
North Carolina, December 2006

Gauravani Dasa - December 19, 2006 1:03 pm

Guru Maharaja arrived in North Carolina yesterday. Madan Gopal and Gaurangi Priya picked him up at the Charlotte airport, while Karanmrta and I drove straight to Asheville. We all met up at the home of Byravesh (sp?) and his wife Jean.


Last night, Karnam, Madan Gopal and I heard Guru Maharaja speak about his vision for the preaching in Asheville. He has a great plan based the kind of people he would like to attract. I am trying hard to weasel my way into helping with the project :Big Grin:


Today we are going out with a realtor to take a look at land. Karnam printed out some descriptions of the property we will be looking at, and it all looks great! We will also take a look around the city, then tonight is a program at Namaste Yoga Center.


The airport failed to bring Guru Maharaja's books on the flight, so I am hoping they will arrive this morning in time for the preaching tonight.


Personally, I am happy to be back in GM's presence. It is an opportunity to exercise my heart in personal guruseva and get a betting feeling for how GM wants to proceed with the project.


More to come...

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - December 19, 2006 1:08 pm

Could someone write more about this project? It is the first time I heard about it. :Big Grin:

Vamsidhari Dasa - December 20, 2006 12:47 am

Keep us posted Gauravani and nice to have you doing this. :Big Grin:

Jason - December 20, 2006 12:59 am

Could someone write more about this project? It is the first time I heard about it. :Sigh:


Hey, if London doesn't work out, you could consider North Carolina! I've been doing a little investigating lately. Seems like a cool, though small college town...real mode of goodness type setting with some possibilities for those who still like to have 1 foot at Audarya and 1 foot in the city. Schools, employment and lots of nature....oh, the possibilities.... :Big Grin:

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - December 20, 2006 9:57 am

Hey, if London doesn't work out, you could consider North Carolina! I've been doing a little investigating lately. Seems like a cool, though small college town...real mode of goodness type setting with some possibilities for those who still like to have 1 foot at Audarya and 1 foot in the city. Schools, employment and lots of nature....oh, the possibilities.... :Big Grin:

He he thanks for invitation. :) I could consider it, but what to do with these demons who wherever I go say: show me your visa, show me your visa :Sigh:;)

Bhrigu - December 20, 2006 11:09 am

Madhavendra Puriji: Karnamrita Prabhu has posted about the Asheville project in Announcements. Just scroll down to the heart and that's it! :Big Grin:

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - December 20, 2006 12:04 pm

Madhavendra Puriji: Karnamrita Prabhu has posted about the Asheville project in Announcements. Just scroll down to the heart and that's it! :Big Grin:

Yeah, I found it now. Thanks.

Gauravani Dasa - December 21, 2006 2:31 pm

I don't have much time to write, but the Asheville program went great! The owner of the yoga center, as well as the attendees were very impressed by Guru Maharaja's talk. About 50 people showed up and listened to GM explain the significance of spiritual activity (bhakti), as opposed to spiritual rest (mukti). Many expressed appreciation and for the presentation and were touched by the fact that someone could speak from the heart.


We looked at two properties in the surrounding areas. We got a good feel for what is available, and an idea of what questions to ask in the future. I told GM that just looking at the properties makes me think of so many things we could do! I just want to make it all happen for GM! We looked at another property on Wednesday which had to be viewed while riding on a four-wheeler! Madan Gopal got to drive GM around while Gaurangi Priya, Karnamrta and I enjoyed the rare occasion :Big Grin:


Having enough money is an obstacle right now. Asheville is an excellent area to invest in because it is growing. But to purchase a large parcel of land will required a down payment and the ability to make monthly payments for the mortgage. We are talking 100s of thousands of dollars. We need committed people.


Asheville is the kind of city that could be deeply influenced by a community of devotees. The next step is to get move devotees there, which Madan Gopal, Gauragni Priya and I are working on :Sigh:


Time for the morning talk. We are going to Winston Salem tonight.

