
identity of ramananda raya

Vivek - November 21, 2006 5:03 pm

There is one more aspect topic i wanted the opinion of devotees on a issue like different identities of people in gaura lila given by different acaryas. Like Maharaja said according to bhaktivinoda thakur ramananda raya is visakha sakhi and according to kavi karnapura he is lalita sakhi. So sometimes it confuses me, is it that both identies are simulataneously true, or is it according to mood of acaryas krsna shows different identities about different persons to them. For a person who is kind of intellect driven it will be hard to see how too many identities which are in some ways conflicting are attributed to one person, especially as we acknowledge individuality as opposed non-duality and oneness of advaita vedanta. Please shed light on this subject.

Rama-priya - November 26, 2006 1:39 pm

As far as i understood different persons can see the same thing differently because of feeling they have. For example if someone loves Krsna as a friend he can see everything, each thing reminds of this relation and I think it's possible to see relations of other devotees according his or her love. Therefore sometimes for example we can see that different devotees have different vision of relation of Srila Prabhupada. Of course objective true is one, but from another point of view everything is possible and in one body can be two persons simultenously as it was in the example of Sri Gaurahari: SRi Radha and Sri Krsna in one body.


Such is my understanding of this topic.



