
The glories of TV members

Babhru Das - July 14, 2006 10:20 pm

I got a note from a long-time friend of ours, Aditi dasi, who has been staying in Berkeley. She mentioned that she was very impressed with Gopisvara prabhu's sober demeanor and service attitude. She said that he often leads the kirtan at the Sunday feast program and that he's "one of the few devotees

cleaning up after the feast....mopping the floor etc, I'm always impressed with hard-working sincere devotees. He doesn't talk so much....usually is chanting rather than socializing." He also apparently glorified Audaraya effectively enough that she hopes to visit it some time.

Bijaya Kumara Das - July 15, 2006 8:25 am

impressed with Gopisvara prabhu's sober demeanor and service attitude." He also apparently glorified Audaraya effectively enough that she hopes to visit it some time.


Yes every time we attend Berkeley he is there and we have great discussions.


It would be good for every one to know that the Bhaktivedanta Institute members are some what favorable to Guru Maharaja and continue to be non judgemental to Him.


Guru Maharajas' GuraNiti dieties form book distibution time reside there.

Syamasundara - July 15, 2006 9:52 am

A thread on the glories of the Tattva Vivekis was way overdue. I don't know to what extent everybody here realizes that this is a healthy, precious group, who is living or contributing to history, and Tattva Viveka is a wonderful medium.

Together with the maha mantra it's just about all that keeps me alive in my present struggle through existence, but the medium wouldn't be of much use if the people weren't so special, too.

I remember wanting to write some deep things in appreciation of Guru Nistha when I was homeless and "guest" at the Iskcon temple in Madrid on Halloween, or of Audarya-lila dancing for Gaura Nitai on Gaura Purnima, leaving aside all consideration of age, family problems, reputation or whatever. Or Vrndaranya, who will learn and do anything to serve her guru. Babhru is another one of my favorites, and Bhrgu, K&K and all the Fins have a special place in my heart, Nandatanuja, Gaura Vani, Brahma and Lila, Guru Maharaja, who is the #1 Tattva Viveki and is always 30 years ahead of us. Even the late joiners, I don't even know them, but when I see some new names at the bottom of the main page, that gives me a lot of joy.

I am writing this with my heart, at a time in which writing an extra word, speaking, dealing with people, or reading feels like a huge effort, drained and stalled as I am in my material life, living past the end of my rope since two days ago and meditating on Nityananda Prabhu, if not to change my situation (if he doesn't wish so) at least to give me the strength to endure it. Nayam atma bala hinena labhyate... it's a little out of context, but it gets me going.

In all this I even received some seva from GM that I should get to in a few seconds and get cracking with for the whole weekend, but when I saw this thread I couldn't resist making this point any more.

Glorifying the Vaisnavas feels like wind in our sail; I can see it clearly because by nature I am a fault finder. There are times in which, thinking of someone I sincerely couldn't think of one single good thing to say, and that makes me so sad.

Once GM said that incidentally I'm actually quite right and objective in my analyses of things, it just bugs that I am only dwelling on the bad side of everything.

So anyway, this is to say that in the rare occasions in which I glorify someone, it is really true and really heartfelt. I pay no compliments.

By the way, I wouldn't like this to be followed by some glorification of me (as I know there are a lot of good-hearted devotees here), I take care of that day and night; this very posting may be an indirect self-glorification, but I took the risk.

Serving and glorifying one's guru is easy, as is being reproached by him, but can we do that with our godbrothers? All of them? Are we so masterful to feel deep intimacy for some and not let that go to the expense of the respect due to them? As SSM says, we have to take the fifth position. Take the manjaris, they're happy.

By the grace of Mahaprabhu and his followers we are put in the position that by serving the servants of our guru who is absorbed in Gaura lila, we orient the compass of our values towards the path to manjari bhava, or at least Vraja bhakti.

How did I get here? Anyway, seva calling.

Please keep this thread alive with glorifications of the Tattva Vivekis.


Jaya Gaura Bhakta Vrnda!