
Attack in Manipur...

Jason - August 17, 2006 2:55 pm

I just received this update today; how unfortunate.....so sad.




Anuttama Dasa, Communications Minister - (301) 299-9707;

>Vineet Chander, North American spokesperson - (201) 925-4973;


>Manipur, India - A Krishna temple operated by the International Society for

>Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) was the victim of a bomb blast at

>approximately 7:00 pm India time on Wednesday, August 16th. Over a


>worshippers were celebrating Janmastami, the most sacred observance of the

>year for devotees of Krishna, at a temple in the state of Manipur, in the

>northeast region of India. Unknown assailants threw a hand grenade into a

>crowd of people sitting under a large tent outside of the temple, watching


>religious dance performance depicting Lord Krishna's pastimes.


>A second grenade, which did not go off, was found an hour later in the most

>crowded area of the temple, near an altar bearing sacred images of Krishna.

>According to ISKCON spokespersons in Manipur, four people, including a


>girl, are confirmed dead. Approximately 36 people were injured, including

>five foreign nationals. An eight-year old girl, who had been playing the

>part of Krishna on stage when the bomb exploded, is among those severely

>injured. The troupe's dance teacher lost his leg in the blast.


>"We are sickened and greatly saddened by this horrible, vicious act," said

>Anuttama Dasa, ISKCON's Minister of Communications. "The victims were

>innocent devotees of God. There is no excuse for such wanton acts of

>violence. We pray for the victims and their families, and we pray that Lord

>Krishna will soon lift the terrible veil of hatred and violence that is

>covering our world."


>Among the injured, His Holiness Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Swami, an ISKCON

>leader in Manipur, was taken to a hospital, where he remains in stable



>Victims are being treated in several area hospitals. Indian Army and

>government officials are trying to arrange a special morning air flight


>Manipura to Calcutta, where better emergency care facilities are available.

>Otherwise, victims will have to wait for a regularly scheduled afternoon

>flight from the remote State in northeast India.


> According to the police, no militant groups or individuals have

>claimed responsibility for the bombing. The temple building did not


>any damage.



Nanda-tanuja Dasa - August 18, 2006 12:01 am

The Times of India


IMPHAL: Janmashtami celebrations in Manipur turned bloody on Wednesday when a grenade was tossed into the Iskcon temple crowded with more than 20,000 devotees.


The blast left at least four devotees dead and 40 others injured, including Iskcon international director Damodara Swami, police said.


A woman and a child who came to the temple to offer Janmasthami prayers were among those killed. Four foreigners, two of them Americans and a Swiss national, were among the wounded, said additional SP (Imphal) Radheyshyam Singh.


He said the identity of one foreigner could not be immediately ascertained since all the injured had been rushed to different hospitals.


Police said suspected militants hurled a grenade at a mandap inside the temple when the classical Manipuri Raas Leela dance was being performed as part of Janmashtami celebrations. The grenade was hurled at the centre of the mandap where Damodara Swami was sitting.


Of those injured, the condition of at least four was critical. At least 10 children were hurt, most by shrapnel and splinters that tore through their arms and legs.


Organisers estimated about 20, 0000 devotees had gathered on Wednesday evening for Janmashtami, one of the biggest religious events in Manipur, where most Hindus were Krishna worshippers.


The Iskcon temple is one of the major shrines in Imphal valley which is predominantly inhabited by Vashnavite Manipuris. One of the top gurus of Iskcon movement, Damo-dara Swami, stays mostly in Imphal since he's a Manipuri. He was injured on his hands by splinters.


Security at Manipur's biggest shrine, the Sri Govindaji temple, was tightened following the Iskcon blast. Govindaji is another shrine where thousands of devotees gather on Janmasthami night.

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 18, 2006 7:40 am

Sorry to hear that Sripad was injured. Lets pray for him.


The reason for the attack I would suspect was to get Sripad for his service in the Korean 6 country talks as respresentative for India. The Korean communist were probably behind this one.

Bhrigu - August 18, 2006 1:51 pm
The Korean communist were probably behind this one.


Perhaps, but Manipur has for a long time been plagued by different tribal terrorists/ freedom fighter groups opposing what they percieve as the Indian and particularly Bengali colonialisation of their country. The majority (?) of Manipuris are Gaudiya Vaishnavas, but only since the 17th century, and these groups see Gaudiya Vaishnavism as a foreign presence in their country. So I would probably look for the culprit here.

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 20, 2006 6:03 am

[quote since the 17th century, and these groups see Gaudiya Vaishnavism as a foreign presence in their country. So I would probably look for the culprit here.


But more then likely paid by the communist.

Caitanya-daya Dd - August 20, 2006 6:10 am

This was horrible to read. When will such bigotry stop? Such a sad state of affairs ... :D

Jananivasdas - August 22, 2006 10:26 am