
Culture of soybeans in India

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 6, 2006 11:52 pm

I have heard a lot of different opinions such as that soy is kapha "tamasic" food and cannot be offered. Can anybody substantiate this? What is our view on soy? Thanks!

Shyam Gopal Das - September 7, 2006 6:06 pm

In Finland the deities eat tofu sandwiches!

Jananivasdas - September 11, 2006 1:59 pm

im a vegan and i offer soya to my deitys...so am i demon?!? :Party: or :(

Philip Breakenridge - September 12, 2006 2:36 pm

I offer soy milk and tofu to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai every day as well. I hope I'm not a :Party: too.



Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 12, 2006 10:23 pm

Well, what I find strange is that soy is a very healthy source of protein and well rooted in Asia. The question is why it’s virtually unknown in India? I know it’s widely used in Nepal. Legumes are one of the basic foodstuffs in India, so what was the problem with soy? It’s pretty easy to grow and the climate is suitable. I find it interesting. Maybe Bhrigu has an answer.

Bhrigu - September 13, 2006 6:59 am

I'm afraid I don't, except that soybeans don't really taste that good. And you can't really compare fresh homemade cheese and tofu! :Party: But I don't think that soybeans are unknown in India. I have heard from several Indian friends that they are widely grown and eaten there as well. Perhaps Vivek could add something?

Bijaya Kumara Das - September 13, 2006 9:03 am

There is a new book out about the draw backs of the soybean The Whole Soy



My research back in the 70's and 80's showed that excess in the diet lead to some health concerns with kidney problems and others.


It has a large amount of protein per pound and excess leads to kytosis. One only needs about 10 to 15% protein in the diet.


Krsnas' diet is the best with 20-30% fat, 55-60% carbohydrates and 10-15% protein.

Jananivasdas - September 14, 2006 12:17 pm

There is a new book out about the draw backs of the soybean The Whole Soy



My research back in the 70's and 80's showed that excess in the diet lead to some health concerns with kidney problems and others.


It has a large amount of protein per pound and excess leads to kytosis. One only needs about 10 to 15% protein in the diet.


Krsnas' diet is the best with 20-30% fat, 55-60% carbohydrates and 10-15% protein.


is krsna on a diet? :Party:

Bijaya Kumara Das - September 14, 2006 4:49 pm

is krsna on a diet? :Party:


Of course the diet of love and proper eating.

Vivek - September 14, 2006 6:57 pm

In India the use of soy has picked up over the last 10 years but its prevalance is mostly in the urban centers. Tofu is not really available readily in India. The main concern for some devotees with soy is that as it is high protein so it can agitate the sexual organs more.

I myself do offer and eat tofu and it will be very difficult to change your diet completly to a diet of a rishi living in himalayas!!

Bijaya Kumara Das - September 18, 2006 4:10 am

It is just another bean.


It got its way in to the main stream because of its high protein content as compared to meat in the 70-80's.

Swami - September 18, 2006 11:58 am

is krsna on a diet? :Applause:


That depends on the bhava of the devotee cooking for him. Mahaprabhu exhibited the lila of indigestion and Murari cooked for him in consideration of it. I believe that Murari was vaidya—ayur veidc doctor.

Jason - September 18, 2006 1:46 pm

Not sure if this is accurate or not, but I heard not too long ago that soy is rather high in estrogen, and for men, too much soy isn't the best thing? I believe that I was at Whole Foods and overheard the conversation. A lady was searching for high protein meat-substitutes for her son, and she wanted to steer clear of too much soy.


Does anyone know if this is true? I often offer Tofu dishes to my Deities as well.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 18, 2006 2:54 pm

soy is rather high in estrogen, and for men, too much soy isn't the best thing

Hehe, maybe good for brahmacharis though :Applause:

Bijaya Kumara Das - September 19, 2006 6:55 am

Not sure if this is accurate or not, but I heard not too long ago that soy is rather high in estrogen, and for men, too much soy isn't the best thing? I believe that I was at Whole Foods and overheard the conversation. A lady was searching for high protein meat-substitutes for her son, and she wanted to steer clear of too much soy.


Does anyone know if this is true? I often offer Tofu dishes to my Deities as well.



That is pretty much true. Along with other excess eating of soy causes.


Milk curd is best.

Jananivasdas - September 19, 2006 12:18 pm

Benjamin Franklin came across some interesting beans, known as Chinese Caravances, while serving in England as the agent for the colony of Pennsylvania,. The beans, which could be made into a kind of cheese, fascinated him. He sent a few back to America with instructions that they be distributed to farmers willing to plant them. The Chinese Caravance is now known as the soybean, and the seeds that Franklin sent home gave rise to a soybean harvest currently worth $10 billion each year to American farmers. The "cheese" that so interested Franklin can be found in health stores today - it's called tofu.