Madangopal - December 21, 2006 4:45 pm

We looked at another property on Wednesday which had to be viewed while riding on a four-wheeler! Madan Gopal got to drive GM around while Gaurangi Priya, Karnamrta and I enjoyed the rare occasion :)

I may hold the rare distinction of having been the only disciple to be Guru Maharaj's all terrain vehicle driver. :Big Grin: As we were climbing onto the thing Guru Maharaj said to me with a chuckle "My life is in your hands." :Sigh: Whew, I did all right though.


More about Asheville soon, pictures included.

Madangopal - December 21, 2006 5:10 pm

Last night, Karnam, Madan Gopal and I heard Guru Maharaja speak about his vision for the preaching in Asheville. He has a great plan based the kind of people he would like to attract. I am trying hard to weasel my way into helping with the project :Big Grin:

Guru Maharaj has jokingly referred to Gauravani as our GBC because he has a good propensity for management and organization. Gauravani did a nice job of organizing the follow-up materials for the yoga center program; e-mail contact list, promotional materials and a book/cd table. He's also working on legally establishing our group - Sri Caitanya Sanga of North Carolina. Things are moving out here, we even have a GBC!

Gauravani Dasa - December 21, 2006 10:15 pm

A exceprt from this morning's class where Guru Maharaja explains his motivation and vision for the Asheville project: 25 MB, 30 mins

Prema-bhakti Marga - December 22, 2006 2:30 am

Thank you Gauravani for posting this! GM's vision is so inspiring.

Gauravani Dasa - December 22, 2006 2:20 pm

The Winston Salem program went great as well. It was a different type of crowd than Asheville. More "new-agey" and with less yoga orientation. GM spoke about the same topic, "Myth and Meaning," but with slightly different nuances suitable for the audience. He had them in the palm of his hand.


The event was held at Dulal Chandra and Arci's home. Arci owns a new-age type of store and has a large network of friends whom she invites to the talks when Guru Maharaja comes. I was very impressed with Arci's organization. The mood of their home is a perfect complement to GM's presentation. Dulal and Arci are great to work with!


This morning Guru Maharaja will probably give an intimate talk to a small group of devotees, then we are all off to Madan Gopal and Gaurangi Priya's home in Hillsborough for two nights. There, the audience will be mostly devotees. I am anxious to hear Guru Maharaja "plumb the depths!" :Big Grin:

Gaurangi-priya Devi - December 26, 2006 2:54 am

This visit with Gurumaharaj was really nice, and today, the day he returns to Audarya, is always the hardest. Returning to service in separation is an adjustment. It really was an awesome visit, and it's always so wonderful being in his presence and being able to render guruseva. It's nice being involved in helping with his vision for Asheville. I feel fortunate to be under his care, and excited about the possibilities that that entails.


The talks here at our house were wonderful. Devotees were really enlivened. One man said, "Wow, I'm really getting nourishment here." We had a smaller group due to the holiday time of year, but very sincere and eager.


I have pics from the Asheville visit, but will have to post them soon.

Bijaya Kumara Das - December 26, 2006 4:01 am

A exceprt from this morning's class where Guru Maharaja explains his motivation and vision for the Asheville project: 25 MB, 30 mins

Unable to open it and listen.


Hopefully it will be on a disk you send out.

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - December 26, 2006 10:13 am

Unable to open it and listen.


Hopefully it will be on a disk you send out.


Did you try right mouse clic, and save as ?

Karnamrita Das - December 27, 2006 12:05 am

Pranams all. I think we need an imbeded reporter for GM's trips. I am more intent on hearing then recording what is going on. I love to write but it does somewhat take away from the experience for me. I didn't have my camera along for most of the trip but I did manage some pics, and our realtor send some pics with Madan and Swami on the four wheeler.


I don't remember all talk topics but as always this will be a good series for the MP3.


We looked at 3 properties in Asheville. All had different merits and were worth pursuing. Only one problem---we don't have any money, but you have to start the dream somewhere and so we are. On the next visit GM wants to spend more time getting a feel for the town and visiting the 4 or so vegetarian restaurants to see what the need for another might be (for some lucky devotees ot run).


Sean who owns and manages Namaste Yoga and Healing Center, really liked our presentation.....partially because he received great feedback from the crowd. The people who attended were generally knowledgable about yoga and the ones I spoke with liked the personal idea of God, which amongst the yoga crowd is not common information as you know.


