
Sri Radhabhiseka

Citta Hari Dasa - September 1, 2006 12:28 am

Sri Radhastami Mahotsava ki jaya!


We had a very sweet and intimate celebration in honor of Radha Thakurani today, and in particular I wanted to relate what happened during the abhiseka.


I was fortunate to have the service of the pujari, and took up the bathing of our Goddess. Now, I was apparently not paying attention, since it did not occur to me that since Radha is sakti-tattva I should not offer Tulasi leaves to her. So there I was, doing a standard abhiseka, complete with Tulasi. During the bathing, Guru Maharaja said to me, "You shouldn't offer the Tulasi--she (Radha) is sakti-tattva. Tulasi is for Krsna."


Right. So I continued, sans Tulasi.


I finished bathing Radharani, and was about to dress her, when Guru Maharaja called for a bowl for the caranamrta. Then he told me to dress Radha, then bathe Sri Madana Gopalaji in her caranamrta. Very nice! I thought--all in keeping with our Gaudiya siddhanta.


Later, during prasada-seva, Guru Maharaja himself brought up what had happened. He said, "During the bathing, Krsna complained: 'Why are you offering Tulasi to her--they are for me!' And his friends replied, 'Well, if you want them, then you'll have to bathe in her foot wash!' "


Clearly Krsna liked this idea. And once again we see that Sri Radha reigns supreme, and that her love is irresistable even to the irresistable Krsna himself. And it took a devotee like Guru Maharaja to see it. May we, by his grace, one day have that same vision.


Jaya Sri Radhe!

Swami - September 1, 2006 12:39 am




And his friends replied, 'Well, if you want them, then you'll have to bathe in her foot wash!' "


Her friends. Then negotiation with him and his friends. Then bathing.


The newborn calves, Sridama and Srimati where also offered after the bathing.

Gaura-sakti Dasa - September 1, 2006 1:08 am
May we, by his grace, one day have that same vision.


wow! sweet beautiful vision!


Jaya Sri Radhe!


Jaya Guru Maharaj!

Prema-bhakti Marga - September 1, 2006 1:50 am

Thank you for posting today's festivities. I was wishing all day I could have been there and was wondering what had taken place.


Jaya Sri Radhe!

Babhru Das - September 1, 2006 2:27 am

How wonderful! Thanks for sharing that with us. Radhastami is always fun for our family because our older daughter, Krishnamayi, was born on Radhastami in 1976. And since it was on the 31st then, she got to fast for her birthday today. And our friends Sravan (son of Gopavrindapala and Mulaprakriti) and Lalita had a daughter today. So there's fun all around. Just the same, I wish I had been there.

Swami - September 1, 2006 3:19 am

Thank you for posting today's festivities. I was wishing all day I could have been there and was wondering what had taken place.


Jaya Sri Radhe!



We have ben reading all week from adi-lila 4, wherein Radha is discussed in the context of the internal reasons for Mahaprabhu's appearance. We read two sections with a short discussions and a third reading involved considerable discussion. Highlights included:


Acintya bheda-bheda

The significance of Radha's being the six oppulences of Krsna—sarva laxmi krsnera sad vidha aisvarya

How the Bhagavata is all about Radha's love for Krsna. Sections such as the 5th canto cosmology, Daksa yajna the stories of various kings, etc were given as examples.

The significance of Yasaoda's daughter taking up residence in the Vindhya Mountian range with regard to Radha's chastity and its true meaning.

How the names Yasoda and Kirtida (Radha's mother) both imply "giving fame," and how they dealt with it.


Some of these topics may surface again during Saturday's discussions.


Other services included but were not limited to cleaning and stringing popcorn. Our thanks to Mararah devi for sewing a beautiful outfit for Gaura Nityananda! Jaya Radhe!

Vrindaranya Dasi - September 1, 2006 2:15 pm

Here are photos of the abhiseka.



Krsna Rati Bainum - September 23, 2006 11:06 pm

thank you for posting that I am a bit late in repling to this but I am happy to know what has happened there