
a controversial point about women brought up

Vivek - November 15, 2006 9:20 pm

Though I know we use relativity of scripture to understand prabhupada' quotes when they talk about socioreligious issues. But in a discussion, the verse prabhupada talked about female child being produces when the female dischrage is more and male discharge is less, and linking more female children to weak effeminate men was brought about. And as a response one person said that if that is always true then how come saci mata had ten female children before she bore chaitanya mahaprabhu. Obviously this logic cannot be applied here.

Devotees, sometimes the pastime of ten female children dying just makes the appearance of chaitanya mahaprabhu look ordinary event to me. Can devotees please pray so that i can get deeper faith in chaitanya mahaprabhu being krsna like you. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Also are both visnupriya and lakshmipriya(two wives of sri chaitanya) manifestations of lakshmidevi. Then why only visnupriya is worshipped and not lakshmipriya.

Citta Hari Dasa - November 15, 2006 11:41 pm

The whole idea of lila--Krsna-lila or Gaura-lila--is that it appears ordinary, but in reality it is the play of God. The term used to describe it is aprakrta, referring to its otherworldly nature even while it looks like it is of this world.


Srila Prabhupada's comments on the verse you mentioned cannot be applied to the lila, since he is not referring to that--he is referring to the process of material birth. Since the lila is the play of the Absolute, we can draw much philosophical meaning from what goes on in it. In Krsna lila there were seven children born to Devaki prior to Krsna's appearance, and Guru Maharaja has said that these children symbolized various anarthas that are to be cleansed from the heart before Krsna will appear there. Since Gaura-lila and Krsna-lila are the same in essence, we can say the same of Sacimata's daughters. In either case it is no ordinary event, even while it appears so.

Vivek - November 16, 2006 1:21 am

The whole idea of lila--Krsna-lila or Gaura-lila--is that it appears ordinary, but in reality it is the play of God. The term used to describe it is aprakrta, referring to its otherworldly nature even while it looks like it is of this world.


Srila Prabhupada's comments on the verse you mentioned cannot be applied to the lila, since he is not referring to that--he is referring to the process of material birth. Since the lila is the play of the Absolute, we can draw much philosophical meaning from what goes on in it. In Krsna lila there were seven children born to Devaki prior to Krsna's appearance, and Guru Maharaja has said that these children symbolized various anarthas that are to be cleansed from the heart before Krsna will appear there. Since Gaura-lila and Krsna-lila are the same in essence, we can say the same of Sacimata's daughters. In either case it is no ordinary event, even while it appears so.

thank you what is the identity of lakshmipriya and visnupriya and why is only visnupriya worshipped.

Gaurangi-priya Devi - November 16, 2006 1:43 am

Also are both visnupriya and lakshmipriya(two wives of sri chaitanya) manifestations of lakshmidevi. Then why only visnupriya is worshipped and not lakshmipriya.


Visnupriya gave the world Mahaprabhu by allowing him to take sannyasa, and so we are eternally indebted to her. She also fully showed the mood of service in separation. Everyone in the world could see Mahaprabhu, except her. She sacrificed her happiness with him, for the benefit of humanity. And so we worship her more because she gave us our life.


Lakshmipriya is also worshiped as the wife of Mahaprabhu who couldn't bear being separated from him when he visited East Bengal. Here is something about her from Caitanya-bhagavata.


"Meanwhile, in Navadvipa, Laksmi was very unhappy at heart to be separated from her Lord. The goddess always served Mother Sace. From the time of her Lord's departure she did not eat anything. In name only did she accept only a little food. In her heart she was very unhappy to be separated from her Lord. The Lord was her only master. Every night she wept. Not for a moment was she happy at heart. Laksmi could not bear separation from her Lord. She longed to be with Him. Leaving behind, in this earthly world, a false image of her form, she went, unseen, to her master's side. By the Ganga's bank, in meditation holding her master's lotus feet to her breast, she departed in glory"


I'm pretty sure that we celebrate Visnupriya's app. and diss. days on the Gaudiya Vaisnava calendar, but I'm not sure about Laksmipriya.

Dhiralalita - November 16, 2006 2:24 pm

Can devotees please pray so that i can get deeper faith in chaitanya mahaprabhu being krsna like you. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Also are both visnupriya and lakshmipriya(two wives of sri chaitanya) manifestations of lakshmidevi. Then why only visnupriya is worshipped and not lakshmipriya.

My suggestion for acquiring faith in Lord Chaitanya is while you chant japa you pray for the holy name to give you more faith in that area. Really pray and beg for this. And keep on reading the Chaitanya Caritamrita. Reading aloud helps the text become more ingrained. Reading in association with one or several devotees who possess that faith is even more efficient.

As far as Visnu Priya is concerned Gaurangi Priya's answer is very nice. Visnu Priya also represent our sentiment for love in separation. she fashioned a deity of Lord Chaitanya herself and worshipped that deity. She chanted incessantly and only allowed herself to eat as many grains of rice she had accumulated after each rounds.

Bhrigu - November 17, 2006 8:10 am

Sometimes Nimai Pandit is worshipped together with both Laksmipriya and Vishnupriya, for example at the Yogapitha temple in Mayapur established by Thakur Bhaktivinod.
