

Philip Breakenridge - September 5, 2006 5:37 am

I had a question regarding the days we are required to fast until noon. I have no problem doing this when I'm off from work or working later in the day, but it might be more difficult for me now that I'm working early morning shifts. My job can be physically demanding and I tend to be a bit hypoglycemic.


Is it acceptable to do an Ekadasi fast instead?


Hare Krishna,


p. :)

Bhrigu - September 5, 2006 7:45 am

Fasting is one of those things that the body grows accustomed to. From my own experience I can honestly say that it becomes much easier wity time.


But before that happens, try eating more the evening before. Also, make a mental samkalpa (determination) in the morning that this day you will fast for the pleasure of Guru and Gauranga, come what may. Such a strong resolve will also make the fasting easier. If you start thinking about whether or not to continue the fast, whether to take only fruits etc, your mind will just make it so much more difficult for you.


You can also always drink some water (except on Nirjala Ekadasi, of course), something that usually helps.

Vrindaranya Dasi - September 5, 2006 3:57 pm

Here at Audarya when devotees have a lot of service on a fasting day, Guru Maharaja gives the option of drinking milk or a yogurt drink or whatever is necessary to get the service done without undue discomfort; therefore, I suspect that he would be okay with an Ekadasi fast in your situation.