
Asheville, North Carolina

Karnamrita Das - November 26, 2006 4:09 pm

Guru Maharaja has expressed to me his desire to purchase land in Asheville, North Carolina, saying that in his mind it is a necessity for his married disciples, and it is only a matter of time before it manifests. As a result of his vision, I have begun traveling there monthly to pave the wave for his future visits and eventual rural community.


I have made some good contacts with devotees and others in the area. One devotee holds a bi-monthly feast at Namaste Yoga and Healing Center, which I attend and have met many interested people. I also met the owner who attends the kirtans, lecture, and feast. I have been favorably impressed with his openness (we can use it is all One to our advantage). Actually we have arranged Swami to speak at Namaste on his next visit (Tuesday, December 19th from 7-9PM) and at a community center in downtown Winston-Salem (Thursday, December 21st from 7-9PM). There will be a dance by Gaurangi-priya, kirtana, and a talk by Swami titled, "Myth and Meaning".


In addition I stayed with a very talented devotee musician who will put us up when Swami and company visits there in December. Besides having a program at Namaste, we will also look at land on two days to get a feel for what is available, and hopefully inspire others to become involved in this project. I met the Realtor for lunch and she is a real gem, a good fit for us. She has been corresponding with Swami for some years. We looked at various properties on paper and narrowed it down to the most suitable ones in different areas around the Asheville area. This is a good place to have a presence in and very beautiful. My analysis from my few visits is that Asheville will be a good fit for Swami, and a rural community for monks as well as Grihasthas. I have to admit that I am a bit of a new ager by conditioning and healing practice, so I feel right at home and can speak that lingo.


I will keep you all posted as to our progress. A statement by an acquaintance of Prabhupada sums up my feeling of this endeavor:


a subway conductor, a Turkish Jew, Mr. Ruben: "He seemed to know that he would have temples filled up with devotees. He would look out and say, 'I am not a poor man, I am rich. There are temples and books, they are existing, they are there, but the time is separating us from them.' He always mentioned 'we' and spoke about the one who sent him, his spiritual master. He didn't know people at that time, but he said, 'I am never alone.'...." lilamrta vol 2 (Planting the Seed) pg 38


So only time is separating us. Or from the Gita, 11th chapter, vs 33. It is already done, the obstacles removed, and we are only an instrument! (My paraphrase) Also look at 18th Chapter vrs 58-62

Bhrigu - November 26, 2006 5:01 pm

This is wonderful and exiting news, Karnamrita! Please keep us posted on how all of this develops!

Gaurangi-priya Devi - November 26, 2006 5:47 pm

Karnamrita has really been doing some nice work in Asheville, and I'm excited about the visit out there when Gurumaharaj comes in December. Here is a link to the website of the Namaste yoga center. If you look up events there is an ad about the program!!



Nanda-tanuja Dasa - November 26, 2006 11:41 pm

If you look up events there is an ad about the program!!


There is a couple of spelling errors in the ad, maybe you can let them know: "Swaimi" and "Califorina". Great news!

Guru-nistha Das - November 26, 2006 11:58 pm

Exciting! Keep pushing it Karnam, you're doing a valuable service.

Karnamrita Das - November 27, 2006 2:06 am

There is a couple of spelling errors in the ad, maybe you can let them know: "Swaimi" and "Califorina". Great news!


Yeah I was less than thrilled by this ad. I didn't have the chance to proof read it. I am working on a better one...... Someone just copied the info from the flier (and either is a lousy speller or was half asleep) and beside the two you mentioned, there is also, "scared rapture" instead of sacred, (maybe they will think this is something new) and Devine instead of Divine. Anyway it is a start. We will do better.



Karnamrita Das - December 3, 2006 1:55 am

The following was in the Nanaste email newsletter for December sent out a few days ago. It has made it to their web site yet.



North America Tour: Join Swami B. V. Tripurari for Kirtan and class on Myth and Meaning



Come and explore the depths and heights of Meaning


Tuesday, December 19th


Free Event - Donations Appreciated


Through Traditional Indian dance:


Gaurangi Priya will be performing a Bharata-natyam dance. Bharata-natyam, literally meaning the dance of India, is an ancient classical dance form that used to be performed in the temples of India. This dance style consists of rhythmic footwork, various facial expressions, and hand gestures called mudras. Gaurangi has been dancing since she was 7 years old, and has dedicated much time to studying, performing and teaching this dance.




Kirtana, or group chanting or singing names of God, is a familiar practice at yoga centers including Namaste. Our type of kirtana is in the tradition of Shri Chaitanya who appeared in Bengal 500 years ago. We invite you to participate to your full heart's satisfaction!


And a talk and discussion lead by Swami Tripurari:


Poet, mystic, philosopher, Spiritual Master, and author of 10 books, Swami Tripurari comes to us from his Northern California hermitage amidst majestic Mendocino redwoods. He will share his insights about "Myth and Meaning" on the path of spiritual growth and love. Please join us in welcoming him on the first of his planned regular visits to Asheville.




Babhru Das - December 3, 2006 3:52 am

How wonderful! Thank you for making these arrangements and setting a good example for us. And thank you for sharing this with us.

Prema-bhakti Marga - December 5, 2006 5:34 pm

This is exciting!


I am looking forward to hearing how things go and hopefully seeing some pics too.

Karnamrita Das - December 10, 2006 2:47 am

This is exciting!


I am looking forward to hearing how things go and hopefully seeing some pics too.



Swami's visit here is coming up very soon and we are very excited. The final details are being worked out. We hope to make this his best trip yet! For the first time we are spending more time away from "the village" (our home) and are only having a few talks here. There is more interest other places than at our community unfortunately.


The December newsletter is finally up on the Namaste yoga site, so you can see the type of people they have there, and imagine the audience: http://www.namasteasheville.com/workshops.html