
Preaching in New Mexico

Citta Hari Dasa - June 26, 2006 1:14 am

Guru Maharaja and I have been in Pecos, New Mexico since Friday at New Rishikesh, the home of his Godbrother Hamsavatara and disciple Yogamaya. This weekend was the grand opening for their center.


Situated about forty minutes outside Santa Fe in wooded hills, the three acres they have developed boasts plenty of natural beauty; the property even has a river running through it.


Beginning on Friday evening Guru Maharaja has given talks on the Siksastakam, verse one, going through each of the effects of nama-sankirtana Mahaprabhu mentions there.


Yesterday Hamsavatara took us on a driving tour of Santa Fe. Guru Maharaja liked the town very much—it’s clean and charming, and has a lot of potential for expanding the preaching. There are many spiritually interested people here and there is no real Gaudiya presence, so the area is ripe.


Today (Sunday) was the big day, and about eighty or so people showed up. The program as Hamsavatara had planned it consisted of a brief intro by him followed by a short talk by the well known jyotishi Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri), then arati in the temple, Guru Maharaja’s talk, then bharata-natyam dancing by a pair of young ladies from Albuquerque, and finally prasadam.


We were informed that there has been a drought here this winter (all the precipitation comes in the form of snow), and so it’s been quite dry. It almost never rains. It appears that Indradeva had other plans for us today. The clouds began to gather at about midday, but no rain was forecast. But as Guru Maharaja began speaking the wind came up strongly, and so the whole group took shelter of the temple to hear his discourse, which, as can be expected, had the audience enthralled throughout.


Shortly after everyone was under cover, the deluge began, and is still going strong now at 5:30 PM. Much needed, so no one was particularly upset by it. Guru Maharaja is ready to come regularly to expand the preaching. Brhad-mrdanga ki jaya!


We leave here tomorrow at about 7:00 AM to catch our flight back to California.

Jason - June 26, 2006 1:53 am

Wow! That's really great! Sounds like quite a serene environment. Will there be photos to share? An 80 person turnout is amazing!



Swami - June 28, 2006 2:34 am

By the way, Jason, it looks like we may soon have a foothold in Asheville, NC. Jagannatha dasi is looking for a house there. She is trying to move there from Baltimore. There are others in motion in this direction as well. I mention it to you becasue I believe that you were interested in relocating to this area at one time. Nice place for a center. I could see myself spending a lot of time there at some point.

Madangopal - June 28, 2006 12:22 pm

I could see myself spending a lot of time there at some point.


Jason - June 28, 2006 1:44 pm

Madan Gopal, since you seem to be in that general vicinity, perhaps we could talk (off the forum) about Asheville? My fiance (wife on July 21st) and I will more than likely move back east when I finish school (I'm from Richmond, VA), and the small college town of Asheville sounds quite appealing. Let's chat.

