
Holy days in December

Rama-priya - November 28, 2006 9:42 am

Here below is the list of forthcoming holy days in December


1st Dec (Fr) – Dvadasi, fast for Moksada Ekadasi;

2nd Dec (Sa) – Trayodasi, fast break 07:06 - 10:21;

4th Dec (Mo) – Purnima, end of Katyayani Vrata (A vow to observe austerities to please Katyayani Devi, or Yogamaya Devi, the spiritual energy of Lord Krsna), beginning of Narayana Masa (month Narayana);

8th Dec (Fr) – Caturthi, disappearance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura (fast till noon);

15th Dec (Fr) – Ekadasi, fast for Saphala Ekadasi, disappearance of Sri Devananda Pandita;

16th Dec (Sa) Dvadasi, fast break 09:48 - 10:29, Dhanus Sankranti (Sun enters Sagittarius);

17th Dec (Su) Trayodasi, disappearance of Sri Mahesa Pandita (Was one of the twelve gopalas who were close associates of Lord Nityananda. He traveled and preached with Lord Nityananda) and Sri Uddharana Datta Thakura (Was an intimate associate of Lord Nityananda. Raised in a family of gold merchants, he later married and became a wealthy minister. Lord Nityananda would often stay in his home. At the age of twenty-six, Uddharana Datta Thakura renounced home and family and joined Lord Nityananda's kirtana party);

20th Dec (We) – Pratipat, appearance of Sri Locana Dasa Thakura (A disciple of Narahari Sarakara Thakura, wrote many Bengali songs glorifying Lord Caitanya. His most famous poetic work is the Caitanya-mangala, a depiction of Lord Caitanya's life);

22nd Dec (Fr) – Tritiya, disappearance of Srila Jiva Gosvami and Sri Jagadisa Pandita (Lived near Jagannatha Misra, the father of Lord Caitanya, in Sridhama Mayapur. Jagadisa Pandita assisted Lord Caitanya in spreading the sankirtana movement in Jagannatha Puri);

30th Dec (Sa) – Ekadasi, fast for Putrada Ekadasi;

31st Dec (Su) – Dvadasi, fast break 07:24 - 10:05, appearance of Sri Jagadisa Pandita.



