
Tattva-viveka email

Vrindaranya Dasi - August 21, 2006 3:21 am

Dandavat pranams,


It has come to my attention that on a couple of occassions mail was sent to me through Tattva-viveka and I did not receive it. If anyone sent me email through Tattva-viveka and I did not reply, this is the reason. Because of this problem, it would be best for everyone to email me at vrindaranya@swami.org in the future.


Thank you,


Swami - August 23, 2006 3:29 pm

Dandavat pranams,


It has come to my attention that on a couple of occassions mail was sent to me through Tattva-viveka and I did not receive it. If anyone sent me email through Tattva-viveka and I did not reply, this is the reason. Because of this problem, it would be best for everyone to email me at vrindaranya@swami.org in the future.


Thank you,




I just realized that I am also not receiving emial that has been sent through Tattva-viveka. So if you sent any, please resend it.