
position of demons in spiritual world

Vivek - October 30, 2006 5:21 pm


We know that hiranyakasyapa and hiranyaksha are jaya and vijaya from spiritual world who have come to this world only to facilitate the lila of the Lord. But are other demons who are killed by the lord like kamsa, trinavarta and bhaumasura also nitya siddhas. If not, what is their qualification for being killed by the lord, as according to our philosophical understanding nobody can attain liberation if he has an offensive mentality towards lord, but the demons do have offensive mentality.

Please clarify the doubt.

Jason - October 31, 2006 4:08 am

In a recent lecture, and in a recent thread on here, GM has said that the nitya-siddha never falls from the spiritual world, and the sadhana-siddha, having reached that place, only returns for special circumstances and by a special arrangement. I was listening to another class today from last Nrsimha caturdasi where Maharaja explained that Lord Narayana (in regards to the Jaya and Vijaya pastime in Vaikuntha involving the 4 Kumaras), saw an opportunity to appease Laksmi devi's hurt feelings (without seeming "hand-pecked") by honoring the curse of the Kumaras on Jaya and Vijaya. I'm assuming that this is one of those "special circumstances" where, to facilitate the earthly lila of the Supreme, liberated person's return.


I'm just throwing this out here, I have no idea if this is right or not...but, since demons like Putana and Kamsa and had previous lives (Putana was Ratnamala, Kamsa was Kalanemi) doesn't that mean that they were not nitya-siddhas (because they returned)? Ratnamala wanted to kill the person (the Supreme Lord) who defeated her father, Bali Maharaja and Kalanemi's children stopped listening to their grandfather Hiranyakasipu to follow Lord Brahma; so they were cursed to be born as Devaki's children and be killed by Kamsa (their father). Assuming that they were not eternally liberated persons, and understanding that the Vishnu portion of Krsna is actually killing the demons (to administer justice), then wouldn't their [demons] qualification be that they desired to have some fighting rasa with the Lord in previous lives? Maharaja mentioned that sometimes God engages in vira-rasa????


I thought that the "liberation" that the demons received when killed by Krsna was more of an impersonal liberation; not that they attained Goloka Vrindavan?


Am I remotely close at all?

Gaurangi-priya Devi - November 2, 2006 1:28 am


I thought that the "liberation" that the demons received when killed by Krsna was more of an impersonal liberation; not that they attained Goloka Vrindavan?




I also think this is true in most cases. Of course Krsna gave Putana a position in vatsalya bhakti, seeing only her offering of her breasts for him to nurse, and not the fact that she had poison smeared on them. Such is His amazing kindness!! I would be interested to know about the other demons.

Bhrigu - November 3, 2006 3:09 pm

According to Bhagavatam 2.7.34-35 all the demons killed by Krishna either directly or through his associates achieved impersonal liberation or liberation in Vaikuntha. Sanatana Goswami speaks extensively about this in Brihad-bhagavatamrita 1.5.29 and commentary. But as Gaurangi-priya points out, most of them got impersonal liberation.