
Prayer in Separation of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

Gauravani Dasa - June 25, 2006 11:22 pm

This translation was posted on the Sampradaya Sun today. It is also published on the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math page. I looked around for the original verses but was unable to find them.


English Translation by Sripad Swarupananda Das, first printed in the "Selected Gems" section of "Sri Sri Prapanna-jivanamritam -- Positive and Progressive Immortality."


----- 1 -----


"Alas, alas! O Bhaktivinode Thakur, O Supreme Guru, for twenty-two years this world has been plunged into misfortune, long grief-stricken in your intolerable separation. You are the Divine Potency of Sri Gaura, and you graciously made your advent in this earthly plane, being attracted by the living beings' virtuous deeds performed throughout many lifetimes."


----- 2 -----


"Since I am lowly and very wretched, it was not my luck to reach the ocean that bestows the fortune of surrender----the Ocean of the Ecstasy of bathing in a particle of the dust of your Holy Lotus Feet. Yet due to your magnanimous nature, you gave your Grace to the whole universe, personally revealing your supereminence as the personification of the Mercy Potency of Sri Gauranga. (That is, by coming into this world, I received His Grace.)"


----- 3 -----


"O Lord, even all the demigods headed by Lord Brahma feel frustrated by their inability to (fittingly) sing the glories of your Divine Qualities. What, then, can be said of the attempt of a fallen soul, a mere human like me? Surely, the learned will never waste their eloquent words eulogizing this statement, since even the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna Himself, has sung in the Scriptures His celebrated confession na paraye 'ham---'I am unable (to reciprocate your devotion).'


----- 4 -----


"At a time when religion was evaluated in terms of bodily relationship, saintliness was determined by ignorance, and yoga practice was motivated by sensual pleasure; when scholarship was cultivated just for voidism, japa was conducted for the sake of fame, and penance was performed out of vindictiveness; when charity was given out of pride, and on the pretext of spontaneous devotion the most gross, sinful acts were perpetrated---and in all such anomalous situations even the intelligentsia were at loggerheads with one another...at that very time, you were sent by the Almighty Creator."


----- 5 -----


"As the universally cooling moon is beautified by diffusing it's nectarean rays, nourishing the plants and inciting the twinkling of the stars, your Holy Advent in this world is similarly ascertained as satisfying the pure devotional Scriptures (through profound study) and blessing the learned with full-blown happiness (by the perfect axiomatic conclusions descending in Divine Succession). With your appearance, the ecstasy of the devotees knows no bounds."


----- 6 -----


"By writing many books and by multifarious methods recognized by the pure devotees, you have demonstrated the preaching of Pure Devotional Service unto the Supreme Lord, for the benefit of the whole world. We have heard of similar achievements in previous times by stalwart scholars such as Sri Ramanuja and many other Acharyas; but the Glory of you--- the very embodiment of the Nectar of Divine Love---does not end (cannot be confined) here."


----- 7 -----


"Merely the Effulgence of His Divine Abode has been designated by the title "Brahman" in the Vedas, and only the expansion of an expansion of His expansion is sought after with great tribulation by the foremost yogis. The most exalted of the liberated souls shine resplendent as the bumblebees at His Lotus Feet. The Primeval Origin of even the Original Sri Narayana who is the Lord of the spiritual sky above Brahman: He is the Original Supreme Lord, the personification of all nectarean mellows---Sri Krishna---and He, is the One that you give."


----- 8 -----


"Situated in the topmost region of the Absolutely Inconceivable spiritual sky is the holy abode of Sri Vrindavan Dhama, in the spiritual planet known as Goloka. There, surrounded by Sakhis, Srimati Radhika revels in the mellows of Divine Pastimes. With Great Ecstasy, She expands the joy of Loving Sweetness in the Service of Sri Krishnachandra, Who is otherwise Served in four relationships up to parenthood. You, O Thakur Bhaktivinode, can give us the Service of that Holy Dhama."


----- 9 -----


"The internal purport is known to Sri Svarupa Damodara by the sanction of Sri Gaurachandra, of that which is adored by Sri Sanatana Goswami and distributed by the preceptors realized in transcendental mellows, headed by Sri Rupa Goswami; that which is tasted and enhanced by Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami and followers and carefully protected by the votaries headed by Sri Jiva Prabhu; and that which (from a respectful distance) is venerated by great personalities such as Sri Shuka, Lord Shiva, the chief of the demigods, and Lord Brahma, the grandfather of all beings---O wonder of wonders! The Nectarean Rapture of Servitude unto Sri Radhika---That, too, you can give us.


