feeling when separated from the gopis in Krsna-lila? Surely He understood their pangs of anxiety then as well as in Gaura-lila right? And if He did NOT feel the same, then how do we understand that it does not imply some lacking on God's part? I'm just wondering what the distinct difference between the two would have been. Thank you for your clarification.

