

Philip Breakenridge - September 7, 2006 2:39 am

Hari bol,


I'm confused as to the difference between first and second initiation and the requirements which must be met for each. Could someone help me out with this?




p. :P

Vamsidhari Dasa - September 7, 2006 3:21 am

The requirement is Mercy of Sri Guru and Gauranga!

Hari Bol!!!!!!!!

Gaurangi-priya Devi - September 8, 2006 1:50 pm

Initiation is definetely the mercy of Guru, as he gives the disciple the holy name (first or harinam initiation) and the gayatri mantras in second or diksa initiation.


As far as from the disciple's point of view, initiation means taking one's commitement to a higher level and becoming a card carrying member of Lord Caitanya's movement. It means making an intention to commit to the process of Krsna consciousness under the guidance of a spiritual teacher. From my experience this has great power, as you chant now with accountability, the blessings of a Vaisnava, as well as with the Guru's invested power when he gives you the holy name.


Second initiation is usually given when the devotee shows some lasting committment to the process, or whenever the guru sees the disciple fit. There can be misunderstandings in regards to second initition which is sometimes described as brahmana initiation. But it isn't just given to those wanting to be a brahmana or perform Deity worship. As Guru Maharaj describes in Siksastakam verse five, "This mantra assists the sadhaka in the sadhana of nama-sankirtana." So actually the Krsna mantra and those in the gayatri mantras help the devotee with the chanting of Harinam. It also enables the devotee greater service in Deity worship, as these mantras are used in Deity worship.


At the end it really is about the relationship between guru and disciple. Initiation is a natural progression of that relationship, a formal solidifying of the committment to each other (the guru mercifully declaring that he will help one on the path of bhakti, and the disciple committing to taking that help and following the process given by him), and a public declaration of one's faith. It is also the formalization of becoming connected to the guruparampara and recieving the help and blessings of all those great personalities in our line, just as plugging into an outlet enables one the electrical current coming from the powerhouse.


As far as requirements, each Guru has certain requirements that should be personally discussed with him, but usually a committement to chanting japa everyday and obstaining from those activities that deter us from Krsna-bhakti.


These are my experiences. I hope it helps some in your understanding.

Philip Breakenridge - September 8, 2006 5:23 pm

Such excellent explanations!


Thank you.