----- 10 -----


"Where am I, so lowly and fallen, and where are you, the great soul who delivers the universe?!!! O Lord, by your Grace, you are sure to forgive my offenses. O Ocean of Mercy, in the dust of Your Lotus Feet I pray for this benediction: kindly make my life successful by recommending me for admission into the group of Sri Varshabhanavi Dayita Dasa(Srila Saraswati Thakur), who is the dearmost one in your heart."



Translator's Note:


The preceding prayer to Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, the pioneer of Pure Devotion in the recent age, was composed within the lifetime of the author's Guru, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Goswami Prabhupada. Upon reading the original Sanskrit verse, Srila (Bhaktisiddhanta) Prabhupada commented, "Now I am confident that we have one man who is qualified to uphold the standard of our Sampradaya (Divine Succession)."

Babhru Das - June 25, 2006 11:41 pm

This prayer is also available, with a different translation, in Sri Kirtan Manjusa, a collection of Srila Sridhar Maharaja's kirtans. I wonder if Swami may have an electronic version somewhere, since he was involved in publishing the book. If no one has that, I could make some time to type them out and post them here.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - June 26, 2006 4:26 am

I looked around for the original verses but was unable to find them.

Verse 1

ha ha bhaktivinoda-thakura! guro! dvavimsatis te sama

dirghad-duhkha-bharad asesa-virahad duhsthi-krta bhuriyam

jivanam bahu-janma-punya-nivahakrsto mahi-mandale

avirbhava-krpam cakara ca bhavan sri gaura-saktih svayam


Verse 2

dino ‘ham cira-duskrtir na hi bhavat padabja dhuli kana-

snanananda-nidhim prapanna-subhadam labdhum samartho ‘bhavam

kintv-audarya-gunat-tavatiyasasah karunya-saktih svayam

sri-sri-gaura-mahaprabhoh prakatita visvam samanv agrahit


Verse 3

he deva! stavane tavakhila-gunanam te virincadayo

deva vyartha-manorathah kimu vayam martyadhamah kurmahe

etan no vivudhaih kadapy atisayalankara ity ucyatam

sastresv eva “na paraye ‘ham” iti yad-gitam mukundena tat


Verse 4

dharmas-carmagato ‘jnataiva satata yogas ca bhogatmako

jnane sunya-gatir japena tapasa khyatir jighamsaiva ca

dane dambhikatanuraga-bhajane dustapacaro yada

buddhim-buddhimatam vibheda he tada dhatra bhavan presitah


Verse 5

visve smin kiranair yatha himakarah sanjivayann-osadhir

naksatrani ca ranjayan nija-sudham vistarayan rajate

sac-chastrani ca tosayan budhaganam sammodayams te tatha

nunam bhumi-tale subhodaya iti hlado bahuh satvatam


Verse 6

lokanam hita-kamyaya bhagavato bhakti-pracaras tvaya

granthanam racanaih satam abhimatair nana vidhair darsitah

acaryaih krta-purvam eva kila tad ramanujadyair budhaih

premambho-nidhi-vigrahasya bhavato mahatmya-sima na tat


Verse 7

yad dhamnah khalu dhama caiva nigame brahmeti samjnayate

yasyamsasya kalaiva duhkha-nikarair yogesvarair mrgyate

vaikunthe paramukta-bhrnga-carano narayano yah svayam

tasyamsi bhagavan svayam rasa-vapuh krsno bhavan tat-pradah


Verse 8

sarvacintya-maye paratpara-pure-goloka-vrndavane

cil-lila rasa-rangini parivrta sa radhika sri-hareh

vatsalyadirasais ca sevita-tanor madhurya-seva-sukham

nityam yatra muda tanoti hi bhavan tad dhama-seva-pradah


Verse 9

sri-gauranumatam svarupa-viditam rupagrajenadrtam

rupadyaih parivesitam raghu-ganair-asvaditam sevitam

jivadyair abhiraksitam suka-siva-brahmadi-sammanitam

sri-radha-pada-sevanamrtam aho tad-datum iso bhavan


Verse 10

kvaham manda-matis tvativa-patitah kva tvam jagat-pavanah

bho svamin krpayaparadha-nicayo nunam tvaya ksamyatam

yace ‘ham karuna-nidhe! varam imam padabja-mule bhavat

sarvasvavadhi-radhika-dayita-dasanam gane ganyatam