
A Roof Over Their Heads

Citta Hari Dasa - November 21, 2006 11:16 pm

Dandavat fellow Tattva-vivekis!


As the Christmas season—the season of giving—rolls around, we have an important service opportunity for you all. Here at Audarya we have two friends, Gaura and Nitai, and we would like to buy them a roof for their temple for Christmas. You can play a part in this--some of the funds you would already spend on gifts can be used for a gift for someone very special.


What kind of roof will it be, you might wonder. After many hours of research Guru Maharaja has found an aesthetically pleasing and economically feasible roofing material that will be a fitting accent for the temple and be long-lasting as well. All but the altar roof will be a corrugated metal called Cor-Ten, a product that weathers into a deep rust color with subtle brown and purplish overtones. The altar roof will be shingled with cedar shingles to distinguish it from the rest of the building. As Guru Maharaja's taste is impeccable, I have confidence that the two together will create a very classy look.


The breakdown for this is as follows:


For the Cor-ten roof:


2,700 square feet @ $1.53 per sq. ft. ($4,131) plus 10% for flashing, valleys, ridge and rakes and screws, for a total of $4,544.00.


Add $450 for shipping and 7.5% sales tax for a grand total of $5,334.00.


For the shingles:


300 square feet @ $2.50 per sq. ft. ($750.00 ) plus 5% for nails and waste plus sales tax = $850.00.


The total for the two roofs is $5,400.00.


So, this Christmas season you can help to give a great gift that will keep giving for the next 70 or so years--a roof over the holy heads Sri Sri Gaura Hari and Nitaicanda.


Happy Holy-days! :)

Robertnewman - November 22, 2006 4:28 am

$5,334.00 + $850.00 = $5,400.00???

Bijaya Kumara Das - November 22, 2006 7:50 am

We will apply the return milk machine credit estimated at 1900 should the insurance reimburse us the 1300.


I would also soon be able to apply the full amount to a credit card should the devotees want to make payments which are now by law 2% of the balance or a round 110 per month.

Citta Hari Dasa - November 23, 2006 12:06 am
$5,334.00 + $850.00 = $5,400.00???


Woops! :) Make that $6,200.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - November 23, 2006 2:36 am

I would also soon be able to apply the full amount to a credit card should the devotees want to make payments which are now by law 2% of the balance or a round 110 per month.

What do you mean?

Bijaya Kumara Das - November 23, 2006 4:10 am

What do you mean?

if some one would like to make the payments on 6200.00 charged to the credit card the payment would be 124 per month.


The 110.00 per month was based on 5500.00 charged to the card, 2% of the balance charged.

Swami - December 1, 2006 4:48 pm

Thanks to Robert Newman, Bijaya Kumara, and Tharsan we have gone through the roof and almost realized enough to pay for both the roofing itself and the isulation that goes under it. We are only $434 short of the entire cost of the insulation ($3000), having raised $8,766. May Mahaprabhu bless those who have helped us to realize this service, as well as those who wished they could have helped.



PS. Robert will alo visit for one wek to help us install the roof!