Bhairavesh, who we stayed with, is a full on musician and although he just moved there, seems to be connecting with many yoga and Kirtana people in other groups like Sangita who chant there regularly. His wife teaches yoga and would like to have her own studio. They are very generous devotees and we look forward to become better friends with them. Now, at least we have a connection in Asheville, which make the town more inviting. Different devotees in our area are considering moving there. We will keep you posted as to the developments.


The present loose plan is for devotees to move to town or near town and have programs in their homes and create a sanga for each other and meet interested people. Swami stresses that example is better than precept and that our outreach is really the outgrowth of our spiritual practice. GM feels that in this small city (70,000 people) we oould become a dominant spiritual group their by living our talk and being non-fanatic, yet speaking with urgency from our personal experience. Good friendships, authentic living, and mutual respect speak volumes more than big buildings.


Here are some pics from our final day in Asheville as we rode 4 wheelers to better view the property. It was a real blast!



We had two 4 wheelers:






Madan wonders how do you start this thing?






Swami waves as they start their trip (gulp!)






Madan gets the hang of it:






Into the wilderness:






the peanut gallery (Gaurangi, Gauravani, and yours truly) look on and wait their turn to ride:






I'll have more pics and commentary in days to come. I have to reduce the pics to post and that takes time.

Karnamrita Das - December 27, 2006 8:21 pm

Looks like we have a new look for Tattva-viveka, and my pictures are not in their proper places in the last post. I tried to fix them but to no avail. Hopefully the following pictures and comments will go together:


I have a few pics of Swami's talks at our home.




They are like a lot of other visits though I tried to get a few different angles:




Here is the talk at Archi's and Dulal Chandra's. A receptive crowd they have cultivated from their New Age Store in Winston-Salem, Kindred Spirits:




We walked over to Rama Road to visit the Mini Zebu cows. Swami introduced Mathura and his wife Chitra to them and now he is building his own herd.





Checking out the cows:



The cool cows and bulls:




Swami talks cow katha to the cowherd girl (Chitra)




Feeding the cows:




Walking back:




Wrapping it up at base camp:




Special: Miss Piggy who was saved from being made into sausage, now wanders throughout the village:



She is very big. She stands next to "Karma" the nextdoor neighbors dog who is just a bit smaller than a German Shepperd:



Vrindaranya Dasi - December 29, 2006 2:41 am

Thanks for the photos, Karanamrta.


I was curious how Miss Piggy is kept from wandering outside Prabhupada Village. Does she mostly stay around a particular devotee's house?

Vamsidhari Dasa - December 29, 2006 2:45 am


Bijaya Kumara Das - December 29, 2006 6:59 am
Did you try right mouse clic, and save as ?

thanks it worked great

Karnamrita Das - December 30, 2006 10:51 pm
I was curious how Miss Piggy is kept from wandering outside Prabhupada Village. Does she mostly stay around a particular devotee's house?


Miss Piggy or "Queenie" :Pig: as she is called, constantly digs out of her pen. The owners don't seem to be able to contain her. As far as animals go, pigs are supposed to be fainly intelligent similar to dogs. She is rather friendly, and seems well feed as she checks out the devotees yards for good vitals, though she can't relate to being patted or petted like a dog....she afterall is a somewhat abused pig, and you know how that childhood trauma affects one. :D


Then again, petting a pig is like petting a brush. In any case she is fun to have around. The cats and dogs in the neighborhood don't know what to make of her, and some devotees at first sight don't either. Some are afraid and run for shelter, thinking she might be a wild boar. :Alien: The joys of country livin'.

Gaurangi-priya Devi - January 9, 2007 5:00 pm

Here are some photos from the trip to Asheville with Gurumaharaj. Looking at land, the program at Namaste, celebrating Madan's and Arcana's birthdays, and Gandharvika getting a cookie.

Sorry for the delay.


Asheville_and_GM_trip_035.jpg Asheville_and_GM_trip_004.jpg Asheville_and_GM_trip_005.jpg




