
Govardhana Puja Festival Cancelled

Prema-bhakti Marga - October 16, 2006 4:46 pm

Dandavats. Jai Sri Guru and Gauranga.


It is with regret that we inform you that the Audarya Govardhana Puja festival scheduled for Sunday, October 22nd is cancelled.


As many of you may know Guru Maharaja and the other Audarya-vasis have been working 12-hour days for some time often with the added problem of unpredictable weather. It finally came to the point where they felt they would not be able to complete the required work on the temple and then shift into festival mode by Sunday.


We are sorry for any disappointment and inconvenience. We ask that you please inform others you may have personally invited of the cancellation.


Thank you.


Your servant,


Bijaya Kumara Das - October 17, 2006 3:36 pm

3 bedroom penthouse for Saturday the 21st in Windsor may be available if no one picks up my cancelation.


It sleeps 6


give me a call if anyone wants to stay there for the night. 530 644 4966