
Altar on cam

Syamasundara - July 7, 2006 4:53 pm

Today after lunch I watched and listened to the whole morning program at Rukmini-Dvarakadhisa temple


That was really something. One webcam was on... Radha-Krsna (?Their name is still a puzzle to me, but I respect SP's vision) and it would alternate on the smiling Jagannatha deities; other cams were on the temple room or the outside.

The only sad thing is that I counted no more than 15 devotees for the whole program, so much so that they had to play SP chanting japa or it would sound too shabby, or maybe they really did it in the temple room.

The funniest thing happened at the end of the class.

Some Bhrigupati dasa asked if there were any questions, and one after the other they started to correct him on things he said from the Mahabharata or whatever, with not even any formal word about the fact thay they were correcting somebody who was speaking from the Vyasasana. It almost felt like there was a general sense of mistrust and need to police one another around. Not only that, people were getting up to the microphone to say their things while the audience were already getting up and putting the mats away, so it's not clear who they were talking to.


Anyway my point is that it was great to see the deities from my living room, I was already imagining seeing our deities on important days when I couldn't make it to Audarya.

Would such a technology be possible with the satellite connection you have at Audarya once the temple is finished?

Gauravani Dasa - July 7, 2006 5:35 pm

Our Internet connection has a usage limit. Sending out a constant video of the altar would eat up our limit quickly. With our current service provider, it is not practical.

Bijaya Kumara Das - July 7, 2006 9:27 pm

Today after lunch I watched and listened to the whole morning program at Rukmini-Dvarakadhisa temple


That was really something. One webcam was on... Radha-Krsna (?Their name is still a puzzle to me, but I respect SP's vision)

Rukmini-Dvarakadhisa This Guru Maharaja discribed as Krsna in the city setting.